Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 211: The excitement of Tiandou City! 【One】

Chapter 211: The excitement of Heaven Dou City! 【One】

Douluo calendar year 2633, December 1st.

Everyone will remember this day, because today is the beginning of a new era.

The flames of an information technology revolution ignited in Heaven Dou City, Qibao City, Xingluo City, Soto City, Haagen-Dazs City, and Fasno City.

Heaven Dou City.

Emperor Xue Ye personally ordered the birth of the magical thing of mobile phones.

Moreover, it is clear that the nobles who first joined the Tiandou nobles group will have a higher rank, and if they are common people, they will be directly baroned.

As soon as the edict came out, the whole city was in an uproar, and the mobile phone wave detonated the whole city in an instant, and even the Duke and Marquis were moved by the wind.

Compared to knighthood, the mere eight thousand gold coin mobile phones are not worth mentioning in their eyes!

The entrance to the city of entertainment was already overcrowded, and ten long lines stretched to the corner, blocking the streets.

"What a squeeze, funeral!"

"Has the previous one started? It's so boring to buy a mobile phone. Believe it or not, I got up and limped your leg."

"Yeah, has it started, Ma Liu, hurry up, I'm so worried!"


When it comes to the title, everyone is anxious, but helpless.

Prince Xue'an Wang Ling is in front, all the nobles are not allowed to jump in the line, they dare not refuse.

From the rear, seeing so many people on the scene, a man with a sheep beard and eyebrows suddenly stunned.

The man was Louhe, the housekeeper of the Earls of Moa, who came to buy a mobile phone.

He came immediately after receiving the earl's order. Unexpectedly, there were so many people on the scene.

However, as the steward of the earl's mansion, how could he rank behind these untouchables.


After clearing his throat, Lou He shouted loudly, "You all get out of the way. Lao Tzu is the butler of the Earl of Moya. He has delayed the Earl's important affairs, but he can't spare you."

With his head up and squinting, Lou Hebala was holding his eight beards, and he looked like a slave who bullied others, and he deserved to be from the Earls Court.

As if thinking that everyone would let go, Lou He couldn't help but swell, his cheeks rose slightly, and he was proud of his charm.

Even if it is the steward of the earl, what he represents is the face of the earl, who dares not give him some face!


But when he lowered his head and opened his eyes, and seeing everyone staring at him, as if looking stupid, Lou He was immediately stunned.

These unruly people dare not stop what I said!

Inverted! It's the opposite!

Angry, Lou He glanced at everyone fiercely, and fumbled for a whip from behind.

"Oh...It turned out to be the housekeeper of Louhe, who I thought was such a big tone?"

When he was about to teach these untouchables some lessons, a mocking and mocking voice rang from the crowd, and Lou He was stunned.

"Who is the bastard, who actually calls Lao Tzu by his name?"

Although it felt a little familiar, Lou He, who was irritated, didn't care about it at all, and shouted directly.

"Good, good! This is the first time the old man has been called a son, a steward of the earl's mansion, who dares to scold someone from the Marquis of Nalan."

"very good!"

The Marquis of Naran? ?

Hearing these four characters, Lou He's expression froze suddenly, and when he saw the old man's appearance, he only felt cold in his hands and feet.

"Nalan... butler?" Lou He's mouth was trembling, his face pale as if he had been drawn away from his soul.


You are the housekeeper of the Marquis, why are you lining up at the back?

However, what makes Louhe desperate is still behind...

"A mere slave dare to be so arrogant, do I need to give you the position now?"


Lou He's body trembled suddenly, his eyes turned to the middle-aged man less than ten meters away from him, his teeth biting his tongue in shock, his face paled again.

"Master Marquis Zhou Tong!!"


Must be dreaming!

Shaking his head, Lou He's eyes were blood-red like a madman, and he couldn't believe it.

When does the Marquis need to line up?

Nobility, isn't it always a priority? !

"So... I asked a marquis to make way for me just now?"


Lou He felt weak in his legs and feet, and fell limp to the ground, a stream of acid water flowing out of his crotch.

Seeing Lou He was actually scared to pee, everyone couldn't help covering their noses, and the Marquis Zhou Tong was also contemptuous.

"Bring me down to serve, lest you lose heart here!"

Waved to the surrounding sergeant, the latter two came out, wrinkled their noses and lifted Louhe away from here.

This is just a small episode. From the beginning of the queue to the formation of a long dragon, Louhe is not the first, nor the last.

But there are always people who pay the price, and those who suffer are generally not good people.

As time goes by, the team gets longer and longer.

Walking along the long dragon is the city of entertainment. In front of the square, an old and tall figure is standing there quietly.

The old man looked very ordinary, but he looked around, and no one dared to look at him, even the Duke had to lower his head.

The atmosphere was a bit scary in silence, and there was no laughter of buying mobile phones at all. Everyone was walking on thin ice, afraid to make any noise.

Xue'an, the first prince of the Tiandou Empire!

Looking at the crowd, Xue'an was expressionless, and then set his eyes on the two girls at the front of the team.

That's right!

No one would have thought that in the front of the team, there were actually two girls.

Seeing Xue'an looking at him, Shui Binger also nodded and greeted him. There was no fear of others in his crystal clear eyes.

Although she didn't chat much with Xue'an, she also knew that the other person had a kind personality and got along well.

"Xue Ye, I'll see how you end up."

Seeing Shui Bing'er greet herself, Xue'an couldn't help laughing, and a joke flashed in her eyes.

Two girls, Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er, were waiting here before dawn.

Xueye, Xueye, it's okay to let you show off your wise methods in the group, let the water family get two barons for nothing.

Moreover, it is a nine-year-old girl!

Although knowing that Shui Bing'er took advantage of the loophole, Xue An didn't let them leave either. Whoever pretended to force someone to clean up the mess himself, he was not a **** wiper.

"You are the girl of the Shui family, don't you know if you can change positions with you?"

Just as Xue'an felt funny, a middle-aged man suddenly walked up to Shui Bing'er, and talked with his face in a friendly manner.

With that, Lin Fengran glanced at Xue'an and saw that he hadn't stopped speaking, he was suddenly relieved and couldn't help laughing.

"You give me one hundred thousand gold coins, and I will exchange them with you, how about?"

Seeing the vacant seats in the second row, Shui Binger already knew that he was in 13th place, his eyes condensed, and a sly color flashed in his eyes, replied.

One hundred thousand gold coins?

"it is good!"

Unexpectedly, Shui Binger spoke so loudly, Lin Fengran thought for two seconds, and immediately agreed.

One hundred thousand gold coins, asking for a chance to be promoted to Duke, this is quite a bargain!

 Maybe some people don’t want to read these and write too much, so I speeded up the process, skipped writing, and went back to the topic of Douluo~



(End of this chapter)

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