Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 212: The boom in mobile phone sales! 【two】

Chapter 212 The mobile phone sales boom! 【two】

"Sister, why did you give him the position? That is the baronial position!"

Seeing her sister Shui Bing'er actually agreed to give up the first place, Shui Yue'er was completely incomprehensible.

Even though it is a lot of money in one hundred thousand gold coins, it feels worthless compared to the baronship!

The title of the empire is difficult to obtain now, and there are also their own territories. Although their water family is not the home of the rich, they will not exchange one hundred thousand gold coins for the title!

"You'll know later, don't worry, you won't be able to run the title." Cheng Zhu was in the chest, Shui Bing'er said in a low voice.


Hearing this, Shui Yue'er was also stunned, not knowing what Shui Bing'er thought.

They are now in the dozens of places. If someone in front buys a mobile phone and joins the group, the title has nothing to do with them!

Perhaps the only person who understands Shui Binger's thoughts at the moment is Xue'an.

The order of buying a mobile phone is important, but it is even more important to understand how to play with the mobile phone.

Without a specific operation guide, it is more difficult for others to join the group!

But Shui Binger...

She is in the aristocratic group now, as long as she buys this phone, then the title will be hers.

What a smart girl!

"His Royal Highness!"

After a while, Nangong Qiu came back with his feet on the aircraft, which Nangong Yunshan had bought from the auction.


After a brief exchange, Xue'an sent the professional team who entered the information to the center of the square.

In order to control the use of mobile phones, everyone who purchases a mobile phone will be recorded, forming a complete archive.

This was Su Xian's request, and it was also a death order from Emperor Xue Ye!

"Ahem... The sale of mobile phones has officially started. Every time ten people enter the center of the square to buy, the rest wait quietly."

Seeing that everything was prepared and the 100,000 mobile phones brought from Xiaoyao City were also carried out, Xue'an checked the time and officially announced the start.

The loud voice was spreading through the spirit power, and it spread all over the street. Everyone suddenly became excited and couldn't help but squeeze forward.

The sergeant guarding the square also moved slowly, giving way to a three-meter-long passage.

Seeing Xue'an wave his hand, the ten people in front of her immediately rushed up.

"Bring me 30 mobile phones, hurry up."

"I want three too, please hurry up!"

"Here are 16,000 gold coins. Give me two too."


"Sorry, mobile phones need one-to-one correspondence with users, so one person can only buy one."

(⊙o⊙) What?

One per person?

Hearing this, Lin Fengran was also a little dazed, but he recovered and immediately shouted:

"One for one, give me a cell phone."

"Excuse me, please fill in the information sheet, and you need to show your identity certificate!"

"it is good!"


After a while, ten people started playing tricks with their mobile phones, but they looked confused, and finally had to read the instructions.


Seeing ten people rushed out of the square in a daze, the number of nobles remained unchanged, Shui Bing'er immediately became happy, and immediately went forward to buy his own mobile phone.

The original eight thousand gold coins was still a huge sum of money for her, but after receiving the cost of one hundred thousand gold coins, it immediately changed.

After receiving the mobile phone, Shui Binger immediately registered another QQ number with her current mobile phone, and then changed her last QQ number to Xueyou's name.

Since Su Xian did not popularize mobile phone cards, the registration of QQ is always matched with the serial number of the mobile phone. The number of the mobile phone is the QQ number.

Inviting herself, Shui Binger immediately joined the group chat. The original group chat of fifteen people suddenly added another.

What stuff? !

Seeing that it was Shui Bing'er that had been added, Xueye was also taken aback when he was waiting for "all heroes in the world" in the palace.

Heaven Dou nobles...

"What's the matter, aren't you in the group? Why did you join the group again?"-[The Second Prince of the Empire]

"Shui Bing'er, shouldn't they have the same name and surname, right?" — [Imperial State Chief]

"Father, with the same name and surname, there are not many who can afford a mobile phone!"-[Mu Yi Tian Xia]

"It's also..."-[Empire State Head]


"Hehe... Your Majesty, I am the first to join the group, remember to give me the Baronship @雪夜大帝"

With a grin, Shui Binger immediately took a screenshot of her time to join the group, so as not to deny the emperor Xue Ye.

Xueye:! ! !

"Did you go to the site to buy a mobile phone?" Xue Ye asked strangely.

Nima! He was actually beaten by a nine-year-old girl!

No wonder this little Nizi begged to join the group so much, it turned out to be to inquire about Laozi's arrangements!


"Hahaha... Binger is really smart!"

Already able to think of Xue Ye's dumbfounded appearance, Nangong Yunshan suddenly laughed, and directly gave Shui Bing'er a red envelope.

"Father, explain!"——【Muyi Tianxia】

"Explain!"——【Xue Ye Great Emperor】

"Why do I never have a red envelope? Explain!"-[The Second Prince of the Empire]

"Huh! Don't give Keer a red envelope, Keer is angry! (Voice——【Little Princess】


Nangong Yunshan:.......

How do you feel, I stabbed a hornet's nest again?


Mobile phone sales in Tiandou City started, and Ning Fengzhi of Qibao City also got the news, and immediately started selling mobile phones.

The same price, eight thousand gold coins, this is a good deal for everyone, and it is not allowed to drop one point!

Different from Tiandou City, since Qibao City relied on the Qibao Glazed Glass Sect to be born, it was inextricably linked with the business in the city, so everyone obeyed the laying of the line.

"Everyone, this is the latest necessary tool, called a mobile phone!"

"Not only Sect Master Ning is using it, but Emperor Xueye is also using it. If you are lucky, you might be able to chat with them."

"Moreover, this gadget can also be used for timing, lighting, taking pictures, and watching TV and movies. It has very powerful functions. You can see this projection for yourself!"


Ning Sanxing yelled, and the huge projection behind him was also showing the functions of the phone. It was not a simple introduction, but a practical operation.

Even interactively connected to the video, the scene of Tiandou City selling mobile phones and the scene played on the mobile phone interface were also projected.

In short, this is the power of mobile phones!

In an instant, Qibao City also became restless, and this scorching heat was also blooming on all sides.

Due to the limited number of mobile phones, the imperial family and the Qibao Glazed Glass Sect tried their best to provide Heaven Dou City and Qibao City.

Bibi Dong's side is for nearby empires and provinces, and it doesn't involve Tiandou City.

Compared to the Heaven Dou Empire, the Star Luo Empire was caught off guard by the Shang Yun family.

When the royal family reacted, the sale of mobile phones had already begun, and it became more intense, faintly beyond the control of the royal family.

The clouds reached the sky, and the Emperor Tianyou was ordered into the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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