Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 221: Hu Liena had an accident! 【three】

Chapter 221 Hu Liena has an accident! 【three】

"what happened?"

Just using his extremely clever IQ to drive away the seven Yu Tianmin, Su Xian saw Qian Renxue walking over quickly, as if something was urgent, he couldn't help but ask.

"Look at this."

Without saying more, Qian Renxue passed the phone directly.

"The Royal Academy battles between old and new students, the most maddening freshman of this year, the 25th-level war soul master challenges the 31st-level war soul master!"

Seeing this passage, Su Xian couldn't help thinking of two figures.

Xie Yue and Hu Liena!

They are also the only freshmen who have recently entered. The spirit power of the two of them was at level 23 before, and now at level 25, but it is almost the same.

And the picture below also confirmed Su Xian's conjecture. I saw Xie Yue was standing on the stage of fighting the soul. Looking at the surrounding environment, it should be inside the Royal Academy.

"What's the matter, Xie Yue is not such a reckless talent!" Su Xian's brows were also frowned.

25-level battle soul master vs. 31-level battle soul master, this is basically not much suspense.

Not to mention the difference in spirit power, even a thousand-year-old spirit ability of the other party can crush you to death.

The protagonist Tang San faced Dai Mubai at the beginning, and under the premise of the control system restraining the aggressive attack system, he couldn't leapfrog one another, let alone other people.

[Pure soul ability contest, Tang San really can't beat it, only use Tang Sect hidden weapon]

Xieyue has a calm and steady temperament, and should also know this, it is impossible to do such a confused thing!

"You ask specifically what happened, and I will also ask Mengshenji."

Passing the phone back, Su Xian then took out his phone and asked the second grandfather Xue'an to pull himself into the group chat with the teachers of the Royal Academy.

"Fuck! Who is this, there is a new teacher in the college?"

"The new teacher enters the group to learn about the announcement. Red envelopes are customary. Don't dive and don't avoid this serious question."

"Start at a thousand, hurry up, or I will go to class!"

"Upstairs, you are exposed. Check out this weekend."



Ignoring the **** of the people in the group, Su Xian looked at the administrator and directly @梦入神机 Kan Destiny.

"Old Meng, what the **** is Xie Yue and the others, why are they fighting with the people in the academy?"

Dream old man? ?

The news in the group stopped suddenly, and then...

["Saobusao, you count" withdraw a message]

["Don't look, you don't understand me" withdraw a message]

["Tiandou Academy I am the most handsome" withdraws a message]



There are only a handful of people who dare to be called the old man of Simeng, and they can't afford to offend them.

"Sister Tao, I will see you at night, remember to dress up, eh~"

In the room, Mengshen Jizheng and Qingyayuan’s old friend's video, suddenly I saw someone in the teacher group @自己.

After a disgusting goodbye kiss, Mengshenji quickly opened the group chat.

"Who is that, dare to call me an old man!"

Seeing Su Xian's name, Mengshenji suddenly became a little angry, thinking that he was the second seat of the Royal Academy of Heaven Dou Empire, even if it was Xueye...

Ok? Xie Yue?

Seeing the following text, Mengshenji's heart suddenly stunned, he seemed to know which ancestor it was.

"His Royal Highness, why did you come in?" Mengshenji quickly sent out a few smiling and welcome expressions.

"Don't talk about anything else, I will ask Xie Yue what the **** is going on with them, why did they fight with the senior students?" Su Xian replied.

Hearing the dialogue between the two men of Mengshen, everyone seemed to know who came.

"Xie Yue two seem to be at odds with the White Family of Soul Douluo. They also visited the academy before. Xie Yue two were not there, and finally we were forced to retreat by a few of our teachers."

"In the past half month, the people in the academy seem to be deliberately suppressing the two. I don't know the specifics."

Mengshen Ji hasn't spoken yet. A teacher named [Love Me, Please Give Me One Hundred Every Day] has spoken to answer, and it seems that he is the teacher in charge of the two Xie Yue.

"The Bai family has come to Tiandou City?"

Hearing this, Su Xian's eyes dazzled. He seemed to know what was going on. It is estimated that Bai Jiaming couldn't get started. This is for someone to do it!


You can move the person you protect!

"Show me Xieyue, if something happens to him, I will hang you in front of the college for people to visit."

After sending a message to Mengshenji, Su Xian quickly got up and prepared to go to the Royal Academy.

"The Bai family came here. It should be because I want to kill them all. I'll go to the college."

To Qian Renxue briefly confessed, Su Xian spread his wings and flew towards the college quickly.

Seeing the news of Su Xian@自己, Mengshenji's face instantly solidified, and he quickly put on his pants and hurried towards the direction of the Arena of Souls.

"Auntie, don't make any accidents, I can't afford that uncle now!"

At the gate of Tiandou City, a group of seven people slowly left Tiandou City, with a solemn expression on everyone's face.

"Captain, what should we do if this happened to your Highness?" Leng Ru Lin Youyou asked.

"The strength of the Star Luo Empire is so strong this time, and the Spirit Hall will not be weaker if you want to. Our situation is worrying!"

The handsome blonde chasing the wind also sighed helplessly. Seeing the strength of the Star Luo team, they could almost crush them in their eyes.

Originally, if Su Xian were able to play, with his one-on-two victory record, their odds of winning would be great.


"There is no way, the sky is not what people want, since he is unreliable, then we can only come by ourselves."

Yu Tianmin also had a headache, but as the captain, she could not bring this frustrated atmosphere to the team.

Immediately he reduced his expression, Yu Tianmin suddenly became serious and resolute, and shouted coldly:

"Before, we didn't think about relying on others. Could it be that because we lost once, we were all down?"

As soon as this remark came out, he was suddenly deaf and enlightened!

"The captain is right. My old cow is not afraid of them. If I didn't eat enough last time, I was sure to beat them all over to find their teeth." Mad Cow patted his chest without angrily.

Seeing the stupid big mad cow, the rest of the people laughed uncontrollably, and the pressure in their hearts was much less.

They, but the strongest team in the Heaven Dou Empire, how could it be so lost.

Isn't it the Spirit Hall and the Star Luo Empire? If they really fight, they will never lose again!

call out!

Suddenly, a white light flashed quickly across the sky, and the Qiren couldn't help raising their heads.

"That's... Your Highness?"

Looking at the figure in the sky, everyone's complexion instantly solidified, and Yu Tianmin's complexion was also black and purple.


This is what you said that the meridians are broken, and it is not suitable for healing?

I believe in your evil!

"Go! Back to college!"

With a scream, Yu Tianmin immediately chased in the direction of the Royal Academy, and the six of them also immediately followed.

(End of this chapter)

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