Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 222: Battle of Xie Yue! 【four】

Chapter 222 The Battle of Evil Moon! 【four】

Fighting soul platform.

Many people gathered at this moment, although this was only a contest between the Great Soul Master and the Soul Venerable, everyone seemed to be interested.

No way, as one of the strongest people of the Great Soul Master level, since the two brothers and sisters of Xie Yue entered the school, it has been in constant limelight.

Especially when the opponent is three or four years younger than the freshman, and possesses the martial arts fusion skill, it really takes the wind and the rain or the rain.

It was precisely because the two of them were so in the limelight, coupled with the fact that they went to the arena to fight souls to earn gold coins, which made the people of the Bai family discover the clues.

After all, it was the Imperial Academy of the Heaven Dou Empire. There were countless strong people in the Academy, and the Bai Family knew that he didn't dare to come, so he wanted the people in the Academy to start.

It is best not to die, to be injured or disabled. They will not stay in the academy, so they still have to fall into their hands.

"Ge Ping, you dare to hurt my sister, I am going to abolish you today!"

Eyes filled with bloodshot eyes, Xie Yue stared at the man in front of her, her knuckles tightly pinched, and she turned white.

"Who makes her speak badly? As a senior, I should teach her a lesson."

Ge Ping picked up his nails, turned a blind eye to Xie Yue's anger, his face was full of contempt.

He is a Soul Venerable. Although he has only recently broken through, he is also a Soul Venerable, which is not something a great soul master can contend.

"you wanna die!"

Hearing this, Xie Yue's eyes were cold, and a bright red light gushed out of her body, with a liquid and sticky feeling.


The two yellow spirit rings on the soles of his feet were also released, and two silver scimitars nearly one meter long appeared in his hands.

Seeing Xie Yue's hands, Ge Ping also released his martial soul.

While the hair appeared on the body, it was still spotted. Although the claws of both hands were not long, they looked very powerful.

His martial spirit is a hyena, but a sensitive attack type martial spirit.

It seems that Xie Yue has taken advantage of the strong attack to restrain the sensitive attack, but the ferocity of the hyena is not comparable to the average beast.

Xie Yue and Ge Ping, although one is a strong attack and the other is agile attack, both of them both attach equal importance to speed and attack power, but they have different focuses.

After all, a weapon is mostly attack power, so it belongs to the strong attack system.

As for beast spirits, power is basically standard, and those with strong speed are naturally agile, but it doesn't mean they have no power.

Moreover, because of the blessing of the beast martial arts soul, it had more advantages for the weapon martial arts soul in the early stage, so Xie Yue did not have any advantages at all.


As if the setting sun was passing by in a flash, the evil moon collector Moonblade rushed towards Ge Ping.

Cang Dang!

The metal sparks vibrated, and Ge Ping crossed his claws and directly blocked the attack.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and Ge Ping's claws suddenly turned to the inside, unexpectedly directly buckling Xie Yue's Moon Blade.

Seeing this, Xie Yue condensed her eyes and kicked directly at Ge Ping's chest. Ge Ping also resisted with her foot.

Suddenly, a burst of blood-red light flashed, Ge Ping's face condensed, and his claws slammed vigorously, and the moonblade was spun out of control.


Xie Yue stepped up again, and Ge Ping, who was in a neutral position, could only cross his hands to block Xie Yue's attack.


Ge Ping was actually repelled directly, sliding a few meters on the stage under his feet, and then stopped.

"So strong fighting consciousness, no wonder Xie Yue is invincible in the realm of the Great Soul Master."

"Everything seems to be right, such an opponent is really terrifying."

"It's a pity that the level of the two of them is still a moat, otherwise..."


Seeing Xieyue's such a cloud and flowing attack, everyone was suddenly surprised, and a flame of anticipation grew in their hearts.


Seeing that he was actually repelled, and still in front of so many people, Ge Ping's expression also became cold, without the contempt he had just now.

I saw the first spirit ring on the sole of his feet suddenly lit up, and the black light filled the soles of his feet, and his legs suddenly became slender and strong.


With a sudden kick, the black figure flashed away, like lightning, and came to Xie Yue in an instant.

Seeing Ge Ping's spirit ability, Xie Yue didn't dare to be careless, especially the opponent's speed was much faster than just now.


The impact of metal sparks splashed, everyone only heard the sound of collision, and the two figures became extremely fast, and they had collided several times in the blink of an eye.

Facing Ge Ping's first spirit ability, Xie Yue could resist without using it, which was already rare.

However, if you look closely, you will find that Xie Yue's coat has many tiny gaps.

On the forehead, a drop of viscous blood fell down her cheek, and Xie Yue subconsciously squinted her left eye.

However, seeing Ge Ping come directly towards her head, Xie Yue didn't care about it, and immediately used her first spirit ability.

A dazzling red light bloomed from Moon Blade, and Xie Yue's left hand suddenly cut down towards Ge Ping.


The red blade light burst out from Moon Blade, forming a round blade nearly two meters long, cutting towards Ge Ping like a tornado.

Ge Ping's eyes shrank suddenly, a backflip suddenly, and he dodged directly. At this time, another moonblade slashed towards him.

"The second spirit ability, fierce martial arts!"

Seeing that avoidance is inevitable, Ge Ping did not expect that he would be forced to this point by a great spirit master, gritted his teeth, and had to use his second spirit ability.

The muscles of both arms suddenly exploded, bulging the clothes, and the outlines of the muscles were clearly visible, setting off the firmness of the body.

Black light was also released from the body, forming a black fog wall around Ge Ping.

The energy attack on the Moon Blade didn't hit it, but pierced into the fog wall, but only the tip revealed a little bit, as if it was stuck inside, and it didn't hurt Ge Ping.

The fierce martial arts can increase 30% of the strength and speed, and at the same time can form a defense, which is a spirit ability that combines offense and defense.


Seeing Moonblade less than twenty centimeters away from him, Ge Ping's face turned purple and he took a picture.


The energy moonblade was directly crushed and turned into silver light to dissipate.

"Xieyue, you completely angered me!"

With gloomy eyes, Ge Ping was furious, and rushed towards Xie Yue, the black claws on his hands overflowing with cold light.

Facing Ge Ping, who was on the offensive and defensive, Xie Yue could only fight and retreat. Unfortunately, blindly defensive, it was impossible to resist the attack of the beast spirit Ge Ping.

In the end, Ge Ping slammed his claws and flew out directly, blood falling from the sky, Xie Yue also had a bright red blood on his chest.

In this way, Xie Yue still gritted her teeth, and at the moment she landed, she already started to fight back.


A moonblade came directly out of his hand and cut towards Ge Ping, but was knocked off by his defensive shield.

"Haha, useless work for nothing!"

Seeing Xie Yue throw all the weapons out, Ge Ping couldn't help but sneered.

Suddenly, a threatening aura came, watching Xie Yue's second spirit ability light up, and Ge Ping's smile instantly solidified.

"The second spirit ability, Moon Dance!"

(End of this chapter)

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