Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 223: The fourth spirit ring, one hundred thousand years! 【One】

Chapter 223, the fourth spirit ring, one hundred thousand years! 【One】

"Xieyue, if you are to blame, you will have a bad life."

Holding the wound on his waist, Ge Pingchu smiled and walked over, looking at Xie Yue who was vomiting blood on the ground, his eyes were full of indifference and anger.

He is a dignified soul, and he almost fell into the hands of a great soul master. If this is really done, he will be the most humiliating stepping stone.

I have to say that Xieyue's second spirit ability [Yueyuanwu] is indeed very strong, and it actually cut through Ge Ping's defensive barrier, and almost hit him badly.

If he hadn't avoided it in time, he might have broken his body.

However, the great soul master is after all, facing Ge Ping's third millennium soul ability [Houndstooth], the strongest single attack skill, Xie Yue couldn't resist it at all, and finally defeated.

I saw a blood hole in the lower part of Xie Yue's left shoulder. The blood flowed from the wound and the whole chest collapsed. The blood in her mouth was also gushing.

"Since you have no power to fight anymore, let me send you down."

With his gaze condensed, Ge Ping had a triumphant smile on his face, it seemed that he was just getting Xie Yue out of the soul fighting platform.

However, the cold light in his eyes was concentrated on his left shoulder.

In addition to the original wound, his blow will go on, this hand will definitely be broken!


Just as Ge Ping was about to do it, the surging spirit power suddenly swept in and directly blasted him out.

I saw the dream machine leaping forward, and in a blink of an eye it has come to the stage of fighting the soul.


Seeing Xie Yue's state at this moment, the pupils of Mengshenji suddenly shrank, and a scoop of cold water was poured from head to toe, pulling out the cold.


The injury is so bad, the old man will not really be hanged today, will he? !


"Healing soul master, where are you all dead? Didn't you see that the students were injured so badly?!"

Mengshenji roared angrily, like a mad tiger, and immediately shocked everyone.


Seeing Mengshenji so angry, everyone was stunned, but then two students suddenly stood up to heal Xieyue and the unconscious Hu Liena.

"Chair, this is a fair test, why did you intervene?"

Ge Ping, who had been beaten up, also immediately recovered, his face was not angry, but his heart was extremely vigilant.

"What you did yourself, you know in your heart!"

Mengshenji snorted coldly, after all parties understood, he already understood what happened.

The students of the dignified Royal Academy were actually sold by a Contra family, and it was a shame for the academy to murder classmates!

Ge Ping's heart trembled suddenly and did not dare to refute.

call out!

After a while, a figure passed over the sky, and Su Xian slowly landed on the soul fighting platform.

Looking at Xie Yue and Hu Liena who was lying on the ground not far away, Su Xian's expression was even better and colder.


Everyone covered by Lao Tzu dared to bully. Could it be that if the young master left Heaven Dou City for a month, did you begin to swell?

"His Royal Highness, I rushed over right away, but the battle is over."

Seeing Su Xian's gaze swept over, Mengshenji was shocked, and quickly defended it. This responsibility was too great for him to bear.

"Who hurt it?"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone couldn't help looking at Ge Ping who was aside, and Su Xian also showed a harmless smile on his face.

Those who are familiar with Su Xian know that Su Xian at this moment is definitely the most terrifying!

"What you did is really beautiful!"

With a gritted teeth, four spirit rings suddenly appeared on the soles of Su Xian's feet.

Two yellow, one purple and one red!

Afterwards, the second spirit ring on the soles of the feet lit up, and a gleam of green light poured out of Su Xian's body and poured into Hu Liena's body.

Seeing the spirit ring match on Su Xian's body, everyone on the scene fell into deathly silence.


The fourth spirit ring is actually a one hundred thousand year spirit ring!

I have a big grass! !

Mengshenji also rubbed his eyes fiercely, and when he found out that he hadn't made a mistake, his face was very dumbfounded.

"The two of them are mine, so you dare to bully, don't you?"

Looking at Ge Ping, Su Xian slowly walked over with cold eyes.

"What do you want to do?"

Ge Ping suddenly recovered from the shock, watching Su Xian who came by, subconsciously stepped back, trying to stay away from this monster.

"What are you doing?"

"Of course it's abolished you!"

Able to move Su Xian never did it, insisted to do it, Su Xian never bb.

With the golden Bimond claws in his hand stretched out, Su Xian rushed towards Ge Ping directly.

"Second spirit ability, fierce martial arts!"

Seeing Su Xian's move, Ge Ping quickly used his second spirit ability to protect his body.

Seeing Ge Ping's resistance and struggle, the sneer on Su Xian's face became thicker.


The moment the Claws of Beamon touched the black defensive cover, only a sound of torn paper sounded.


There was a stern cry, and one arm fell on the ground, dripping blood all over the place.

"Ah! My arm, ahh~"

Holding his right arm firmly, Ge Ping's complexion was distorted with pain, his purple face was trembling, and his legs kicked up and down unconsciously.

The stern cry also awakened everyone. Looking at Ge Ping, who was dripping with blood on the stage, everyone couldn't help swallowing, their eyes full of terror when they looked at Su Xian.

"The two of them, if you want to compete in the future, I will not interfere."

"But what I want to tell you is that the academy is the academy. Don't bring in other interests and grievances. The Royal Academy does not need much intrigue."

"If you move other crooked minds and kill each other, don't blame me for dealing with you with crooked minds!"

Glancing at the people, watching their inadvertent fear and timidity, Su Xian was also extremely disappointed in this so-called Royal Academy.

I am afraid that few of these people will be able to become useful talents in the empire in the future!

The Royal Academy, mostly children of nobles, has no worries about food and clothing, and has not experienced real ordeals.

Rather than saying that the Royal Academy is cultivating talents, it is better to say that it is cultivating the next generation of aristocratic teams, which can be used by very few people.

"Meng old man, you can handle the next thing yourself, I'll go first."

Noting that Yu Tianmin and his party came back, Su Xian immediately flew away.

That's right!

He should be recuperating at home now, how could he appear here?

Ok! You all have hallucinations!

Seeing that Su Xian had abandoned people and left, Mengshenji's face was speechless. When did he become a **** wiper.

However, you have to wipe it!

"Okay, let's all go away, what are you doing around here!" Mengshen machine snorted coldly, and everyone dispersed after hearing the sound.

However, with Su Xian's move, some videos were also circulated on the Internet. In less than a while, everyone knew of a perverted existence.

The fourth spirit ring, the special ones are already one hundred thousand year old spirit ring? !

(End of this chapter)

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