Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 257: time travel! 【two】

Chapter 257 Through Time and Space! 【two】

In the early morning, the young birds cried, and the golden phoenix cried.

After the warmth, the two got up and dressed up. To express yesterday's apology, Qian Renxue took the initiative to go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

"Cher, I have something I want to talk to you."

Lazily hugging Qian Renxue's waist, Su Xian leaned on her shoulder, said with a look of affection.

"Say it, I'm listening~"

She was accustomed to this every morning, Qian Renxue's face was happy, still busy with her own meat soup.

"I might have to go there and solve her heart disease for my mother-in-law." Su Xian said bluntly.


Qian Renxue's movements stiffened, and she had no doubt that Su Xian had this ability. At the same time she was surprised, her eyes seemed to understand something.

Qian Renxue turned her mind, her face was a little weird, and said, "In other words, she is right to call you teacher."

"It is estimated that it is. Since she knows me, then I must have been there. It may be me who has been, so she knows too well."

"This causal relationship is very complicated, and I don't know what will happen to my mother-in-law if I don't go there."

Thinking of this kind of thing, Su Xian couldn't help but feel a headache, no wonder the time and space shuttle inside Dragon Ball was guilty, he finally understood now.

"Then how long will you go?"

Qian Renxue looked at Su Xian sideways, her expression sullen.

Yesterday someone was still blaming his wedding, and now he is leaving again...

Pooh! Scumbag!

"About 0.001 seconds." After thinking about it, Su Xian replied.

In order to avoid the infinite crossing and the chaos of time and space caused by crossing, the time of going and returning must be the same.

Otherwise, it is likely to cause serious consequences.

"Then I will go together."

Hearing this, Qian Renxue's eyes lit up, looking forward to pleading.

She thought she would go for a long time and would delay a lot of things. When she heard that the time was so short, she also wanted to go there and see.

Seeing what Qian Renxue expected, Su Xian shook his head even though it was difficult to refuse.

"You still don't go. Even if you do, you won't be able to appear in front of everyone."

"Otherwise, if others see you, everything will be exposed."

"I don't want my mother-in-law to call me teacher in the future, I call her mother-in-law~"

Upon hearing this, Qian Renxue suddenly smiled, and her face was flushed hot when she thought of the strange relationship between the three of them.

"Then you go, I'll wait for you to come back."

Knowing that things were special, she did not stay stubborn.

She wanted to go back, but she wanted to know exactly what Bibi Dong had experienced.

And this was one of the reasons Su Xian blocked her.

Black history, it is better to keep it forever, at least in this way, everything is still beautiful.


"what did you do to me?"

Suddenly, she felt a little strange in her waist, Qian Renxue turned her head and looked over, but nothing was wrong.

"What can I do, early in the morning, can I still eat you?" Su Xian squeezed her nose, not having a good breath.


Qian Renxue's face suddenly blushed, and she pushed him away, lest his sexual hands continue to behave.

After eating the loving breakfast, Su Xian asked Ling Lingqi to open the time tunnel and send herself back to the past.

According to Bibi Dong's words, he met her when she was twelve years old, and Su Xian went directly to this point in time.

There was a piece of wontons in the time-space tunnel, full of vague scenes. After the long river of time went forward for a while, Su Xian came out of the time-space tunnel.

The eye is a forest, towering old trees obscure the sky, the fresh smell of vegetation permeates the air, it seems a bit familiar.

"If it is correct, this should be the Star Dou Forest."

With his eyes condensed, Su Xian quickly changed his appearance and became a middle-aged man with a shameless appearance.

Before Bibi Dong was found, his Xue Qinghe and Taishang identities could not be easily revealed, so as not to cause unnecessary consequences.

call out!

Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the sky, and Su Xian raised his eyebrows and looked over, only to see a giant eagle three meters away attacking him.

Not afraid to laugh back, he just lacks a mount, here it comes!

The figure soared out, and Su Xian landed firmly on the back of the Wannian Giant Eagle.

"Fly southwest, or don't blame me for killing you!" Su Xian snorted coldly.

After several struggles, they were all in vain, and the giant eagle understood what his situation was, and honestly took Su Xian out of the Star Dou Forest and headed southwest.

All this made Su Xian look more like an ordinary spirit master, lest there be any discrepancy with history.

Bibi Dong is a member of the Kingdom of Haagen-Dazs. The Kingdom of Haagen-Dazs is one of the affiliated kingdoms of the Heaven Dou Empire, located in the southwest of the Empire.

Haagen-Dazs City, the main city of the Kingdom of Haagen-Dazs.

In the restaurant, a middle-aged man ate unswallowable meals indifferently, with a hat on his head perfectly covering his face.


"Little Er, come and ask you something!" The man in the hat shouted after stopping his chopsticks.

The sound of the coins was so crisp, Xiao Er ran over immediately, looked at the gold coins on the table, and swallowed greedily.

"My lord, I don't know what's up to you. The younger one must know everything and say nothing!"

Reluctantly looking away from the coin, Xiao Er turned to the man, full of flattery and respect.

These days, money is not a bastard, he is!

"I ask you, in Haagen-Dazs city, is there a Wuhun who is the soul master of the Death Spider King?" The man in the hat said bluntly.

The man is no one else, but Su Xian who came over from the Star Dou Great Forest.

As for this hat, the matching of master costumes is naturally indispensable.

"This little one is not very clear, but I heard that there is a girl in the Great Fighting Arena who is very powerful. Her spirit is a spider."

As he said, Xiao Er still eagerly reminded, "If an adult wants to find a soul master, it is best to go to the Arena of Souls and the Hall of Souls, but I suggest you go to the Arena of Souls to inquire about the news, after all... hehe …"

For the rest, Xiao Er had to cover up with a smile and gave a look of "you know".

The monsters like the Spirit Hall wanted to get the soul master information from them, unless the means reached the sky, otherwise it was absolutely impossible.

People come and go in the Arena of Souls and there are many soul masters, so if you ask a little, someone will know.

"Have you ever heard that girl's name?" Su Xian asked with a wave of his hand, already having a goal in his heart.

"I really don't know about this, these little ones were told by a guest the other day."

"By the way, I heard that she has already obtained the Silver Fighting Soul badge, she is so powerful!" Xiao Er said with a face full of admiration.

"Well, I got it."

Hearing this, Su Xian was already confident and waved at Xiao Er.


With a smile on his face, Xiao Er put away the gold coins, and when he turned back, Su Xian's figure had already disappeared.

"It's weird~"

Shaking his head, Xiao Er didn't care, and picked up the dishes on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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