Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 258: Bibi Dong is difficult! 【three】

Chapter 258 is difficult for Bibi Dong! 【three】

At night, the Great Arena of Haagen-Dazs.

The hustle and bustle of the day continued until the night, and the entire Kingdom of Haagen-Dazs was probably the most lively battlefield.

In exchange for his original look, Su Xian came here.

Since it was Bibi Dong's teacher in the future, Su Xian could feel relieved to haunt her as the Supreme Being where she appeared.

The first battlefield.

A white figure appeared on the observation deck in the auditorium like a ghost, quietly watching the fighting on the soul fighting platform below.

It was a man and a woman. The man was naked with a black battle axe in his hand, with granite-like muscles exposed outside.

Without paying too much attention to the man, Su Xian fixed his gaze on the woman.

The purple-black armor covers the surface of the body, and while the face is covered by a carapace, he seems to be wearing a mask, unable to see the specific face.

Down from the abdomen, there is a huge round sphere with eight sturdy long legs protruding out of the periphery with green hairs growing on them.


Disgusting slime with green and purple dripping to the ground, chuckles, and the sturdy soul platform is corroded into pits.

Under his feet, the four spirit rings gleamed with light, and seeing his cultivation base, he had actually reached the cultivation base of the soul sect.

At the age of 12, he is already in the Soul Sect, no wonder he can surpass Tang Hao to become the youngest Title Douluo, and his talent is indeed outstanding!


Seeing the originally beautiful peach-blossom beauty, but Wuhun possessed the body like this, Su Xian couldn't help feeling a bit unfair for his mother-in-law.

As long as she is given some normal martial arts soul, it will not give birth to the life of the villain!


It is the author's forcible setting, which has suffered countless women, especially her the most painful.

On the fighting stage, the battle has become increasingly fierce. Both sides are opponents of the silver fighting spirit badge level, and the battle is also extremely fierce.

Bibi Dong had a 42nd level soul sect, but he fought very well with a 47th level soul sect power attack system, and he was still pressing the opponent.

I have to say that her strength is indeed very strong, and Su Xian can't help but feel surprised at her young age and that calm feeling like water.

It seems that Qian Renxue's character is mostly inherited from her.

"The third spirit ability, the death cobweb bondage!"

Seeing that his opponent had been poisoned by his own spider venom, his actions became chaotic, Bibi Dong let out a sneer, and the third spirit ring on the soles of his feet suddenly lit up.

Relying on the Fourth Soul Ability Thorn Spider Armor, she deliberately fought and retreated, playing a delaying tactic just to wait for this moment.

The strength of the weapon spirit spirit master in the early stage can not be equal to that of the beast spirit spirit master, especially the body increase, poison is the greatest restraint for them.

A deep purple cobweb spit out from her abdomen, and at the same time as the purple poisonous gas was sprayed out, a cobweb spread out in the air and rushed towards the opponent.


The spider web hit directly, binding the opponent tightly on the soul fighting platform, and the purple-black venom corroded the skin and came out toward the blood.

Bibi Dong walked slowly, looking at her opponent condescendingly like a queen, and a cold voice with no emotional fluctuations followed.

"I advise you to choose to surrender, or else the spider poison is in your heart, you will undoubtedly die."

"I give up, I give up!"

Under the toxic burning and corrosion, the man suddenly felt numb in his limbs, and he quickly asked for mercy.

"The third fight, Bibi Dong won!"

Hearing the referee's opening, Bibi Dong pierced the man's blood with a spider claw, sucking out all the toxins in his body.

As the martial spirit faded, Su Xian finally saw Bibi Dong's original appearance.

Wearing a black tight-fitting dress, the slightly revealing skin is like jade powder, even though the mask is concealed, the whole picture can be seen at a glance.

From her soft and moving eyes, Su Xian could even imagine how amazing the almost perfect face was.

The fresh and refined temperament exudes from the inside out, like a peach blossom in full bloom, colorful but not demon, elegant and indecent.

Although born in the spring, but with the stubbornness of Aoxue Lingdong.


Peach blossoms are peach blossoms after all, and there is always rain in spring, but if you come, you lose.

After winning the winning streak, Bibi Dong left the Arena of Souls directly and did not stay here for a second.

Su Xian drifted away, stealthily following Bibi Dong, intending to quietly observe what Bibi Dong is doing now.


Seeing no one behind him, Bibi Dong turned around and came to a small alley. She suddenly took off the mask, and a mouthful of blood came out of her mouth.

His face was pale, Bibi Dong was close to the corner of the wall, his chest swelling like a mountain was violently ups and downs, and that indifferent appearance disappeared.

Although her fourth spirit ability can greatly enhance the defense, how can she be safe and sound in the face of the attacking opponent who is the battle axe.

She was tough and impeccable before, she just resisted.

Seeing Bibi Dong vomiting blood, Su Xian was also stunned. She really thought Bibi Dong was really terrifying, and her feelings turned out to be like this.


He seemed to notice that someone was staring at her, and Bibi Dong glanced vigilantly for a week, but he didn't notice anything wrong.

There was a faint feeling of being watched in his heart, Bibi Dong frowned, put on a mask, and left here quickly.

"This mother-in-law is really vigilant~"

Above the sky, Su Xian couldn't help but laugh as he watched turning around a few times before arriving at the gate of the city.

Following all the way, Bibi Dong left Haagen-Dazs City.

After leaving the city gate, Bibi Dong had another tail behind, and it seemed that she was being watched.

After walking slightly for a while, Bibi Dong suddenly stopped.

"I've been following it for so long, so it's time to come out."

A cold hum exploded, and purple-black soul power surged out of Bibi Dong's body.

His face also became cold, Bibi Dong's legs were slightly outside, and he assumed a fighting posture.

Su Xian:.......

It shouldn't be said that I am invisible, not so bad!

"Little girl, it feels very keen!"

A sneer sounded, and a weak middle-aged man walked out slowly.

His face was dotted with pockmarks, and the man's footsteps flowed with breath, his eyes flashing, and he shot naked on Bibi Dong's beautiful body.

Seeing the disgusting appearance of the man, Bibi Dong's eyes were full of cold light, and regardless of his physical weakness, he clenched his fists and struck him directly.

"not good!"

But just halfway through the rush, Bibi Dong's face suddenly turned pale, and he quickly backed away and began to flee towards the rear.

I saw the soles of the man's feet, five spirit rings surging, and he was a soul king!

"Hey... the woman I'm looking at, can you escape?"

The man smiled evilly, his feet were suddenly replaced by a snake tail, and he swayed to chase him up. He was very fast, and he caught up with Bibi Dong in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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