Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 259: The plot of this bad street! 【four】

Chapter 259 The plot of this bad street! 【four】

"Little Niangpi, the mask has been worn for so long, and now there is no one here, so why don't you let me appreciate it?"

Rubbing his palms, evil fire surged in the man's eyes.

Thinking of the amazing and wonderful touch of my big hands about to wander on this graceful body, I couldn't restrain the evil thoughts.

"I advise you to leave quickly, or don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Biting her silver teeth, Bibi Dong's eyes were red, and his fists were so white.

As long as she has the strength of the soul king, she must make this guy in front of her life and death worse, especially the pair of disgusting eyes.

"go away?"

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and the man Bibi Dong's threat was not at all concerned.

"Uncle has been observing you for a few days, now let the uncle leave, do you think uncle was scared?"

With a sneer on his face, the man made no secret of the evil light in his eyes.

"Tonight, you'd better be more acquainted and take care of the uncle comfortably, or don't blame me for destroying the flowers."

"Look at you like a baby, if you die, it will be boring to play!"

The man licked the corner of his mouth, and then slightly unbuttoned his shirt, his hot gaze was like a wolf, and he swam over here.

"you wanna die!!"

Hearing these words, Bibi Dong's only sanity was completely replaced by anger, and his eyes were as red as crystals, and he rushed over.

The spirit possession was originally ugly, and it was even more chilling when Bibi Dong's ferocious aura surged.

It's a pity that the man didn't seem to care at all, "Although the spirit possession looks a bit ugly, but the deity's appearance is definitely not bad, uncle should have some new fun!"

With a wicked smile on his face, watching Bibi Dong rush towards him, the third spirit ring on the sole of the man's feet suddenly lit up.

A mouthful of white mist suddenly spit out from the corner of his mouth, spreading towards the surroundings. The man smiled and pulled away from Bibi Dong, as if he didn't mean to fight.

Seeing the man retreating, Bibi Dong suddenly felt uncomfortable, and watched the white smoke coming in, and wanted to avoid it.

It's a pity that she was already in a rage, and she was charging forward. The white smoke spread quickly, and she strayed into the white mist.


Realizing something was wrong, Bibi Dong covered his mask for the first time, and hurriedly backed away.

Unfortunately, no matter how fast she was, the white mist had already entered her body.

With her empty soul power, she couldn't resist this toxicity at all, she only felt dizzy in her brain and her body began to heat up.


Suddenly, Bibi Dong fell straight to the ground, Wuhun retracted his body, unconscious.

"Hahaha... I am not only poisonous, but also a magical product that makes women want to die. You can enjoy it slowly..."

Licking the corner of his mouth, the man quickly swam over here, seemingly wanting to vent.

call out!

Suddenly, a white light flashed, and the man didn't notice it.

Suddenly, his movements stopped, a drop of blood dripped from the blood hole in his forehead, and accompanied by a loud bang, the man fell to the ground.

Su Xian slowly retracted his finger, for such a person, he did not show any mercy.

Bibi Dong, only 12 years old now, although he looks a little mature and beautiful, he can't be so shameless.

** Evil, death is not a pity! !

Men, conquer girls by charm, not drugs, just like him.


Do you rely on charm?

You really rely on stalker and cooking, which has a half-cent relationship with charm!

After dispelling his invisibility, Su Xian fell from the sky and came to Bibi Dong's side.

Just as Su Xian was about to help Bibi Dong get up and detoxify her, a cold light flashed in front of Su Xian's eyes, and Su Xian was also taken aback.


Looking at the distance between the dagger and his lower body, Su Xian swallowed fiercely, with cold sweat on his forehead.

Mother-in-law, you are such a cruel old man!

Fortunately, his hands were quick and quick, and he caught the dagger, otherwise he would have to experience the pain of "bereaved brother"!

Su Xian's fingers suddenly pressed hard, and the dagger flew out of Bibi Dong's hand like an arrow.

"I'm the one who saved you, what do you do to me!"

Seeing Bibi Dong clenching his silver teeth and glaring at him, Su Xian shouted out of anger.


The only remaining consciousness dissipated, and Bibi Dong's face was red, like a red iron block, his hands trembling and rubbing on his body, his red lips made a shameful moan.

Su Xian's face was dark:.......

This kind of plot, how does it feel that the street is going to be bad! !

Seeing Bibi Dong leaning towards him, Su Xian hurriedly avoided the past, pointed his finger on her forehead to draw out the licentious poison in her body, and injected some spirit power into her.

"Hey~ Don't faint!"

Seeing Bibi Dong suddenly fainted, Su Xian was slightly stunned, turned his head and looked at the darkness around him, there was no trace of light.


He sighed slightly, Su Xian raised his fingers slightly, and Bibi Dong's body seemed to be dragged up by something, floating in the air.

With Bibi Dong, Su Xian flew into the sky and headed towards the small forest not far away.

He didn't choose to return to Haagen-Dazs City. There were so many people in the city that he would inevitably be noticed by those who care.

As for myself, he said that he belongs to this era, and he does not belong to it or he does not belong. It is better to show up as few people as possible.

When he came to the mountains and forests, Su Xian put Bibi Dong down, and there was a thick blanket on the ground so that she would not be affected.

Seeing the sky full of stars, Su Xian also lay down, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable.

Alas~ How can I rest without Cher's legs?

Taking out his mobile phone, Su Xian planned to send a message to Qian Renxue, but after thinking about it, he held back.

Time is flowing, and the time he wants to go back is the moment after he leaves.

If you contact Qian Renxue, you will be chatting with Qian Renxue under the passing of time, and after you go back, you will live with Qian Renxue under fixed time.

Therefore, saying it by yourself is nothing but saying that Qian Renxue will always be in a state of "knowing and not knowing".

In case time is further confused, hiss~

Reluctantly shook his head, Su Xian suddenly felt a little lonely, played a single-player game for a while, laid a formation around him, and then slowly fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Su Xian had just opened his eyes and woke up when he realized that he was tied to a tree, and in front of him, it was Bibi Dong who had woken up.

I have to say that Bibi Dong's youthful appearance is indeed delicate and beautiful, and the skin that can be broken by blowing is white and crystal clear, without a trace of time.

But what is the bruise on the face?

Last night, she was not injured either!

"You girl, if you are so good to a lifesaver, I also changed my husband to see Lie Xinxi. Seeing that your girl has a good talent, I won't care about you."

The body moved slightly, the rope was already untied, Su Xian smiled and patted the dust on his clothes, and slowly stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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