Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 260: Training from son-in-law! 【Fives】

Chapter 260 is from the son-in-law's training! 【Fives】

"Who knows what you save me, don't think I will be grateful to you."

Bibi Dong looked stern, and his tone was very cold, and it sounded a little unkind.

As she said, she pointed to the bruise on her face, then gritted her teeth and said: "This punch this morning, let's clear both!"


His expression froze slightly, Su Xian looked at the bruise on Bibi Dong's face and asked subconsciously:

"I hit you with this injury?"

It's incredible!

I actually punched my mother-in-law. With her character, if I know later that I did it by myself, hiss...


He can't be exposed even if he is killed, he can't stand up to his filial piety, and he will eventually be struck by lightning.

Seeing that Su Xian was still pretending, Bibi Dong was indignant, "You dare not admit that you have set up the formation here, and we are the two!"

"Could it be... or did I fail to beat myself?" His eyes stared at Su Xian, Bibi Dong's face was majestic and domineering.

The faint sense of oppression on his face made Su Xian see the shadow of the Pope, as if facing Pope Bibi Dong.

"It's not my business. I was trying to save you last night, but it delayed my normal sleep."


Stretching, Su Xian's old face was lazy, as if he hadn't rested, and then he said:

"Plus in this wilderness, how can the old man sleep well? Until now, the old man is still suffering from backaches. It should be a little bit angry to get up."

Get up?

You don't sleep well, are you still getting up?

Also, your blanket is thicker than mine, almost one meter faster!

Anyhow, it’s the benefactor, Bibi Dong squeezed his fist and then released it, "Well, let’s have two cleans, and we will go our own way in the future. Now let me go!"

"Huh? Let you go?" Su Xian blinked awkwardly, looking at Bibi Dong incredulously.

"What else do you want to do?!" Bibi Dong stepped back vigilantly.

"I saved you, without even a word of thanks, so I sent the old man away. Who do you consider the old man?!"

Su Xian was instantly furious, looking at Bibi Dong's arrogant appearance, she suddenly stopped getting angry.

He is now 100% sure that Qian Renxue is definitely Bibi Dong's daughter, even her personality is so similar.

A proud loli properly!

"Do you think your life is worth a punch or your innocence is worth a punch? If so, if you hit it back, I will buy it!"

Powerful energy suddenly burst out from the body, Su Xian stared at Bibi Dong, the pressure from the mental power made her face suddenly white.

"Then what do you want?"

Knowing that Su Xian was very strong, Bibi Dong bit her silver teeth, helplessly and angry.

"From today, you are the old lady's maid, and your life is mine."

Su Xian announced domineeringly, the coercion made Bibi Dong unable to raise her head and did not give her a little room for resistance.

He must be more domineering than her when dealing with Leng and arrogant people. He has to grind Bibi Dong's temper well, or something will happen sooner or later.

If it wasn't for me yesterday, I might as well know what would happen.

Although she is very cautious and careful now, she lacks the smoothness and sharpness of dealing with others, which is very similar to the original Tang Hao.

The long sword is unstoppable and wins all battles, but it only needs to be folded once to ruin a person's life.

If you have the ability, you can be crazy, but you can't be proud, especially in front of me.

I came across to be a teacher, not your future son-in-law!

Bibi Dong’s eyes were cracked, and she kept lifting up and revealing her reluctance to lower, "Why do you want me to be your maid, I don’t accept it!"

"Just because the old man saved you, because the old man is invincible!"

With his hands on his back, Su Xian faced the sky, his figure arrogant, and his sharp eyes seemed to break through the sky and compete with the sky.

Sorry, it’s just like his cooking skills, professional!

Bibi Dong shivered with a deep cold breath, and the irresistible coercion of the panic and the might of the sky made her feel a sense of powerless fear.

The world is invincible, what a mad tone!

Bibi Dong's eyes flickered, resisting fear, and retorted in a cold voice:

"I don't think so!"

As soon as the words came out, Bibi Dong saw Su Xian's eyes sweeping, and his body trembled.

"Don't talk about Title Douluo, I see you, even the younger generation of Tang Hao can't beat him."

With his head down, Bibi Dong continued to mumble. Although his words were trembling, there was a stubborn obsession.

Especially when referring to Title Douluo and Tang Hao, Bibi Dong's eyes even showed longing and envy, and Mingli's eyes surged.

Sooner or later, she will become a Title Douluo, and even defeat the man who is known as the strongest young man, Tang Hao!

"What is Tang Hao! Even his great ancestor Tang Chen, Level 99 Ultimate Douluo is not an opponent of the old man, you are a yellow-haired girl...heh... knowing how much power can there be?"

Looking at Bibi Dong with contempt, Su Xian made up his mind. She must hang her if she wants to apprentice in the future.

When the old lady's maid, they are all admiring you, don't know what is good or bad.

Want to be an apprentice?

Humph! Talk about it later!

"Tang Chen?"

Hearing this name, Bibi Dong looked dumbfounded, but when he heard that he was a Level 99 Title Douluo, his face suddenly changed drastically.

Title Douluo is already the best in the world!

Level 99 Title Douluo, then... isn't he the strongest among Title Douluo? !


Bibi Dong suddenly took a breath, and when he recovered, he felt that Su Xian was bragging.

The 99-level Title Douluo can't beat you, then you are really invincible!

Looking at Su Xian blankly, Bibi Dong didn't believe it.

Even if she killed her, she couldn't believe that she was so lucky and saved by such a strong person.

Those powerful people must be far away from the crowds and cultivate hard in the mountains and fields of the secret room. How could they appear here and be touched by themselves?

"Senior, don't look at your old age, but the strength is not a blow out. If you are so strong, why have you never heard of you?" Bibi Dong questioned.

"Then...what's my name?"

Hearing this, Su Xian asked with a slightly raised mouth.

Has the topic changed so much?

After slightly stunned, Bibi Dong hummed back, "How did I know, you didn't tell me!"

"Then how do you know that the old man is not famous? You don't know the old man!" Su Xian stepped forward slightly, looking down and demanding.


Unexpectedly, Su Xian deliberately set a trap to dismiss him, and Bibi Dong suddenly choked.

"Then you don't know the honorable name of the old senior?" Bibi Dong took a deep breath, and even though his heart was angry, he still asked respectfully.

"Oh~ the old man is not well-known, so you don't know it, so I don't want to say it." Su Xian waved his hand and replied solemnly.

mock up!

The old man Shao Ren has never lost. The chef doesn't know Shao Ren can cook good dishes!

Ten thousand grass mud horses galloped inside, Bibi Dong's face was as black as ink:? ? !

who am I? where am I?

My Nima! I took off my pants, so you tell me this? !

(End of this chapter)

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