Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 267: Nothing lasts forever! 【three】

Chapter 267 A Feast for All in the World! 【three】

Seeing Bibi Dong Chuchu staring at him pitifully, Su Xian also felt a little uncomfortable inside.

Three together...ahhhh!

Anyhow, after being a teacher for three months, there is still a feeling of mentoring and apprenticeship, and this difference is really reluctant.

But it’s time to go...

It is impossible for him to stay with Bibi Dong all the time, wait for her to reach adulthood, and then turn things around. That would be too time-consuming.

It's okay to stay here for a while, it will take ten or eight years, he has to drive crazy.

"There is no permanent banquet in the world. There is always a separate day. You don't have to." Touching Bibi Dong's head, Su Xian comforted.

Bibi Dong bit her pink lips and looked at Su Xian hopefully.

"Can... not go?"

The voice was trembling, extremely afraid that Su Xian would refuse.

But she seemed to know how it would end, and all she could do was to really stay.

She also knew that Su Xian could not be with her all the time, even if it was a teacher.

"I have been on this continent for a long time, and this clone cannot be sustained. If I don't fall asleep, it may not be long before I won't exist."

Wiping the tears from the corner of Bibi Dong's eyes, Su Xian was smiling, but his face was full of deep bitterness.


This is him acting!

He had already thought about the reason for the deep sleep, so that Bibi Dong could feel at ease.

You can't watch me die and keep me by your side?


Frightened by the thoughts in his heart, Bibi Dongman stared at Su Xian incredulously.

The strength is already so strong, is it still a clone?

And, there are other worlds?

Is it possible that there is really another world?

"Well, my body is in another world. If this clone doesn't fall asleep, maybe it won't last a year."

Facing Bibi Dong's startled gaze, Su Xian nodded slowly, and the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

The two walked forward slowly, none of them spoke.

He choked silently, and the tears on Bibi Dong's face could not stop dripping.

Finally, I met a "relative" and now I have to be separated.

Will she be alone again in the future?

For fear that Su Xian would see, Bibi Dong wiped away tears, but the ruddy corner of her eyes still betrayed her.

Bibi Dong looked sad and beautiful, "In the future, can I still see you teacher?"

"After waking up, if I still remember you, I will see you naturally." Su Xian replied sincerely.

He was also trying to lay the groundwork more than 30 years later, otherwise he saw Bibi Dong but didn't know him, that would be a real exposure!

"So, maybe you will forget me?" Bibi Dong asked, clenching his silver teeth.

"Uh... maybe." Su Xian blinked and said innocently.

Hearing that, Bibi Dong's eyes widened, and he suddenly grabbed Su Xian's wrist and bit down.

"I... hiss~ it hurts, you just let go!"

Su Xian's face turned pale, and his heart-wrenching pain made him clenched his teeth, subconsciously patted Bibi Dong on the head.

"This way, you won't forget me in the future~" Bibi Dong said with a silly face, wiping the blood stains from the corners of his mouth.

Without a response, Su Xian looked at the blood mark on his wrist, his face black as ink.

Oh, you really deserve to be mothers and daughters. They are all dogs. You bite at every turn!

I was bitten by Qian Renxue on his shoulder twice. Last time, he almost killed Qian Renxue's life. Women are so kind, sincerely not deceiving me.

With a sudden tremor in his heart, Bibi Dong realized that he had done too much, and said weakly:

"Shall I bandage for you?"

"no need."

Hearing this, Su Xian shook his head, white light emerged from the wound, and the wound healed quickly, and there was no trace in the blink of an eye.

Even with the tooth marks, it disappeared without a trace.

Bibi Dong:.......

Staring at Su Xian's arm, Bibi Dong gritted his teeth and stretched out his arm again.

"Fuck, you are coming!"

Pressing Bibi Dong's head tightly, Su Xian flushed.

He never expected that Bibi Dong was not only a ruthless man, but also a wolf!


One bite is enough, you have to come twice.

"Who asked you to erase the mark too?!"

"Can't you think of other ways, what else can you do besides biting?!"



Unable to hold Su Xian, Bibi Dong let go of his arm with a smile, a simple and embarrassing smile on his face.

Su Xian:.......

I have a saying that Mom doesn’t know if it’s inappropriate to say it!

Taking a deep breath, Su Xian resisted his rioting little universe, gave Bibi Dong angrily, and then flew away.

He swore that he would stay away from this wolf in the future, he really couldn't afford it.

Su Xian returned to the hut in the forest first, and Bibi Dong rushed back after a while.

Seeing that Su Xian was preparing food, she didn't bother in the past either, but went back to the room to troubleshoot her affairs.

Under the starlight and moonlight of the night sky, Su Xian prepared this last supper carefully, and there was no smile on his face.

What he hates most is this kind of separation...

"Dong Er, come out."

After a while, Su Xian brought the glutinous rice **** out and put them on the stone table.

The subconscious "Dong'er" address made Su Xian also slightly taken aback, and only felt that it was extremely strange in his heart.

Hmm~ If you go back and shout, you will be hacked to death in minutes!


Bibi Dong walked out slowly with a sour door opening.

"This is the puppet I carved by myself. Teacher, take it with you." Bibi Dong said unquestionably when he handed a puppet to Su Xian.

"Can't you carve yourself better?"

Seeing the puppet in his hand, the corner of Su Xian's mouth twitched, speechlessly suggested.

Had it not been for the three words Bibi Dong, he would have thought it was a mushroom!

"That's it."

Seeing Bibi Dong staring at him expressionlessly, and licking the corner of his mouth slightly, Su Xian's heart shuddered and he waved his hand quickly.

Seeing this, Bibi Dong smiled contentedly, then sat down on his own and ate the glutinous rice **** made by Su Xian.

Although the glutinous rice **** are sweet, they can’t help but tears of sadness.

Seeing Bibi Dong's face with tears running down, Su Xian sighed inwardly, and did not speak to destroy her long-simmering emotions.

Late at night, the night is quiet.

Seeing Bibi Dong fell asleep, Su Xian left her a defensive formation and a Title Douluo cultivation experience card, and then left here.

Thirty years later.

"Are you back now?"

Seeing Su Xian suddenly appearing, Qian Renxue blinked her eyes wide, bewildered.

This is really going to go once, without any interval!

"What are you doing, let me down quickly!"

There was no response. In Qian Renxue's exclamation, Su Xian picked her up and rushed towards the bedroom, his eyes hot.

After being a monk for three months, he was finally able to open up meat!

(End of this chapter)

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