Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 268: Bibi Dong’s brain fills up! 【Four Complements】

Chapter 268 Bibi Dong's brain supplement! 【Four Complements】

On the bed, just as Su Xian was about to take further action, Qian Renxue suddenly pinched his ears.

Su Xian suddenly collapsed...

"Hi~Daughter-in-law, it hurts, please be gentle!"

Stubbornly pulling Qian Renxue's arm to prevent him from using any force, Su Xian quickly begged for mercy.

With that weak and painful appearance, I almost got a durian and knelt down.

"You said, where did the rouge smell come from?"

Qian Renxue's face was chilly, and her grinning expression looked like a shrew.

Su Xian shouted wronged, "What's the smell of rouge? I've been a monk for three months. I'm so anxious without seeing me coming back. I still miss you!"

Qian Renxue:.......


Do you miss me? You are greedy for my body!


Thinking of Su Xian's "self to eat" look just now, Qian Renxue's face was hot, she couldn't help but believe him.

Qian Renxue loosened her hands slightly, still reluctant, "Then tell me, what is the rouge smell on your body?"

"What rouge smell, why can't I smell it?"

With a slightly stunned expression, Su Xian reached out to the tip of his nose and sniffed, but did not notice any odor.

Qian Renxue said angrily: "You dare to say no, you let Tianmeng come out and smell it, he is a soul beast with a good nose!"


Hearing this, Su Xian seemed to understand something, and looked at her with irresistible eyes, "I said the daughter-in-law, I taught her mother-in-law for three months. Isn't it normal to have a bit of rouge?"

"Is it my mother?" Qian Renxue doubted.

"How about you go and ask your mother-in-law, see if it's not?" Su Xian said nonchalantly as she let go of Qian Renxue's hand.

It is too difficult for him to think about him for three months, guard his body like jade, clean himself, and be wronged when he returns home.

Seeing that Su Xian's eyes didn't evade, Qian Renxue immediately believed Su Xian.

But when she thought that her mother had been with him for three months, Qian Renxue suddenly raised her heart.

With the cold light in her eyes, Qian Renxue showed a death-like smile, "You and her are nothing, right?"

Qian Renxue is very clear about how beautiful Bibi Dong is. Although she is old at the moment and looks a bit vicissitudes of life, her charm is still the same.

If he changes his youth, his beauty is unparalleled, especially... this guy is still very lustful.

"You regard me as someone. Although I am a little shameless, I also know the word shame."

Hearing this, Su Xian couldn't help feeling angry, and directly pressed Qian Renxue to the bed with a serious face.

Qian Renxue:.......

If you know shame, your hands won't move now!


Unable to lose his interest, Su Xian slowly retracted his palm and lay down on the bed for himself. He has no sexual interest now.

Before crossing back, the time was still late at night, so he might as well take the jet lag.


Seeing Su Xian's sudden change, Qian Renxue was stunned, and looked at Su Xian who was asleep in doubt.

Wasn't you still like a wolf just now, why are you so honest now?

Thinking slightly, Qian Renxue couldn't help feeling a little guilty as she understood it.

This guy traveled past, but it was for her mother.

And as a wife, I would actually suspect him like that. I really don't believe my husband.

"I can't do anything wrong, or I'll squeeze your shoulders, right?"

Begging for mercy, Qian Renxue climbed onto the bed and squeezed Su Xian obediently.

After a while, seeing that Su Xian had no reaction at all, Qian Renxue craned her neck.

Seeing Su Xian lying comfortably with her eyebrows frowning together, it was obvious that her anger had not disappeared, and Qian Renxue was also helpless.

Looking up at the time, it's only early in the morning, and I've just gotten up. Can't you accompany this guy to fool around again?

Settling down, Qian Renxue said with some shame, "Otherwise, I will sleep with you, right?"

Before she finished speaking, her complexion was already red, delicate and shameful.

However, Su Xian still didn't react at all...

Seeing that he was like this, Su Xian still had no reaction at all, and Qian Renxue's shy expression suddenly solidified.

Isn't this guy who likes to use himself as a pillow and sleep with him?

Failure, depression, helplessness...All kinds of emotions are mixed in Qian Renxue's heart.

Pouting a small mouth, Qian Renxue left the room angrily.

After a while, when she reappeared, she had changed her clothes.

A white blouse, a short plaid skirt that didn't reach the knee, and a small tie hanging down from Kansai's breast.

Against the backdrop of the jk uniform, Qian Ren's snowy white skin is looming, and her pure and adorable face is infinitely charming, as if she had walked out of anime characters.

Lying on the bed, Qian Renxue whispered in Su Xian's ear. Just when she thought that Su Xian would roll over in a hurry, she did not know that he still had no movement.

Qian Renxue:.......

No... Really asleep, right?

Her face suddenly stiffened, Qian Renxue came to Su Xian's face, and saw his steady and smooth breathing, she knew the answer immediately.

"Bah! What are you thinking about!"

Qian Renxue was so embarrassed that she almost cried when she thought that she was still here just now begging for mercy in every possible way, even wearing such explicit clothes.

With her chest rising and falling violently, Qian Renxue ran out of the room quickly, for fear that Su Xian would suddenly wake up.

Just as she breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly Bibi Dong's figure appeared before her eyes.

Seeing Qian Renxue's soft and blatant dress, even the top of her shirt could cover "", her belly button was exposed, and the corner of Bibi Dong's mouth twitched.

Looking along the crack of the door behind Qian Renxue, Wei Wei could see a figure sleeping soundly, and Bibi Dong's face turned red.

"Mother, why are you here?" When she closed the door subconsciously, Qian Renxue's face was full of embarrassment.

Bibi Dong's face flushed, and he had to seriously remind him, "Xue'er, your husband is still young. There are some things that can't be forced on him. Your cultivation is stronger than him, and it is easy to hurt his body."

Qian Renxue:! ! !

"Mother, don't get me wrong, it's not..."

Her face flushed, Qian Renxue seemed to be stepped on her tail, and hurriedly wanted to explain, but Bibidong interrupted her first.

"Well, about your husband and wife, I won't talk too much about your mother," Bibi Dong said kindly.

Qian Renxue:.......

Talk about a hammer, this is not what you think it is!

Seeing Qian Renxue's gloomy and "shy" appearance, Bibi Dong didn't continue to speak, and quickly changed the subject.

"You have already started the assessment of the Angel God position right now?"

While speaking, Bibi Dong couldn't help sweeping his gaze between Qian Renxue's forehead, and seeing the seraph pattern, his heart was already clear.

Qian Renxue:! !


The topic just now is not over yet, why are you changing the topic!

You are old, won't you just assume that I toss him?

Oh, I’m more wronged than Dou E!

(End of this chapter)

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