Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 290: Fight to break the sky! 【three】

Chapter 290 Fights Break the Sky! 【three】

"Sister, don't worry, Cher and I will be fine~"

"It was a joke just now, don't think too much~"


He sent Bibi Dong away in a pleasant manner, and Su Xian slowly turned around, his face becoming gloomy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"You just wanted to murder your husband!!"

Picking up Qian Renxue and throwing it on the sofa, Su Xian stretched out his hand and slapped her **** viciously, gritted his teeth and shouted.

If he had changed the Soul Sage realm just now, I am afraid he would have disappeared long ago!

Dou Zong waved his hand casually, and that could kill a large piece of me, and Qian Renxue hadn't controlled the anger in her just now.


The crisp sound of fleshy waves rang in the palace, Qian Renxue's brows squeezed into a "Chuan" shape, Xia Hong threw on her face, embarrassed and angry.

"I didn't mean it~"

She shrank and shrank, Qian Renxue's voice turned softly, which made people have the urge to squirt blood.

Especially her face was shy and spring, her eyes were gleaming, her brows were frowning aggrieved innocently, and she was a weak and feeble woman, so Su Xian wanted to hold her arms in her arms and love her.


This girl really commits crimes all the time!

Is it possible that this is the woman who is spoiled by happiness every day?

"Okay~ When I also pour my cultivation base into my body, let's find a place to get familiar with this power."

Taking a deep breath, Su Xian resisted the urge to rectify her on the spot.

This girl is not familiar with it, and it is excusable. There is no need to make a fuss about it, just be nice to her at night.

"You are not hurt~"

Just about to get up, Qian Renxue embraced Su Xian's arms with both hands, and stood up from the sofa together, her sparkling eyes full of worry.

The power just now was too strong, if she hadn't restrained it in time, I'm afraid the palace would have been blown into powder.

Su Xian was photographed by her head-on, how could she not worry about self-blame!

"I'm not so vulnerable."

Rubbing Qian Renxue's face, Su Xian's face was calm and calm.

What a joke, even if it's hurt, I can't call it hurt!

Men, the most important thing is face.

Even though he is shameless, his self-esteem must not be lost!


Three days later, that is, after the next day (slow speed).

Traveling to other worlds, there is nothing to explain about this kind of thing, and Su Xian and Qian Renxue plan to leave directly.

In the current situation in the mainland, wars are basically out of the way.

The only possibility to fight is that the Star Luo Empire is unwilling to be lonely, and decides to single out the Wuhun Palace and the Heaven Dou Empire, or both decide to divide the Star Luo Empire.

But today's Star Luo Empire, there is nothing to divide.

The economy is completely monopolized by banks and the Internet, and the royal family's rights are squeezed into the corner, and all its information can be intercepted in minutes.

The Star Luo Empire may be unwilling, but it will definitely not be stupid enough to carry out suicide attacks.

As for the Heaven Dou Empire and Wuhun Temple, the relationship lies here, he doesn't think Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu will destroy the foundation of his family.

Even if it was ruined, after the big deal came back, he would just reverse the plot.

Therefore, Su Xian couldn't rest assured that Douluo Continent, the continent that he had already controlled.

Journey to another world, start~

Qian Renxue exchanged the pass card, and a violent white light swallowed the two

[The pass card is a fake and shoddy product, and the two are swept away by the turbulence of time and space. The whole play ends! 】

Keke...just kidding, don’t take it seriously~


There is no Huayan pretty magic here, there are only horse spirits that multiply to the peak, horse spirit, horse drawn coins, horse drawn balls...

Here, it's the horse spirit...Ah, oh, fighting to break the mainland! !

In the cloudless sky, two figures slowly emerged, one man and one woman.

The man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, with blond hair floating like an immortal, dressed in Chinese clothes, looks extraordinary.

The woman was nestled next to him, her slim, tall figure outlines an exquisite curve, and her perfect angel-like face was breathtakingly beautiful and beyond reach.

With just one glance, the gift from heaven can be completely anesthetized.

As soon as the two of them appeared, their bodies suddenly began to fall. Fortunately, the two of them, Dou Zong's cultivation base, stopped the downward trend in time.

"It's a weird feeling, it feels heavy~"

She moved slightly, Qian Renxue felt as if something was pulling her, she only felt unaccustomed to the address.

"This continent has too much gravity, so you can get used to it slowly. With your current cultivation base, you will soon adapt."

According to physics, gravity is closely related to the mass of an object. The gravity of Doupo World is much lower than that of Douluo World, and it is normal to not get used to it.


Qian Renxue suddenly realized that, looking at the endless desert in front of her, the air was full of heat.

"Aren't you familiar with this place, where shall we go now?"

Out of a slight fear of the unfamiliar environment, Qian Renxue subconsciously tightened Su Xian's arm, her eyes full of dependence.

"Go where you should go first and punch a card!"

Seeing everything in front of him, Su Xian didn't know where it was. It might be the Tagore Desert, it might be the Blackhorn Region, and it might be a region unknown to him.

But in any case, the first task in this world must be to seize the opportunity to grab a woman to dry anti-inflammatory drugs...

Hehe, I even told the truth, really shouldn't!

The chance is to grab it, but if the woman does, Cher must be staring at herself.

As for Xiao Yan, that can't be said to be stepping on the protagonist. As a fellow, he must be made to feel the deep care of the fellow.

Only social beatings can make him go further.

The so-called "Heaven will give the power to the people of Sri Lanka, you must first suffer from his will, his muscles, and his skin..."

Um~ Sanguan is pretty upright!

Therefore, this first stop must be Utan City!

Fight through the first city!

The holy place of the author's water characters!

He didn't care about the Holy Pill City, but Utan City, he had to go!

Flying above the sky, the bright sunshine was scattered, and the two of them were covered with faint gold.

After a period of flying, Su Xian finally saw the crowd.

Looking at the tribe below, Su Xian's eyes lit up and he already knew where the two of them were.

"Curious species, non-human and non-snake~" Qian Renxue frowned slightly.

"This is called Snake Man. It is a relatively special race on this continent and the master of this desert." As he said, Su Xian pulled Qian Renxue down from the sky.

"There is human invasion!!"

Seeing Su Xian and two of them descend from the sky, the guarding snake man was shocked, holding the weapon in his hand, and waiting for him.

Although it looks mighty and domineering, if you are more careful, you will find that their legs are shaking, and their expressions are panicked.

Able to fly, the two in front of him are at least Douwang, and if they can fly without wings, Douhuang can fly a distance...

The two in front of you are definitely the enemies of the tribe!

Damn it!

Facing a strong person who is most likely to be the Emperor of Dou, what should they do? !

(End of this chapter)

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