Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 291: Don't take a needle and a thread! 【One】

Chapter 291 does not take one stitch and one thread! 【One】

"Relax a little, why are you so nervous!"

Seeing the snake people around him dragging the spears and sweating on his forehead, Su Xian couldn't help feeling sympathy for them.

Alas~ If you are really an enemy, these snake people will be cannon fodder!

"Your Excellency trespassed into my snake-man tribe, please retreat wisely, or don't blame us for being polite!"

Although fearful, no snake man chose to retreat.

A burly man stood up even more, with a sharp long sword staring at Su Xian in a daze, his eyes staring at home with death.

It seems that as long as Su Xian makes any movement, he will immediately rush up desperately, even if he hits the stone with a pebble, he will not be afraid to retreat.

"You're welcome?"

Su Xian sneered, the coercion belonging to Dou Zong swept across the snake-human tribe here in an instant.


As if Mount Tai was pressing on the top, everyone felt the heavy pressure.

Suddenly he fell into an ice cave, and the cold sweat ran out in an instant.

The legs and feet trembled because of the severe soreness, and they would kneel down at any time.

As for the snake-human guard closest to Su Xian, he was even lying on the ground, unable to move his whole body.

The two sides were not enemies, and Su Xian did not rush to kill.

Otherwise, once the coercion belonging to Dou Zong is truly released, Dou Wang will not necessarily resist it, let alone the little ones in front of you!

"Sir, please stop~"

A soft and melodious sound of pleading sounded, a purple dress from far to near, and came to Su Xian in the blink of an eye.

The visitor was a woman with her hair scattered behind her head and a tail of the same color swaying under her purple dress.

Her skin is not always white, with a light wheat color, and looks very healthy.

Simple dresses can only cover important parts of the body, and it is truly beautiful.

With every frown, the woman exudes a sense of flattery, **** and charming, which provokes people's heartstrings. The crotch that twists with the tail and the spring breeze help the willows are even more amusing.


Seeing the woman's naked dress, Qian Renxue's face turned red, and she couldn't help feeling shameless.

If she changes in the boudoir, she can still accept such a dress, but it is really offensive for her to be so undressed in broad daylight.

"Don't watch!"

Seeing that Su Xian's eyes were still staring at the opponent, Qian Renxue anxiously covered his eyes with her hands.

Su Xian:.......

Are you so worried about me? !

It's been two years, and you are not the only wife, or even a confidante.

What more needs to be said for such love!

"Where did you want to go, she is a snake man, I am not interested in playing snakes!"

Qian Renxue pulled down Qian Renxue's hand angrily. At best, he was only curious about the snake-man species, and he was not the kind of snake-playing boss.

Good-looking is good-looking, but at night, I only feel special response, especially since he also watched a movie about man and snake, it is simply a shadow of his childhood!

Being so insulted, Yue Mei gritted her teeth severely.

If she didn't know that she couldn't beat the opponent, for fear of harming her tribe, she would have to smash this **** into pieces.

Snake man, why did you bother you! !

You **** human beings, don't know how many snake people have been caught, and what nasty things have been done secretly!

"Ahem... I still respect your Snake Race. I just explained it to my wife. You don't need to put it on your body."

Seeing Yue Mei's cannibalistic eyes, Su Xian felt that he had to explain.

Snake people also have some kind of treasure like Nuwa, even if they are snake people in other worlds, they should be treated with some courtesy, otherwise, is it not to forget the ancestors?

"Your Excellency is still straightforward, why are you here for the snake-human clan?" Yue Mei said with a few hints of coldness in her voice.

"Oh~ nothing else, just to borrow a map of the Gama Empire."

"Your snake-human tribe has robbed a lot of past traders, should you have a map of the Gama Empire?"


Hearing this, Yue Mei's face was also a little frozen, and she couldn't turn a corner.

You came to the Snake People Tribe just for a map?

Damn it!

There is no place on the map, but if you want to come to the snake race, you can be so arrogant and unreasonable if you have the strength!

If you knew that Yue Mei thought so, Su Xian could only express helplessness. The two wandered in the desert for a while. This was the first time they met someone.

Of course, if you have strength, you can do whatever you want!

"Do you really need a map?" Yue Mei asked vigilantly.


Su Xian nodded, and then added, "Of course, if you can lend me tens of millions of gold coins to spend, I am particularly short of money!"

With that, Su Xian raised his eyebrows at Yue Mei, as if more money would be negotiable.

Yue Mei:.......

Do you think our money came from a strong wind? You open your mouth and shut your mouth for tens of millions! !

"Otherwise... let's grab it?" Qian Renxue pushed Su Xian's arm with her chest, her eyes shining brightly.

If this snake-men tribe really has tens of millions of gold coins, then they will be rich!

Anyway, they don't have any gold coins now, so it was just right to grab a wave.

Su Xian:.......

Unexpectedly, Qian Renxue would be so bold, Su Xian's face was suddenly stunned.

Just keep your mouth shut and grab it. Where did you learn it? !

Teasing and rubbing Qian Renxue's smooth chin, Su Xian ran a finger across her cherry lips.

"Xue'er, you have gone bad~"

"I didn't learn from you yet!"

Qian Renxue gave Su Xian's arm tight, and Su Xian's expression was a little unnatural.

"Ahem... you heard it too, my wife's original proposal was to grab it."

"You'd better take out 10 million gold coins and just send us away, lest we make trouble."

Seeing Su Xian's appearance for your sake, Yue Mei suddenly gritted her teeth.


The robbery is justified, right? !

"Your Excellency, we Snake People don't know your Excellency either. There is no need to make troubles and make everyone unhappy."

Knowing that Su Xian would not retreat in this way, Yue Mei's eyes narrowed, and she continued with the thought of ruining wealth and eliminating disasters:

"I think it's good. My tribe is willing to donate a map and two million gold coins, so I can make a good bond with your Excellency."

Two million gold coins is not too much, but it is not a lot, and the Xiao family may not be able to get it.

However, in Su Xian's eyes, Yue Mei's move seemed to be a beggar.

Does Lao Tzu need these two million?

What I need is that ten million!

If it's really urgent, don't blame me for really robbing you, he is not the kind of robber who "does not take a needle and a thread".

To be honest, even 10 million gold coins, Su Xian felt that there were too few.

This is basically the price of a fifth-grade pill. If you want to fight against the sect, and rob a fifth-grade pill, will he not save face? !

So, should I rob the Alchemist Guild in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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