Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 329: Traveler's dream list! 【One】

Chapter 329 Traveler's Dream List! 【One】

Stars and moons are in the sky, and the night falls slightly cool.

A little silver light passed through the window screens and scattered in the room, giving the originally dim environment a little more colorful.

"You have not gone to bed yet?"

Seeing Qian Renxue leaning against her and looking at the projected TV series, Su Xian gathered the quilt and covered her arm in the warm quilt.

Qian Renxue smiled, "I only slept during the day, and I can't sleep at night."

Without waiting for Su Xian to answer, Qian Renxue continued, "I also want to see what you can buy today."

"I hope it can be better, just don't make a mess of things."

Su Xian sighed, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

He is a little envious of those exchange systems now, at least he can exchange something as he pleases, unlike his luck.

Every time the system is refreshed, it is a huge challenge to his heart.

Beauty and the system, these are fine, they are useful anyhow, but the home department store and scientific theory have a shame!

I'm particularly in the fantasy world now, it's useful for those things!

"You are not very lucky~"

Covering her mouth and laughing, Qian Renxue then stretched out her slender neck, kissed Su Xian on the face, and put her arms around his arm to prevent it from moving.

Su Xian smiled and said, "It's not that you have spent too much luck when you meet, you are ashamed to say!"

"It's none of my business."

With her tongue out, Qian Renxue's face was innocent, but her heart was filled with joy.

Rubbing Qian Renxue's head, Su Xian didn't say much. It was midnight in the blink of an eye.

Watching the system time return to zero, Su Xian took a long breath and looked intently.

First, the type of product...

"The top ten most anticipated products for crossovers!"

Seeing this product category, Su Xian's pupils suddenly shrank, and an inexplicable surprise suddenly came to his heart.

Damn it!

This is what the system should do!

A must-have medicine for home travel, it is finally here!

Seeing the surprise in Su Xian's eyes, Qian Renxue put her head down without asking immediately.

Anyway, she is a small warehouse here, so she can't even run.

[First place: Goldfinger, unlimited price! 】

Unlimited price?

What new tricks?

Su Xian asked immediately, "Why does the system show that the price is unlimited? How can I know how much to buy without a price?"

The system replied, "The preciousness of the gold finger depends on the host's recharge. The more recharge, the more precious it is."

Su Xian: ╭(°A°`)╮

Damn it!

Teng xun is not your pit!

Gold finger depends on the level of recharge? ?

I play games and I know how much money I get when I charge it up. You don’t have a product logo, you are simply cheating consumers!

In case my money rushes in, and you give me something blindly, can I still sue you?

[Hey! This system is suspected of deliberately blackmailing the host's wealth, and asks the system committee to copy it away! 】

"System, you also list the specific price of each cheat finger, or how can I buy it?"

"The host is free to purchase it or not. This system does not provide this service support for the time being."

"Your uncle! You are awesome!"

Temporarily skipping the golden finger, Su Xian continued to look at it.

[Second place: the strength to dominate the world, the price is not limited. 】

Um~ it's very reasonable, very in line with the concept of lying down!

[3rd place: The gate of time and space, able to shuttle between two worlds, the price is unlimited. 】

sure! It's convenient to have this stuff!

[Fourth place: King Kong is not bad for the body, the price is not limited. 】

Um~ At first glance, there are too many harems and kidney deficiency!

[Fifth place: The first beauty is under, the price is not limited. 】

I bother!

This is actually ranked fifth, a group of old pornographic critics, nine-year compulsory education white school!

[Sixth place: immortality, unlimited price. 】

[Seventh place: become emperor, the price is not limited. 】


The more I looked at Su Xian, the worse he felt, and it turned out that not all those who traveled came to the fantasy world.

There is no shortage of travellers in cities, history, etc...

But in this way, the products he can choose are getting smaller and smaller, and it's basically just the top four that is useful.

Goldfinger! strength! The gate of time and space! body!

As for the subordinate of the fifth stunning beauty, he is not an old-fashioned critic, of course he will talk about it another day.

Looking at the first four products, Su Xian couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

This way of playing with money and smashing golden eggs adds to the element of luck, and how to distribute the gold coins is also an important matter.

Gold finger-in case the money is less, its level is low, it is useless!

Strength-he is already Dou Zong now, Dou Zun needs 100 million gold coins, and he does not have that much money.

But if you don't spend money to exchange your cultivation base, you feel that it is too bad. At any rate, you can directly increase your cultivation base. You don't need to practice.

The Gate of Time and Space-Obviously this posture is also hierarchical, and it is also a question of whether it can connect the two realms.

As for the body, leaving aside, this is not very different from strength.

"Take a look for me. What kind of products are better."

He gave Qian Renxue the information of a few products, and Su Xian planned to let her refer to it.

"All weird things!"

Qian Renxue smiled at the corner of her mouth and couldn't help but laugh.

"Never mind the golden finger, you probably won't be able to buy anything good with this little gold coin."

"An ordinary system won't be so cheap. If you buy it, it's a waste of water."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Su Xian couldn't help but nodded. The price of the system was too high, he had seen it last time.

As for other non-systematic cheats, you might have to unblock them after you buy them, which is a lot of burden and not cost-effective.

Under Su Xian's encouraging gaze, Qian Renxue continued, "In terms of strength, you can spend about 10 million to try it. It is estimated that you will be able to gain the strength of Dou Zong. It is almost impossible to want Dou Zun."

"As for physique, you have a different fire forging body, and you don't need to improve your physique."

"What do you mean, let me redeem the Gate of Time and Space?"

Hearing Qian Renxue's meaning clearly, Su Xian raised his brow slightly, looking a little surprised.

"The Gate of Time and Space is pretty good, so it's not just the two of us coming here~"

Qian Renxue smiled at the corner of her mouth and reminded her with a deep intention.


Hearing this, Su Xian's eyes suddenly brightened, and they were just two of them crossing over, and if they wanted to go back, Qian Renxue had to exchange for crossing items.

But the gate of time and space is not the same, it can be used to shuttle between two realms.

If he brought them all over, then he wouldn't have to earn gold coins on his own in fighting the world.

There are so many people in the Xiaoyao Group, and there are many Douluo titles in the Douluo Continent. Even though it is a little weaker than the fighting power of Doupo, it can still be the king and hegemony in the Jiama Empire.

It’s better for a bunch of people to make money than to rob the house on your own, ah...fight hard!

When the two came to Doupo, Su Xian always felt lonely. It would be nice to have more people lively.

(End of this chapter)

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