Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 330: Return to the Douluo Continent! 【two】

Chapter 330 returns to the Douluo continent! 【two】

"Just as you said, 10 million gold coins hit the strength, 50 million gold coins hit the gate of time and space."

After thinking about it, Su Xian still adopted Qian Renxue's opinion, and with this, he spent all the gold coins in his hand.

"The exchange of strength is successful, it is detected that the world where the host is located is the world of Doupa, and the body of Douzong's two-star cultivation base is obtained once.

"The exchange of Time and Space Gate is successful. It is detected that the host is from the Douluo World. The Time and Space Gate meets the two-world shuttle level, and the host can freely enter and leave the two worlds."

Su Xian breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the system's words. If he didn't spend enough money, he would be completely blind.

Fortunately, he has always been lucky!

[Author: Well you ghost! If it weren't for Laozi, can you get it? 】

"Success, let's go back freely~"

Seeing Qian Renxue staring straight at her, Su Xian raised a smile on her face and couldn't help but speak.

"That's the best, I miss my mother and them too, so I don't want to be a burden by your side."

Speaking of the end, Qian Renxue hugged Su Xian's body tightly, her face soft and obedient, she looked like a considerate wife and mother.

"What is cumbersome? You are our family's top priority. Don't think so in the future!"

Su Xian's face was serious and seemed a little unhappy.

In an instant, Su Xian's tone turned soft. "You are pregnant with a baby. It's harder than me. It's right to take care of you. After all, I am your husband."


Qian Renxue pursed her lips and laughed, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and Su Xian was allowed to rub her back, her lazy expression was full of joy and sweetness.

After a while, Qian Renxue raised her head casually, "Then when shall we go back?"

"It's okay anytime, we will go back and have a look when we explain the matter."

The smile on the corner of the mouth grew bigger and bigger, and finally spread to the whole face, Su Xian continued, "By the way, we can call more people over so that we don't have to bother to make money."

Hearing this, Qian Renxue also covered her mouth and smiled. Although she felt that Su Xian was getting lazier, she didn't feel disgusted.

Now they have everything, there is no shortage of other things, and they don't need to fight for life and death.

There is no problem at all for other people to make money.

It's been more than half a month since Su Xian and Su Xian came to Doupo World, and there were not many people they knew, so there was not much to arrange.

When I heard that Su Xian was leaving the Xiao family, Xiao Yan found him.

Seeing Xiao Yan, who was proud of the spring breeze in front of him, with a beaming smile on his face, Su Xian always felt a little weird, as if he had ruined his original appearance.

With his slightly squinted eyes, Su Xianqing couldn't help but think of Uncle Da in the Star Master Veyron series. His upright face was sleek, and his indestructible expression was wretched.

Hmm~ I have confirmed the eyes, they are all the kind of people who eat soft rice!

"I heard you are leaving recently?"

Xiao Yan looked at Su Xian with regret.

Hey~ It's really hard to separate!

I hope I won't meet again next time, so I can make an extra million for nothing.

"No." Su Xian shook his head.


Xiao Yan was taken aback, "I heard my father say you are leaving, isn't it right?"

"It's not recently, but I'm leaving soon." Su Xian corrected.

Xiao Yan:.......

"Where are you going?" Xiao Yan asked curiously.

"What are you asking this for?"

Su Xian glanced at him faintly, then waved his hand and continued, "Don't worry, I will be back again. I remember that one million and one point cannot be lost."

"Interest or something, just use 10%."

"What, do you want interest?"

Xiao Yan was dumbfounded, and secretly calculated the accounts.

Ten percent?

One million down, that is one hundred thousand a year, an average of nearly 30 gold coins a day!

Damn it!

Your heart is darker than bank capitalists!

Su Xianyi said sternly, "Don't you know what economic prosperity is, and prices are soaring?"

"Can one million ten years later be compared with one million ten years ago?"

Xiao Yan:.......

I have a saying that Mom doesn’t know if it’s inappropriate to say it!

"Your interest,'s too high~"

"It's not a loan shark, it's high, it's still a conscience price!"

Su Xian patted Xiao Yan on the shoulder and cut back affectionately.

Usury, that's more than 30%, and this is only 10%. Haven't you seen my character?

Xiao Yan:.......

Your conscience is sure to let the dog eat it!

Without going on to this topic, Su Xian reminded, "If you want to take care of my business, you should worry about your Xiao family meeting. With your current five-stage cultivation base of fighting spirit, don't be sent to be the treasurer by then!"

Xiao Yan waved his hand quickly, "No! The interest matter hasn't been settled yet, why are you so anxious to change the subject?!"

"Why? Do you think 10% is too low, and plan to rise to 20%?" Su Xian blinked and asked in surprise.

Xiao Yan:.......

"Go slow! Don't send it!"

He arched his hand towards Su Xian, Xiao Yan turned around and left without any hesitation.

Seeing Xiao Yan leaving, Su Xian brought Qian Renxue to the Mittel auction house.

"Don't you need me to auction? Why are you leaving suddenly?"

Concubine Ya was very surprised that Su Xian was leaving suddenly.

It is said that in the past the Imperial Capital took down the Mittel family, and suddenly he stopped going, now suddenly he wants to leave...

This set of things made her not know what to say.

"Something happened temporarily."

Su Xian didn't explain too much, thinking of the next thing, could not help but remind:

"Let's put the ground-level cultivation technique with you first. With your current status, you may not be able to carry it down if you take it for auction."

"You go to the Mittel auction site to develop, and when I come back, you will naturally be needed one day."

"Then when will you come back?"

The ground-level cultivation technique was placed on her own, and Ya Fei was very moved in her heart, and asked quickly.

"It's hard to say, maybe ten days and a half months, or maybe a year and a half, you just need to take care of yourself."

"Well, just these things, I'm leaving!"

Waved his hand towards Concubine Ya, under her ardent gaze, Su Xian took Qian Renxue and flew away from Wutan City.

In order not to attract the attention of other people, Su Xian chose a secluded place, which released the gate of time and space.


A ten-meter-high bronze giant door stood up from the ground, with colorful energy fluctuating in the middle, and the rusty door frame was painted with complex and mysterious magic patterns, faintly emitting a purple shimmer.

This is the gate of time and space!

Curiously looked at the gate of time and space, Su Xian took Qian Renxue and walked straight in. Then the giant gate seemed to sink into the ground, and it fell and disappeared.

When Su Xian came out, they had already returned to a familiar world.

(End of this chapter)

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