Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 394: Brother is in charge for you! 【two】

Chapter 394, the eldest brother is in charge of you! 【two】

"You stinky girl, don't hesitate to put us down, I have already called someone!"

"Don't be smug, when my eldest brother comes, you can't eat it!"


Seeing Xue Wuji still cursing, Xue Mingtong was completely irresistible.

As a prisoner, I have a sense of being a prisoner, okay, don't you take me into the pit!

Under the stone wall, Yue Mei's expression was extremely ugly when she heard Xue Wuji yelling blindly.

She screams?

Capture the two of you back, where is she? !

It's you, who scolded me in the middle of the night!

"You keep talking, right? Then I will tell you to shut up."

Yue Mei's face was full of sullen anger, and she raised her right hand with a gloomy expression, and a strange ringing wave rang from her arm ring.

Afterwards, a hissing sound of friction came from the ground, and only a few small snakes were afraid to emerge from the cracks in the chaos, crawling along the stone wall towards Xue Wuji.

In the blink of an eye, the snake exchange rate was like a small stream, densely packed, making people get goose bumps.

"Fuck! You stinky girl, I said not to play snakes, stop it!"

Xue Wuji's pupils shrank abruptly, and a chill from the soles of his feet hit the Sky Spirit Cover, struggling violently, the saliva star in his mouth flew straight.

Aside, Xue Mingtong breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the snake was not coming towards him.

The cold inside made him not want to look down, and he closed his eyes slightly.

In this way, he would not see Xue Wuji's misery, so as not to leave a shadow in his heart.

It seems that Xue Wuji was deliberately dangled, and after the snake climbed up the rock wall, the speed appeared unusually slow.

Seeing so many snakes coming towards him, Xue Wuji suddenly collapsed and lowered the arrogant heads.

"Eldest sister, oooooo~ I was wrong with me, you should stop them, stop!"


The jade finger picked up the hair on the temples, and Yue Meiying smiled a playful look in her eyes. "Wasn't it so arrogant last night? Wasn't it also arrogant just now, why are you now?"

Xue Wuji's face straightened, "This is not an acknowledgment, I am from the heart, and the person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant, this is what my elder brother told me."

What a joke!

He Xue Wuji, except for admitting counseling in front of his eldest brother, he has never admitted counseling in front of anyone else!

"It looks like you really admire your elder brother."

Seeing Xue Wuji mentioning her elder brother many times, Yue Mei's mouth chuckled and teased.


Xue Wuji snorted and turned her head aside, as if she didn't agree with what Yue Mei said.

"I only worship strength, never others!"

"As for my eldest brother, I'm just afraid of him. When I am strong, I..."

"Cough cough cough..."

Hearing this, Xue Mingtong suddenly coughed violently, his face flushed with anger, and he wished to get away from him.

This woman is not terrible, the eldest brother is dying.

Do it yourself, don't bring Laozi, don't you know that Big Brother is everywhere? !

Xue Wuji knew that he had said too much, and quickly closed his mouth.

Su Xian: ()


Do you want to rebel? I will teach you a lesson today so that you can understand how to grow!

"Ha ha…"

With a sneer, Yue Mei ignored Xue Wuji, a second-year junior, and looked at Xue Mingtong before she said:

"I give you two a chance to join my tribe and become my warrior. I can keep you alive."

"Otherwise, blaspheme my snake-human race girl, I will smash your corpses into ten thousand pieces to pay tribute to my ten thousand snakes."


Upon hearing this, Xue Mingtong and the other two took a breath of air-conditioning. They looked at the snake underground, and their souls floated with fright.

"Sister, if you have something to say, why bother to move a snake!"

"Yeah! It was he who watched you take a shower, but I didn't watch it. It's not my business at all."

"Fuck! You betrayed me so much."

"Is it possible that I was wrong?"



Seeing that the two of Xue Wuji dared to mention the things of last night, Yue Mei suddenly roared, her face was purple and black, and her eyes were filled with unquenchable anger.

Hearing this, Su Xian seemed to understand what happened.

Hmm~ Xue Wuji wanted to learn from Xiao Yan to play with snakes, but was played by snakes!



What is the only way to take a peek at the good girls in the bath and change to a noble family like them, in order not to spoil the royal face?

That's right!

Just married her!

Hey, I’m a genius. Don’t my old lady talk about this every day. Today, he must do his eldest brother’s obligations, Jie Jie Jie~

"Okay, Xue Wuji, you stinky kid, it's really the opposite of watching someone else's girl take a bath."

The sound of thunder blasted in the sky, a figure flashed by in the blink of an eye, and Su Xian had already reached the ground.

"Big Brother!!"

Seeing Su Xian, Xue Wuji was so excited that tears were about to fall.

It's been a long drought and the rain, the old man met the cart, and came here well and wonderfully!

Xue Wuji didn't feel much excitement on the surface, but felt something was wrong. Once the big brother's voice was high-pitched and the corners of his mouth were smiling, there must be nothing good.

"It's you!"

Seeing Su Xian, Yue Mei's face changed dramatically, and when she heard Xue Wuji's name, her heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

Unexpectedly, he was actually the eldest brother of Xue Wuji, and things were going bad now.

"Miss Yuemei, our family is a house of etiquette, and you will never be wronged."

Su Xian was serious and completely forgot that he had robbed Yuemei of tens of millions of gold coins.

"Xue Wuji, did you take a peek at someone's bath?!"

Turning around, Su Xian's expression suddenly became fierce, and a flash of torrential roar burst from his mouth.

"Big Brother, I..."

Xue Wuji was taken aback, and he couldn't say anything.

Seeing Su Xian's gaze, Xue Mingtong directly betrayed Xue Wuji in line with the fine tradition of dead daoists and not dead.

"Yes, this guy did it. He himself wants to come to the Tagore Desert to see what the Serpent Chief looks like."

"I didn't even think about it. He actually watched other people take a bath. It was shameless and shameless!" Xue Mingtong was filled with indignation.

Hearing this, Xue Wuji suddenly felt a thousand horses rushing by in his heart.


This plastic brotherhood!

It is said that the combination of two swords is invincible in the world?

Are you betraying me? ?

"Okay, Xue Wuji, Xue Wuji, I didn't expect you to do this kind of business, and it would be a shame to our family."

With eyes full of contempt, Su Xian scolded a little bit of hatred for iron and steel. Seeing Xue Wuji's unspeakable stubbornness, Su Xian knew that it was time for the big dish.

"Miss Yuemei, it's about your innocence. You must not be sloppy. I am his elder brother, so I can call the shots for him. He is willing to hire you in three ways."

"If you agree, our Xue family is willing to produce a 7th-Rank Transforming Pill, a 7th-Rank Heavenly Soul Melting Pill, plus Douhuang cultivation base to marry you!"


Damn it! It really is a pit!

Yue Mei:.......

What the hell, marry me? !

"Big brother, I hate you so much, oooooo~"

(End of this chapter)

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