Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 395: Big Brother Fight! 【One】

Chapter 395 is a big brother! 【One】

"Mother, help, my eldest brother wants me to marry this snake man!"

"Mother, don't listen to your elder brother nonsense, he can say everything with this mouth."


Ignoring Xue Wuji's howling, Su Xian took Nangongling to the side and began to teach her a thought lesson.

"Even though the woman looks pretty good, she is a snake man after all. Can't you harm your brother!"


Before Su Xian spoke, Nangong Ling patted the back of Su Xian's hand and talked about love for Xue Wuji.

Seeing Nangongling's worried and pleading gaze, Su Xian was a little sad.

"Mother, although I have some problems with my style, I usually tease them, but when did I harm them? Don't you know me?"

"Then you still let Wuji marry her?" Nangong Ling asked anxiously.

Although she knew that Su Xian was right, Nangong Ling still felt uneasy.

Snake people, who knows if the child born in the future is a snake? Their royal family can't have such a scandal!

Moreover, let Xue Wuji marry a snake man, this wedding night...

"Listen to me slowly."

Su Xian gave a deep consolation. Seeing Nangongling looking at him without speaking, Su Xian continued:

"Mother, don't look at her as a snake, but the essence is still a human. I have a transforming pill here, which can transform into a human body after eating."

"I also know what you are worried about. Don't worry, the child is definitely human."

Nangongling's brows loosened a little, but she still couldn't accept it.

Su Xian went on to persuade, "The soul beast transformed into a human being, and everyone can become a husband and wife with other people. Didn’t Tang Hao fall in love with the Blue Silver Emperor back then!"

"So, don't worry about this problem."

"Look at Yue Mei again. She has a big **** and a plump body. At first glance, she is the material for a son."

Upon hearing this, Nangong Ling couldn't help but looked at Yue Mei, her eyes visibly fluctuating.

"But Wuji doesn't like her at all. How can he be willing if you force him like this."

Nangong Ling looked worried, but there was less resistance in her words, and it seemed that Su Xian was also a little moved.

"Mother, you are wrong!"

Suddenly, Nangong Ling raised her head.

Is she wrong?

Where did she go wrong? !

Seeing Nangongling who is usually such a smart person, she lost her thinking ability when encountering such things, Su Xian couldn't help sighing.

However, he still wants to talk about the truth.

"Let’s not talk about Wuji peeping at her in the bath, and tarnishing her body. Even if you are considering Wuji, you should support it."

"Considering Promise?"

Nangong Ling is even more confused, she is thinking about him, it looks more like your big brother is cheating him.

"Oh~ you haven't seen it through yet!"

Nangong Ling:? ? ?

Su Xian slowly said, "Wuji's temperament is called innocence if it sounds good, and it is a string if it is bad. It never considers the consequences of doing things."

"He's also the boss, he can't keep going like this, but Yue Mei is different, she is smart and has control, and she is also the power of Dou Wang."

"If Wuji marries her, it will be able to make up for his shortcomings so that he will not get into trouble everywhere in the future."

"Today this time, fortunately I rushed over in time, otherwise I might not know what would happen, and said rudely, he lacks such a domineering woman in charge!"

At the last words, Nangong Ling's brows were also frowned, her eyes showing thoughtfulness.

To be honest, of his three sons, Xue Wuji is the one who is most worried about it.

It's okay to watch a little bit, but not to watch this one is guaranteed to cause you big trouble.

However, you can't keep looking at him and raise him like a child, right? !

After thinking for a while, Nangong Ling pursed her lips, attached to Su Xian's ear, and deliberately lowered her voice, "Are you sure, the child will not have any influence, right?"

Su Xian promised to reply, "I would lie to you. If you didn't take the transformation pill, there is indeed some inheritance, but once transformed, there is absolutely no problem!"

"In any case, they are also nephews and nephews, is it possible that I will cheat them?!"

Nangongling nodded, then let out a sigh of relief, faintly looking at Su Xian, and said:

"This matter, you can take care of it."


Hearing this, Su Xian suddenly smiled.

He didn't want to take revenge on Xue Wuji, it was because this guy had too many things, so he could find a wife to take care of him.

You all peek at others taking a bath, you are not responsible, then you are still a man!

As for Yuemei being a snake-human race, Su Xian has never discriminated against this. Looking at the novel world, is this kind of tone still low?

Tang Sanjia, the one hundred thousand year soul beast started!

Xiao Yan, the famous snake knight!

There are also fox, phoenix, carp...

So, it’s nothing, people look beautiful, even if the sow becomes loved.

As for feelings, marriage first, love later, raw rice for mature rice, cough cough... Suddenly I feel a little evil.

"Girl Yuemei, if you agree, this marriage will be so decided." Su Xian said to Yue Mei kindly.

"Damn! What do you mean forget it, who wants to marry this stinky lady?"

"Mother, you have to save me, I don't want to marry this dominatrix!"


Seeing Xue Wuji struggling fiercely, unable to follow her death, even her face was red, and she hated her appearance, Yue Meixiu couldn't help but cast a cold light.

"Yue Mei, consider it carefully. As long as you agree, I can raise your cultivation level to Dou Huang."

Listening to words suddenly rang in her mind, Yue Mei couldn't help looking at Su Xian.

"What if I don't agree?"

The voice was very cold, it seemed to be squeezed out between the teeth, with a sense of pressure.

"We are born in the royal family. The best way to deal with the royal scandal is to shut up people who know it, so you know it yourself?"


Yue Mei's fierce snake eyes suddenly stood up, and she squeezed her fist.

"I promised~"

Staring at Su Xian for a while, Yue Mei suddenly loosened her fist, looked at Xue Wuji with complexity, and replied weakly.

"Fuck! You were so mighty and domineering last night, you continue to be tough, my elder brother eats hard but not soft, you have to know how to persist~"

The more he spoke, the lower his voice, Xue Wuji's tears dripped like beads, as if his soul had been drawn out, and his eyes were full of dullness.

Seeing Xue Wuji like that, Su Xian suddenly felt a little refreshed, but his expression instantly receded.

"This is the transforming pill, my younger brother and sister gave you!"

Taking out a green pill from the storage ring, Su Xian threw it directly to Yue Mei.

Is this for me?

Looking at the seven-pin pill in her hand, Yue Mei was also stunned, feeling unbelievable.

This is a seven-pin pill!

Don't say it's her, even the Queen of Medusa can't find it, she just got it?

"By the way, this is the Snake Marrow Bone Shedding Pill, and the Heavenly Soul Melting Blood Pill. Let me give it to you..."

Su Xian took out two more medicinal pills. He didn't need these medicinal pills. It was just as a betrothal gift from his elder brother.

Alas~ Brothers get married, and all the elder brother pays the bride price. Can you still find a good elder brother like him?

(End of this chapter)

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