Chapter 118: Dai Mubai was abandoned

"Shen Jianxin, tell me why you invited the doctor to treat Ma Hongjun but not Dai Mubai."

In Shrek Academy, in the principal's office, Flanders looked at Shen Jianxin with a gloomy face and full of anger, hoping that he could give him an explanation.

Shen Jianxin smiled lightly and said in a calm tone: "Dean, Zhu Zhuqing has become my teacher."

Flanders was stunned for a moment, frowned and said slightly dissatisfied: "Even so, did I say that you are a team? As the captain, why do you unite all the team members regardless of the overall situation?"

Shen Jianxin smiled and said: "Dean, I have united all the team members. As for Dai Mubai, he is not a member of our team."

Flanders frowned, seeming to have realized something, and said in a slightly gentle tone: "You are still young, and when everyone is impulsive, can't you give him a chance?"

Shen Jianxin shook his head slightly and said firmly: "I can give him a chance, but who gives us a chance? Dean, we only have one life."

"If I accept him now, it would be for him alone, risking the lives of eight of us."

"Dean, I think as a veteran Jianghu, you will understand that one betrayal will never be used again for the rest of your life."

Flanders was a little anxious: "But."

Seeing that Flanders wanted to persuade him, Shen Jianxin raised his hand and interrupted him: "Dean Flanders, don't say any more unnecessary words. I said it on the day of admission. I can obey reasonable requests. As for the others, I can't do anything else." Please don’t speak respectfully.”

"Furthermore, the decision to kick Dai Mubai out of the team was not my decision alone, but the joint decision of all eight of us. So it is completely useless if you only talk to me about this matter."

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

After saying this, Shen Jianxin turned around and left. He no longer wanted to talk to Flanders about Dai Mubai anymore.

What is there to say about what is a foregone conclusion? In the final analysis, Dai Mubai's success in getting to this point is just his own fault.

After leaving the dean's office, Shen Jianxin found that except Dai Mubai, the other seven people were waiting for him outside the door.

Shen Jianxin smiled slightly and gestured to everyone, and everyone felt relieved and left together with him.

Flanders stood at the window, watching a group of eight people leave talking and laughing, looking a little lonely, and not knowing what he was thinking in his heart.

After a moment, Flanders sighed, shook his head slightly, walked out of the principal's office, walked out of Shrek Academy, and walked towards Soto City.

It seemed that he still couldn't bear it down and decided to go see a doctor for Dai Mubai himself.

After all, he had an unshirkable responsibility for Dai Mubai's fate today.

It is not unreasonable to say that it is the fault of a son not to teach his father, and it is the fault of a teacher not to teach strictly.

If he had been less indulgent and more educated, how could Dai Mubai's temper be so bad?

Early the next morning, Shen Jianxin and eight other people had breakfast, said goodbye to Flanders and his group who came to see them off, got into the carriage they rented yesterday, and set off on their journey to the Star Forest.

Looking at the carriage that was getting further away, Dai Mubai, who was standing behind Flanders, kept flashing a fierce look in his eyes.

As if he felt something, Flanders turned to look at Dai Mubai and said seriously: "Mubai, put down your hatred and take care of yourself."

Dai Mubai clenched his fists, bit his teeth lightly, looked fiercely, and said in a slightly sharp voice: "Dean, I can't let go, I'm useless, I'm no longer a man, I can't hold my head up anymore."

"I'm going to make them pay, I'm going to make them taste my pain."

Flanders frowned: "Mubai, they are all geniuses who are not weaker than you. You have no chance. Forget about your hatred and go back."

"Go back to the Star Luo Empire. There is no problem with your waist. Maybe that strange illness can be cured after you go back."

Dai Mubai shook his head: "Dean, you don't understand. The Xingluo royal family is the most cruel. If they know that I have lost my ability to have children, they will definitely deprive me of everything. The best outcome is to live in the dark from now on. A royal black knife.”

"Those days are so cruel, I would rather die."

After a pause, Dai Mubai bowed to Flanders and the teachers: "Thank you to the dean and all the teachers for taking me in over the years. Mubai takes his leave."

After saying this, Dai Mubai turned around and left with firm steps.

He lost his male function, but he never expected that it would give him a little more masculinity. He could no longer shrink back in the gentle countryside, so he decided to go out to experience and strengthen himself. If he could not get back the strength he had lost during this trip, he would Never look back.

Seeing Dai Mubai's resolute back, Flanders laughed at himself and sighed: "I really failed."

"It's okay, it's okay. Both of you are geniuses, both are monsters, and you all have your own ideas and persistence. I can't control any of them, and I can't persuade any of them."

"That's it, that's all. When you are old, you shouldn't meddle in your own business."

After saying that, Flanders left with a wry smile, and walked towards the shabby Shrek Academy with a sad back. It was as if the expectations, dreams, and passion in the heart of this old man who was over fifty years old were gradually dying with this shabby academy. .

Today is only the fourth day since the start of Shrek Academy, but more things have happened than in the previous year, and the situation is more serious than before.

This year, six students were recruited at once, which is the largest number of students recruited by Shrek Academy so far. Moreover, Flender has also received strong sponsorship from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. Everyone feels that this is a symbol of the upcoming rise of Shrek Academy.

But I never thought that with just nine students, Shrek Academy would expose serious educational problems.

If the unknown men in black robes attacked on the first night, they could still say that it was an emergency and had nothing to do with Shrek Academy.

Then the behavior of Dai Mubai stabbing Zhu Zhuqing in the back the next day can already prove that there is something wrong with the education in their college. At the very least, they have not educated the students well on the moral issues.

The internal division on the third day is a strong proof of the failure of their education.

Dai Mubai left with a grudge today, which was a blow to everyone present.

Even the students they have personally educated for several years are no longer willing to listen to their persuasion, which shows how failed their education has been.

Now, Flanders took the lead to leave with a lonely look, which severely damaged the self-confidence of the remaining teachers. They shook their heads, sighed, and the crowd gradually dispersed.

Zhao Wuji stared blankly at the dejected expressions of all the old guys, feeling powerless and upset: "Fuck, what's this?"

He opened his mouth and cursed angrily, Zhao Wuji stretched out his figure and chased in the direction of Shen Jianxin and others.

No matter what, as long as Shrek Academy is not disbanded, he, Old Zhao, will never forget his responsibilities.

Although Shen Jianxin was now stronger than him, he still felt that Shen Jianxin was too young and inexperienced, so he decided to follow him and have a look.

At this time, Dugu Bo, who was standing on the rooftop not far away and watching everything quietly, smiled slightly: "It's a small Shrek, there are not many people, the background of the people is quite complicated, and there are a lot of bullshit. It's really interesting."

Shaking his head, Dugu Bo took a few steps and disappeared on the roof.

Chapters 188 and 199 are posted upside down, and the content has been swapped, but the chapter names cannot be changed, which affects all book friends. I'm sorry!

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