Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 119 Dai Mubai was abandoned

Chapter 119 Star Dou Forest

The Star Forest is located in the southeast of the Balak Kingdom, with a small part bordering the Balak Kingdom. Soto City is also located in the southeast of the Balak Kingdom. It is not too far from the Star Forest, only less than 500 kilometers away. .

Shen Jianxin and his group of eight people took a carriage and set off in the morning. In the evening, they drove more than 400 kilometers and arrived at the small town closest to the Star Forest.

Since it was getting late and everyone was a little tired from the long journey, Shen Jianxin proposed to rest in the small town for one night and then enter the Star Forest tomorrow.

Entering the small town, the city is bustling with traffic and pedestrians. There are many shops on both sides of the street, offering all kinds of goods, and most of them are related to soul masters.

I don’t know if it’s because they are closer to the Star Dou Forest, but the ratio of soul masters to ordinary people on the street has also obviously increased.

Shen Jianxin just opened the curtain of the carriage and took a look outside, and found that three of the ten people had obvious soul power fluctuations.

There were many people and things to do, not to mention there were four beauties among the eight of them. In order to avoid trouble, Shen Jianxin directly called the coachman and took them to the best restaurant.

In a formal place, the service and security are naturally much better. Staying in the hotel and eating are all carried out in an orderly manner, and things like pretending to be slapped in the face naturally do not happen.

At midnight, after everyone fell asleep, Shen Jianxin left the hotel alone, climbed out of the city wall, and came to the woods outside the city.

"Old man, I'm here, come out."

Hearing Shen Jianxin's cry, Dugu Bo suddenly jumped down from the tree and landed with his hands behind his back.

Seeing Dugu Bo's invisible pretense, Shen Jianxin felt ashamed. Who was he showing off to at this late hour?

"Old man, why did you call me out this late at night? If you have anything to do, you can just send a message and call me out."

Dugu Bo glanced at him: "Look at the dark forest outside the city. Two people are plotting something. Don't you think it's very atmospheric?"

"..." Shen Jianxin was speechless for a while: "You really have free time. Forget it, you're already here, just keep talking."

Dugu Bo coughed lightly: "That little bear boy came with you. It seems he doesn't trust you and is here to take care of you."

"Teacher Zhao?" Shen Jianxin nodded slightly: "I can guess that although the teachers at Shrek are a bit out of tune, they are quite protective of their shortcomings. It is normal to worry about us."

"Is there anything else? I don't believe you always call me out for such a trivial matter."

Dugu Bo chuckled: "I knew I couldn't hide it from you. That tiger boy from Xingluo left Shrek Academy after you left."

Shen Jianxin frowned slightly: "Just go, as long as it doesn't hinder us."

"Not obstructing? I don't think that's possible." Dugubo smacked his lips and said, "You haven't seen the look in his eyes when he left. He perfectly combined the ferocity of the tiger, the viciousness of the wolf, and the cunning of the fox."

"I think if we let him go, he will be a big trouble once he gains power in the future."

"After all, that kid's qualifications are not low. He has innate nine-level soul power. In addition, Yanyan poisoned him, allowing him to hide his energy and focus on cultivation, so his improvement will definitely be faster."

Shen Jianxin thought deeply and said, "It's okay to get rid of him, but not now. Zhuqing's matter has not been resolved yet. He cannot die yet, let alone die in our hands."

"The current situation on the mainland seems stable, but in fact it is a powder keg. Any spark will cause a huge explosion."

"We don't need to get into trouble now. Let's inform my good brother. She should be interested in the heir to the throne of the enemy country."

Dugu Bo smiled slightly: "You are still the bad boy. After Xue Qinghe catches that boy and lets your father-in-law get involved, not only can you solve the problem of your female apprentice, but also Tiandou can get a lot of benefits. , and even more so, I can sell that boy Xue Qinghe a favor, this is like killing three birds with one stone."

Shen Jianxin grinned, not knowing what to say. His original intention was to throw Dai Mubai, the hot potato, to Qian Renxue. Dugu Bo's guess turned out to be a new idea after careful consideration.

"Well, it's okay if the old man knows, just be careful that walls have ears when you say it."

Dugu Bo waved his hand: "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, I can spot a mouse hiding within a thousand meters."

Shen Jianxin nodded: "As long as you know what's going on, is there anything else? It's almost dawn. If I don't go back, I'm afraid they'll wake up."

Dugu Bo waved his hand casually: "Go away, go away, I'm going to deliver the message, and I will follow you later."

Returning to the hotel, Shen Jianxin looked at the dimly lit sky in the east, sighed and simply stopped sleeping.

After ordering breakfast for everyone, Shen Jianxin began to wake everyone up one by one.

Because he got up too early today, except for Tang San, the Juan King who often went to bed later than dogs and woke up earlier than chickens, there was no obvious reaction. Everyone else yawned so much that even someone complained about Shen Jianxin during the meal.

Shen Jianxin just smiled and didn't refute, but she was secretly proud in her heart. I stayed up all night, but you still want to sleep comfortably? Just dream.

After everyone had breakfast in a daze, the sun slowly rose from the east.

Facing the white fish belly on the horizon, Shen Jianxin and his group of eight people left the small town and once again set foot on the direction of the Star Forest.

Since this place was not far from the Star Forest, everyone did not take the carriage again, but ran there.

Although Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun's injuries are not yet completely healed, they are no longer affected by the treatment. What's more, they have teammates around them to help them. The journey of dozens of kilometers is nothing to them.

After an hour of running, a green ocean suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The endless green looked particularly shocking.

From a distance, the refreshing scent of plants hits your face. Taking a deep breath makes you feel relaxed and happy. Your whole body feels inexplicably comfortable, and even your mood feels much better at this moment.

Seeing the Star Dou Forest in front of them, everyone looked happy. The happiest people were Oscar and Xiao Wu. One was about to obtain the third soul ring, and the other was going home.

Finally, they came to the Star Forest. The tall trees were at least twenty meters tall, and this was just the outermost part. There were no paths in the dense forest, and the trees were full of shadows, making it impossible to see the real scene inside.

"Everyone stop." Shen Jianxin, who was leading the way, suddenly shouted and stopped everyone.

Looking at the seemingly beautiful but deep and silent forest in front of him, Shen Jian couldn't help but frown.

Because this was his first time in the Star Dou Forest, so he was not familiar with the conditions inside.

Although Shen Jianxin has been to the Sunset Forest, the Sunset Forest is located in the center of the Tiandou Empire, in the north of the continent, and has a temperate climate.

Most of the forests in the forest are temperate plants, the density of the trees is not very high, and the strength of the spirit beasts is also very low. With Shen Jianxin's current strength, he can already cross the Sunset Forest without being injured.

But the Star Dou Forest is different. It spans the two empires of Tian Dou and Xing Luo, and is located on the central equator of the continent. It is a standard tropical rain forest.

Judging from the lush, sun-blocking trees outside, Shen Jianxin knew that if he rashly brought everyone in, he would definitely be seeking death.

Frowning, Shen Jianxin faced everyone and said, "Which of you is familiar with the terrain inside? This is my first time here and I am not very familiar with the environment inside."

After hearing Shen Jianxin's words, Zhu Zhuqing immediately raised his hand: "Teacher, let me lead the way."

"I went around from the edge of the Star Dou Forest to the Heaven Dou Empire. All Oscar needs is a thousand-year soul ring. As long as I don't go deep into the forest, I can do it."

Upon hearing Zhu Zhuqing's self-recommendation, Oscar and Ma Hongjun put down their hands that were about to be raised, and Xiao Wu also retracted his raised feet.

Shen Jianxin glanced at everyone and nodded: "Okay, in this case, you and I will open the way in front. Ning Rongrong and Oscar will follow behind us. Tang San and Ma Hongjun will guard the two sides. Xiao Wu and Sister Yanyan will provide support at the rear. .”

"Keep this formation as soon as you enter the forest. Remember, don't go more than twenty meters away from me. Otherwise, I won't be able to guarantee your safety."

"Now, Oscar makes sausages, taking a short break."

Chapters 188 and 199 are posted upside down, and the content has been swapped, but the chapter names cannot be changed, which affects all book friends. I'm sorry!

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