Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 128 Xiao Wu wakes up, Tang San returns to his parents’ home

Shen Jianxin used the Titan Ape's own words to reply to it, leaving the Titan Ape stunned for a long time.

He stared at Xiao Wu, who was still unconscious, with wide eyes, and then at Shen Jianxin, who was still treating Xiao Wu.

After thinking for a long time, the Titan Giant Ape gently shook his head: "I want to wait until Sister Xiaowu wakes up. I want to listen to Sister Xiaowu's decision."

It was the first time in six years that Xiao Wu had returned. The Titan Ape had suffered such serious injuries as soon as they met. The Titan Giant Ape was really worried about Xiao Wu leaving its side again, let alone leaving while being seriously injured and unconscious. .

Shen Jianxin smiled and said, "No problem, let's wait here. I estimate that she will wake up in a few hours."

At the same time, Tang Hao dragged Tang San and flew rapidly for a whole day and night, and finally arrived at an unknown spirit beast forest when the fuel was almost exhausted.

This soul beast forest is not much different from other soul beast forests. The only exception is that the blue silver grass here grows particularly lush, and it grows better and is thicker than the blue silver grass in other places.

As soon as he arrived here, Tang Hao mobilized the soul power in his body and erupted with an extremely weird soul power fluctuation, as if he was summoning something.

"Human, the emperor is dead, why are you still coming?"

Not long after, an ethereal voice that did not resemble a human suddenly sounded beside Tang Hao.

If you feel it carefully, you will find that the sound is actually the sound made by those tiny blue silver grasses that are everywhere on the ground and no one pays attention to them, swaying regularly and rubbing against each other.

Moreover, the owner of this voice seemed to be familiar with Tang Hao.

Tang Hao forced himself to cheer up and said in a tough tone: "This is your emperor's descendant. He is about to die. I want you to save him."

"A descendant of the emperor?" The owner of the ethereal voice was obviously a little surprised.

Tang Hao nodded lightly, without saying too much, and his soul power moved slightly, leaving a wound on Tang San's body.

A drop of blue-gold blood squeezed out from Tang San's wound, dripped down, and landed on the Blue Silver Grass blades on the ground, and then a strange scene happened.

As if these blue silver grasses could suck blood, Tang San's drop of blue-gold blood penetrated in at a speed visible to the naked eye as soon as it dripped onto it.

After sucking Tang San's blood, the blue silver grass suddenly jumped more than a foot taller.

In an instant, it changed from an ordinary blue silver grass to a soul beast blue silver grass with a trace of soul power.

"It's indeed the emperor's bloodline. Human, you didn't lie to me."

"Put him on the ground. Humans also ask you to exit the Blue Silver Forest. You will not be needed for the rest."

Tang Hao nodded lightly, and placed Tang San on the bluesilver grass on the ground. In a flash, he disappeared from the spot.

When Tang San came here, it was equivalent to Tang San returning to his natal home. He was not worried about Tang San's safety.

Now, he has to stabilize his injury.

He still has a lot of things to do, and he can't die yet.

"Hope, my hope, come quickly, I can't wait any longer."

After Tang Hao left, an urgent vague voice came faintly and dissipated in the wind.

Then the Blue Silver Grass around Tang San began to grow crazily, covering Tang San's entire body in an airtight manner, and then dragged him deep into the ground and disappeared.

As night fell, Shen Jianxin and his party stayed here for another day in the Star Forest.

"Water~" An extremely weak cry sounded, and Shen Jianxin immediately opened his eyes.

He wiped his hand on the storage soul guide, and the kettle appeared.

The soul power moved slightly, the lid of the pot was opened, and a stream of water gushes out from the mouth of the pot, slowly flying towards Xiao Wu's chapped lips.

"Sister Xiao Wu!"

The Titan Giant Ape, who had been paying attention to Xiao Wu, noticed the situation here and immediately came over.

After drinking some water, Xiao Wu seemed to be more energetic. Her eyelids moved slightly and she opened her eyes with difficulty.

"Sister Xiaowu, you finally woke up."

Seeing Xiao Wu wake up, the titan ape's dull voice seemed to be whimpering.

The palm as big as a millstone could not help but be raised, secretly wiping away the hot tears from the corners of his eyes.

Xiao Wu looked around, gave it a hard smile first, and then turned to look at Shen Jianxin who was treating her.

"Brother Shen, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Shen Jianxin shook his head slightly: "No, you are right."

"Selfishness is human nature, and wanting to preserve oneself is also the instinct of life. Congratulations, you are living more and more like a human being."

Xiao Wu's pale cheeks due to excessive blood loss actually showed a trace of redness at this moment. She was so embarrassed that she wanted to die.

The Titan ape had never been in contact with human society, so he might really think that Shen Jianxin was praising her.

But Xiao Wu, who had been in human society for six years, couldn't understand what Shen Jianxin meant.

Shen Jianxin was scolding her for being selfish, only caring about herself and ignoring the safety of others, and called the Titan Giant Ape to come.

And her current end is entirely her own doing.

"Brother Shen, I'm sorry for everyone. I'm guilty of betraying everyone's trust."

Hearing Xiao Wu's weak and stumbling words, Shen Jianxin said calmly: "Your injury is too serious. I can only stabilize your injury here."

"If you want to be completely cured, you need to return to the human world with me."

"Sister Xiaowu, Lake of Life, let's go home, that's fine too."

Hearing again that Shen Jianxin was about to take Xiao Wu away, the Titan Giant Ape eagerly reminded Xiao Wu and wanted her to go back with it.

Xiao Wu looked at the anxious look of the Titan Ape, smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Er Ming, I won't go back with you."

"I've already missed it once, I can't miss it a second time."

The Titan Giant Ape said eagerly: "But, but, Daming is still waiting for us to go back. Sister Xiaowu."

Xiao Wu smiled slightly: "Er Ming, this narrow escape also made me understand what is the most precious and the easiest to be destroyed."

"It's trust."

"I decided to take it upon myself to make amends for the mistakes I made."

"Er Ming, go back. Tell Daming that when I recover, I will definitely come back to see you."

The Titan Giant Ape looked at Xiao Wu's firm eyes and thought for a long time before he said aggrievedly: "Well, sister Xiao Wu, you have to protect yourself, and I will go back."

After saying that, the Titan ape turned his head reluctantly and walked back deep into the forest three times a step.

"Wait!" Shen Jianxin suddenly stopped the Titan Ape, pointed at Oscar and said: "My companion is at level 30, help him find a suitable soul beast to make a soul ring."

"It's best to be a soul beast that is easy to absorb and has powerful healing capabilities."

"After absorbing it, he has strengthened his healing ability and will also have a good recovery effect on Xiao Wu's injuries."

Hearing Shen Jianxin's words, the Titan ape's huge head nodded wildly, jumped up, and disappeared into the dark forest.

At this moment, how could the life and death of other spirit beasts be as important as its Xiaowu sister?

As long as it can bring some benefit to Xiao Wu, it will be their honor if those soul beasts die.

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