Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 129 Millennium Jade Light Silkworm

After the Titan Ape left, Oscar hesitated and walked to Shen Jianxin.

"Brother Shen, my first soul skill has a healing effect. Will it be repeated if I acquire another healing soul skill?"

Shen Jianxin shook his head: "Your first soul skill is too comprehensive, and the healing ability is only one of them. The real effect is not very good."

"Our future journey will definitely be more difficult. Without good logistics, we will definitely not be able to go far."

"Although Rongrong can also add soul rings with healing abilities, because of her martial soul characteristics, all soul skills with amplifying attributes are the most cost-effective."

"So for the sake of the development of the team, I ask you, Xiao Ao, to sacrifice a little bit."

Oscar glanced at Zhao Wuji, who was still injured, and then at Xiao Wu, who was weak. He instantly knew that Shen Jianxin was actually speaking politely.

During this trip to the Star Dou Forest, to put it bluntly, he didn't play much role at all. He was said to be a support, but he was just soy sauce throughout the whole journey.

When Shen Jianxin asked him to make some sacrifices, she was probably just taking his face into consideration.

Thinking of this, Oscar slapped his chest heavily and said sternly: "Brother Shen, the future team logistics will be all taken care of by me."

"I will definitely become the most outstanding logistics support soul master on the continent."

At this moment, Oscar seemed to have given up on his dream of becoming a fighting soul master.

Shen Jianxin smiled and said: "Haha, Xiao Ao, I believe in you, you can definitely do it."

Zao Wuji stepped forward and patted Oscar on the shoulder: "Who said a real man must go to the front line and be the strong backing of the team, and he can also become a real hero."

Dugu Yan smiled: "Xiao Ao, if my sister is injured in the future, she will have to rely on you. You have to work hard."

Ma Hongjun stepped forward, patted Oscar's butt, and said jokingly: "Brother, have you finally figured it out?"

"I told you a long time ago, not only those who stand in the light are heroes."

"You are the first food-type soul master with innate soul power in the mainland. Logistics is your final destination. Fighting is just a road of no return for you."

Ning Rongrong said with a smile on his face: "Uncle Sausage, thank you for your contribution to the team, otherwise, I would have wasted a soul ring slot to add healing capabilities."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded: "Oscar, you are more of a man than Dai Mubai."

Xiao Wu also said weakly: "Thank you Oscar, when you obtain the soul skill, I will definitely eat every last bit of your big sausage."

As soon as Xiao Wu said these words, everyone at the scene was shocked. What kind of tiger and wolf words are these?

Ning Rongrong scolded the monster: "Xiao Wu, your injury is not healed yet, so you can't be quiet."

Dugu Yan said seriously: "Big sausage and big sausage are not the same thing at all, Xiao Wu, which one do you want to eat?"

Zhu Zhuqing: Stare! curious!

Hearing this, Xiao Wu's face turned rosy, her head almost started to smoke, she rolled her eyes and tilted her neck, and even pretended to have fainted.

Suddenly, the scene burst into laughter, which seemed to dilute all the previous unhappiness.

As the sky grew brighter, the Titan ape quietly emerged from the tall woods, carrying a big white and fat insect in its hand.

The insect is about one meter long, hairless, smooth and white as jade, and looks like a large silkworm baby.

"Jade Light Silkworm?"

Seeing the soul beast in the Titan ape's hand, Shen Jianxin instantly recognized its type.

The Jade Light Silkworm is a small insect-like soul beast that lives in groups. Those under ten years old are less than ten centimeters, and only those that are a hundred years old can exceed ten centimeters. They grow ten centimeters every hundred years.

This kind of soul beast only eats plants throughout its life and never eats meat. It is not fast, has low defense, and has no attack ability. It is the least threatening soul beast among the soul beasts.

But they have extremely strong healing abilities.

They ferment and refine the plants they eat in their bodies, and then extract an ointment with excellent therapeutic effects.

They can be passed down through generations because of the ointment they produce.

Since it has no attack ability, its migration speed is not very fast.

Therefore, for the survival of the group, no matter what kind of creature is injured, as long as it comes to them, they will do their best to heal it.

Over the years, all the spirit beasts know their characteristics and will no longer harm them.

There are even some powerful soul beasts that will build their nests around their group, treating them as private property, forming a symbiotic relationship.

It's just that this kind of soul beast lacks attack power and is too fragile. Even if it is protected by other soul beasts, they will die for various strange reasons.

Therefore, the century-old Jade Light Silkworm is already rare, and the one in the hands of the Titan Giant Ape is more than one meter long, and it is obviously a thousand-year-old soul beast.

I don’t know where the titan ape was found.

"Jade Light Silkworm, heal Sister Xiaowu first, and then make him a soul ring."

After saying that, the Titan Giant Ape placed the huge jade silkworm on Xiao Wu's body.

As soon as the Jade Light Silkworm came into contact with Xiao Wu's body, it started its job.

A large amount of viscous, slippery, milky white liquid was secreted from its body surface. It quickly slipped from its body, soaked into Xiao Wu's clothes, and merged into Xiao Wu's body.

At the same time, it also sprayed a large amount of the same substance from its mouth, directly smearing Xiao Wu's face.

It was everywhere on Xiao Wu's face, nose, mouth, and neck.

Although these milky white liquids looked weird, everyone smelled a faint fragrance in the air, which was a little refreshing and refreshing.

Following the treatment with Yu Guang Can's ointment, everyone soon noticed that Xiao Wu's breathing began to become stronger.

If someone could see Xiao Wu's injuries through his clothes, they would find that as the milky white liquid continued to seep in, the wounds on Xiao Wu's body began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even the damaged internal organs in the body began to slowly recover and gradually regained their functions.

When the sun rose three poles and felt that Xiao Wu was completely out of danger, Shen Jianxin also withdrew his soul power.

But the jade light insect, which had been white, fat and smooth as jade, turned into a wrinkled and gray-white body, like a dead insect that had been dried out by the sun.

But its effect only ends here. Being able to drag Xiao Wu out of a near-death state and free Shen Jianxin can already prove the power of this thousand-year-old soul beast.

"Xiao Ao, it belongs to you. This thing seems to have been squeezed dry. It doesn't live long. You move faster."

Saying that, Shen Jianxin picked up the jade light insect that seemed to be dying from Xiao Wu and threw it towards Oscar.

Oscar took the jade light insect and smiled, took out a dagger from the soul guide, and directly ended the life of the jade light insect.

Purple light spots slowly floated out from the Jade Light Insect's body, converging into a purple soul ring in the air.

Oscar sat down directly next to the Jade Light Silkworm, raised his hand to summon his big sausage, and under the pale pink light, pulled the Jade Light Silkworm's soul ring into the main body.

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