Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 134 Dai Mubai strays into the Blue Silver Forest

Blue Silver Forest is a soul beast forest that is not famous in the human world. Even most humans don't know the real name of this forest.

In fact, this forest is not small, it is already bigger than the Sunset Forest near Tiandou City.

But the strange thing is that there are not many soul beasts here, and most of them are Blue Silver Grass soul beasts with single-digit years of age.

Except for some poor soul masters who really have no source of soul rings, usually no one even pays attention to this place.

But this blue and silver forest, which had been neglected before, suddenly became lively today.

A group of aristocratic children from a big city, whose faces and clothes were obvious, suddenly visited here.

The leader of the group looked to be only about thirty years old, and he was followed by seven young men and women under the age of twenty.

There was also a hunched-over old man who looked to be in his fifties. He was speaking respectfully to the young leader who was taking the lead.

"Sir, the person you are looking for is right here. When the little old man came back from collecting firewood, he happened to see him rushing inside in a panic."

The young team leader nodded: "Are you sure it's here?"

The old man nodded and assured: "Yes, yes, although the little old man is old, his eyes are absolutely fine. That man is exactly the same as the portrait that the elder showed me."

"Especially his golden hair, which is extremely obvious. Although it is a bit dirty, the little old man will definitely not mistake it."

The young team leader thought for a moment, "This forest looks quite big. Are there any dangers in it? I mean dangerous spirit beasts or something like that?"

"Danger? Soul beasts?" The old man smiled and waved his hand: "There are some soul beasts, but most of them are Blue Silver Grass soul beasts that are less than ten years old. They are not dangerous."

"Even the hunters in our village dared to stay there for more than ten days and go more than ten miles deep inside."

The young team leader nodded and smiled: "Okay, thank you for the news, old man."

"Tian Heng, give this old man a hundred gold soul coins as a token of thanks for the news."

Hearing this, a young man with long black hair and a blue suit walked out of the team.

With a twist of his wrist, a small bag of gold soul coins appeared out of thin air in the young man's hand, and he handed it to the old man.

"Old man, just collect the money and go back early. Remember not to say anything you shouldn't, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to yourself."

The old man took the gold soul coin tremblingly and said incoherently: "Little old man understands, little old man understands."

"Thanks to the eldest master, the eldest master will live a long life. Thank you to all the young masters and ladies, and all the young masters and ladies will live to a hundred years."

After that, the old man hurried toward the village a few miles away with brisk steps. He was going back to pack up and hide in the city for a while.

After living for so many years, his life experience told him that it was definitely a misfortune rather than a blessing for these noble soul masters from big cities to suddenly visit here, obviously to pursue people.

After the old man left, the young team leader turned to look at the seven young men and women behind him, and said solemnly: "I won't say too much. It's been a month since we came out, and it's time for this trial to end."

"You are all the proud sons of Tiandou Royal Academy, and are truly talented elites. Now, you have been delayed for such a long time by a mere thirty-eighth level Soul Master spy."

"You don't think it's embarrassing, I, as the team leader, am ashamed for you."

As soon as the young leader's words came out, all the young men and women present raised their heads and remained silent, with embarrassment on their faces.

After a pause, the young team leader spoke again: "Today, I will give you another chance."

"If you still let him run away, you can explain it to Miss Xue yourself when you go back, and you can explain it to the monarch."

The young man in blue straightened his face, stepped forward and promised: "Teacher Qin Ming, I, Yu Tianheng, hereby promise that I will definitely capture him this time."

"If I let him run away this time, I will apologize to my eldest sister when I go back!"

Qin Ming? Yu Tianheng? If Shen Jianxin were here, he would definitely guess who they were when hearing these two names.

Shen Jianxin was still guessing at Shrek Academy that the plot of the original work had changed, and she didn't know whether she would encounter the Imperial Fighting Team who came to Soto Great Soul Fighting Arena in the original work again.

But they never thought that a group of them would actually come here, and even receive the mission to hunt down Dai Mubai.

After Dugu Bo sent the news about Dai Mubai back to the Qibao Glazed Sect more than a month ago, Qian Renxue got the information simultaneously from the teacher Ning Fengzhi.

As expected by Shen Jianxin, Qian Renxue became quite interested in him, the prince of an enemy country.

It just so happened that she was also in the Star Dou Royal Academy and got several good seedlings worth cultivating.

That's right, it's Qin Ming, Yu Tianheng and the others from the original work.

Qian Renxue in the original work is just a spy, so we don't see how much she cares about Yu Tianheng and others.

After all, if you train him well, you can't take him away as a spy. That is a group of enemies you have trained for yourself.

But it's different now. The entire Tiandou Empire is in her hands. What else is she afraid of?

The meat is still in the pot even when it's rotten, so why are you hesitating?

Then she regarded the task of arresting Dai Mubai as a trial and handed it over to Yu Tianheng and his party.

After being chased by Yu Tianheng and the others like a dog for more than a month, Dai Mubai never had a peaceful day since he left Shrek Academy.

He originally wanted to flee to the direction of the Star Luo Empire to save his life, but his whereabouts were accidentally exposed on the Tiandou border, and then Yu Tianheng and his party were closely following him, and they were forced step by step into the hinterland of the Tiandou Empire.

Now he fled to this unknown blue and silver forest in a panic.

Seeing Yu Tianheng's firm eyes, Qin Ming smiled slightly, raised his hand and patted his shoulder: "Okay, Tianheng, I believe it."

"But Miss Xue is the empress. Although she is also your captain, she still needs to be measured in her words."

"Now, since Miss Xue is not here, it will be up to you, the deputy team, to lead everyone and set off into the Blue Silver Forest."

Yu Tianheng said with a serious face: "Yes, Teacher Qin Ming, I promise to complete the task."

At the same time, Dai Mubai, who was being chased by them inside the forest, was also cursing and hurriedly escaping deep into the forest.

After being chased by Qin Ming and others for more than a month, he has long lost his former charm.

His hair was messy and yellow, his clothes were shabby, and he looked very embarrassed.

He didn't know if it was because Dugu Yan had drugged him, or because of what he had experienced this month.

It actually gave his already handsome face a touch of softness.

Compared with men, he gives people a touch of feminine tenderness. Compared with women, he has a touch of toughness and iron-bloodedness.

Now he seems to be a contradictory individual, but judging from his appearance, he can be regarded as a real beauty among men and women.

However, such a beautiful woman has an extra mouth.

"Zhu Zhuqing, Dugu Yan, Shen Jianxin, Ning Rongrong, and Tiandou's bastards, don't let me escape this disaster, otherwise I will definitely take revenge."

"Revenge, revenge, I, Dai Mubai, must take revenge. If I don't avenge this revenge, I swear I won't be a human being."

After a pause, Dai Mubai suddenly murmured in a strange voice: "I don't seem to be a complete person anymore, hahaha. If that's the case, then what else do I have to be afraid of? Hehehehehehehe."

I don't know what Dai Mubai suddenly thought of, and his whole person suddenly became nervous. There was a hint of female accent in the male voice, which sounded quite strange and a little bit penetrating.

But what Dai Mubai didn't know was that at the core of this forest, Tang San was also receiving the Blue Silver King's attentive 'treatment'.

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