Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 135 Tang San, whose blue and silver bloodline was extracted

In the deepest part of the Blue Silver Forest, there is a huge weird plant entwined on two ancient trees that require at least several people to hug each other.

Slender vines climbed up and tangled until they were more than ten meters in the air.

It looks like countless vines condensed together to form a special plant.

Each of the vines is as thick as an ordinary person's waist and more than a foot in diameter. Its entire body is blue and glows with a special fluorescence.

Around it, Blue Silver Grass grows extremely lush.

At this time it was swinging slightly.

In the middle of the vines, where the condensation was, there was a mark that looked like a human face.

At this time, its expression seemed to be smiling, a slightly ferocious smile.

Suddenly, the human face in the center of the vines moved, showing a very human expression, and opened its mouth, spitting out human words.

"It's almost, it's almost. I've been preparing for more than a month. I'm going to succeed in the last step."

As the words fell, a strange wave emanated from its body, and a figure emitting blue light slowly rose from the ground and floated in front of it.

The light dissipated, and a handsome-looking young man appeared, with three yellow, yellow, and purple soul rings surrounding his body.

If Tang Hao were here, he would definitely be able to tell that this boy is Tang San, but his current appearance is more like A Yin who has turned into his soul ring.

At this time, Tang San had recovered from all his injuries. Judging from his appearance, he should have awakened the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline.

If according to Tang Hao's guess, the three goals of healing the body, awakening the bloodline, and obtaining the soul ring had been achieved, Tang San would have been sent out of the forest by the Blue Silver King.

But judging from the way Tang San was still unconscious, it was obvious that something had happened.

I saw a slender vine that was completely blue and looked like crystal, slowly spitting out from the big mouth of the Blue Silver King with a human face, and slowly reaching towards the unconscious Tang San floating in mid-air.

"Poof~" There was a soft sound, and the slender vines penetrated Tang San's body and plunged into Tang San's heart.

The unconscious Tang San's body instantly bent into a bow shape, and his handsome face suddenly became distorted.

A series of gleaming blue lines slowly protruded from Tang San's heart, like rapidly growing and spreading vines, quickly covering every corner of Tang San's body.

Threads of mysterious substance slowly emerged from Tang San's body, gathering near the blue lines like a sea of ​​rivers, and then followed the slender blue vines and slowly flowed into the Blue Silver King's big mouth.

"Ah~" Tang San, who was in a coma, actually instinctively let out a miserable cry, as if the Blue Silver King's behavior had caused great harm to him.

"I'm coming."

“Delicious, so delicious.”

"I feel it, I finally feel it."

As the mysterious substance flowed into the Blue Silver King's body, refreshing shouts came from its mouth.

At the same time, its own aura also began to rise.

Its thick vines also began to emit blue light, and an extremely huge aura erupted from the Blue Silver King.

Invisible waves rippled through every corner of the Blue Silver Forest.

As if sensing something, the entire Blue Silver Grass in the Blue Silver Forest started to get excited.

The bluesilver grass in the entire bluesilver forest is responding to the bluesilver king, and dots of blue light quietly emerge from each bluesilver grass.

A blue silver grass may only emit a small blue light point, but when the blue light from hundreds of millions of blue silver grass condenses together, it becomes a blue ocean.

Soon, the blue ocean formed a giant whirlpool with the Blue Silver King's huge body as the center.

The large amount of energy contributed by the Blue Silver Grass gathered crazily towards the Blue Silver King, pouring into the Blue Silver King's thick vines like a tide.

At the same time, a fierce chase was also breaking out in the Blue Silver Forest.

"Dead shemale, you can't escape."

The team of Yu Tianheng and others was fully equipped, including agility attack, strong attack, support, and control. It was easy to chase Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubaidan ran out of food and even had little soul power left. He ran forward desperately, squeezing his body crazily.

Hearing the taunts from behind, Dai Mubai could only gnash his teeth with red eyes and secretly hate, but there was really nothing he could do.

Although he had broken through level one under pressure during this month of chasing, reaching level thirty-eight.

However, Yu Tianheng and his party who were chasing him had already possessed soul power levels far beyond those in the original work due to Qian Renxue's intensive training.

Vice-captain Yu Tianheng: Martial Spirit Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, forty-level attack type battle spirit master, spirit ring: two yellow and two purple.

Team member Mo Mo: Wuhun Xuanwu Turtle, a forty-level defensive battle soul master, soul rings: two yellow and two purple.

Team member Shi Mo: Wuhun Xuanwu Turtle, forty-level defensive battle soul master, soul ring: two yellow and two purple.

Team member Yu Feng: Martial Soul Wind Chime Bird, a thirty-ninth level agility system battle soul master, soul rings: two yellow and one purple.

Team member Oslo: Wuhun Guibao, a level 39 agility system battle soul master, soul rings: two yellow and one purple.

Team member Ye Lingling: Wuhun Jiuxin Haitang, a level 38 auxiliary weapon soul master, soul rings: two yellow and one purple.

Team member Linghu Shiying: Wuhun milk piece, level 38 food-type weapon soul master, soul ring: two yellow and one purple.

Pursued by a team of soul masters whose soul power was no weaker than his own, or even stronger than his own, Dai Mubai's ability to persist for more than a month without being arrested was enough to show his ability and wisdom.

However, it is obvious that he can no longer hold on.

"Damn God, how ruthless are you? I have sacrificed so much, and yet you still want to kill me."

The cry of neither man nor woman came from Dai Mubai's mouth, and despair filled his chest.

As if he heard Dai Mubai's cry, at this moment, an invisible ripple rippled through his body and also penetrated Yu Tianheng and others who were chasing after him.

The next moment, bits of faint blue light emerged from the Bluesilver Grass, gathering into ribbons like rivers and flowing towards the center of the forest.

The movement caused by the Blue Silver King shocked everyone present at this moment.

Dai Mubai forgot to escape, and Yu Tianheng and others also forgot to pursue.

After being stunned for a moment, Dai Mubai's eyes flashed with a glimmer of hope, and he turned around and rushed in the direction where the blue light spots gathered.

Although he didn't know what was going on inside, he knew that this was his only hope of escape.

Seeing that Dai Mubai was about to run away again, Yu Tianheng gritted his teeth and shouted: "The situation ahead is unknown. You guys are temporarily withdrawing from the forest. I will catch up and check the situation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Tianheng left the team and took the lead to catch up.

The others looked at each other, and regardless of the danger ahead, their soul power surged and they followed Yu Tianheng.

Qin Ming, who was hanging at the back to escort them, was instantly possessed by his martial spirit after discovering something strange. However, when he caught up, he could only see branches that were still trembling slightly as someone passed through them.

"These gangsters are ignorant and act impulsively. This time you can go back and see how I can fix you."

Cursing secretly, Qin Ming also chased their footsteps and rushed into the depths of the forest.

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