Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 139 The gears of fate begin to turn, and the three parties are taking action (1)

Early the next morning, all the students gathered at the entrance of Shrek Academy early. Only Shen Jianxin and Ning Rongrong came late holding hands.

Seeing everyone waiting for them, Ning Rongrong's little face suddenly turned red. She let go of Shen Jianxin's hand and ran to Dugu Yan's side.

Shen Jianxin smiled shamelessly and slowly walked into the group of boys.

As soon as he ran to Dugu Yan's side, Dugu Yan hugged Ning Rongrong's neck with a wicked smile, put his head to her ear and asked softly: "What did you do last night? You didn't come back all night, right? What’s that?”

Ning Rongrong's face instantly turned red to the roots of her ears, and her exposed white neck also showed an embarrassing rosiness.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu also noticed something strange here, and they stretched their necks and came over to hear what happened.

Ning Rongrong shook her head in embarrassment: "No, no, be careful brother said I'm still young, we just whispered some words and fell asleep."

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Tch~~" Dugu Yan threw it across Ning Rongrong's neck: "Then why are you so shy? You are also so mysterious."

"That's right!" Xiao Wu glanced at her with disdain, and immediately lost her curiosity.

Zhu Zhuqing walked quietly to Ning Rongrong, "Master's wife, don't be discouraged. The future is long. If you work hard, you will become big one day. Come on!"

Ning Rongrong's pupils dilated instantly, and she stared blankly at Zhu Zhuqing's broad mind, then lowered her head and looked at her toes, and suddenly understood something.

"Zhuqing, good sister, teach me!"

At this time, Shen Jianxin, who was in the boys' team, was also questioned by Oscar and Ma Hongjun.

Compared to Ning Rongrong's awkward look, Shen Jianxin was much more generous. One of them gave them a kick, and the two immediately became quiet.

Any curiosity was instantly dissipated.

Not long after, a group of teachers slowly walked out of Shrek Academy.

When he arrived at the entrance of the academy and saw that everyone had arrived, Flanders waved his hand, "Let's go to Tiandou City!"

"Oh~, let's go!" Ma Hongjun shouted carelessly and took the lead.

After everyone followed, Flanders looked back at the somewhat dilapidated plaque with the words Shrek Academy engraved on it.

I had mixed feelings in my heart for a while.

Twenty years, he has been here for twenty years, there can be several twenty years in life.

Now that he is about to leave, bit by bit of twenty years continues to flow in his heart, and a sour feeling suddenly appears in his nose.

Zhao Wuji turned around and hugged Flender's shoulders: "Don't look at it. Let's go. It's not like we won't come back."

"No big deal, from now on, brother, I will just accompany you back to support you in your old age."

Flanders glared at him: "I'm the youngest? Besides, who wants to spend the rest of their lives with a rough guy like you?"

Zhao Wuji smiled bitterly and said: "Not old, not old at all, just over fifty years old, half of his body buried in the ground."

"As for the rough guy, there's nothing you can do about it. You're so old that you haven't found a wife yet. It's good to have a rough guy like me by your side."

Flanders snorted: "With my conditions, I can find someone casually in ten years."

"You are different. You are short, poor, and have all three things. You will never have a chance in this life."

After saying that, a smile appeared on Flanders' lips, and he turned around and passed by Zhao Wuji.

"I, I, fuck! Good intentions are not rewarded, Flanders, you bitch, you really don't deserve to be a human being."

With an angry curse, Zhao Wuji turned around and caught up with the people who had already walked away.

At the same time, when Shen Jianxin and others went to Tiandou City, Yu Xiaogang, who had been sleeping rough for half a month, finally arrived at the gate of Wuhun City.

Due to his low strength, Wuhun Palace is also known as the holy land of all soul masters, so naturally he was not blocked and interrogated by a large number of people who were only twenty-nine years old.

After successfully entering the city, Yu Xiaogang didn't stop for a moment, or even take a breather to rest, and went straight to the highest hill in the center of Wuhun City.

And Yu Xiaogang's destination, the Pope's Palace, stood halfway up the hill.

Even from far away, you can clearly see the extremely majestic and eye-catching building.

"Stop, there is a forbidden area in front of you. Unknown people should stop. Anyone who approaches at will will be shot to death!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout at the foot of the mountain, and hundreds of palace-protecting knights suddenly rushed out, raising their weapons and surrounding Yu Xiaogang.

Facing hundreds of palace guardian knights whose strength was obviously higher than his own, Yu Xiaogang looked indifferent and confidently took out a token from his arms and held it high.

"Take me to the Pope!"

The leading palace guard knight was stunned for a moment, then quickly stepped forward and took the token from Yu Xiaogang's hand. When he saw the six patterns on the token clearly, he took a deep look at Yu Xiaogang.

He raised his right hand and waved it towards the knight behind him: "Come on, take it down for me."

"Brush~" Two knights suddenly rushed up, one holding Yu Xiaogang's hands tightly and pressing him to the ground in the blink of an eye.

"Dogs, have your dog eyes been blinded? That's the Elder's Order, the Elder's Order. How dare you? How dare you?"

Being pushed to the ground, Yu Xiaogang broke through his defense in an instant. Everything was not going well, so he opened his mouth with resentment and began to curse.


The knight boots made close contact with Yu Xiaogang's face, and several unknown objects flew out of his mouth. The next moment, everything became quiet.

"Bah~, you're a piece of trash. You fainted without even being able to resist a kick. I don't know what you're crazy about!"

Cursing angrily, the leader of the palace guard turned around and waved his hand: "First take this remnant of Haotian into the dungeon. He is so weak. I don't know if this credit can be exchanged for a drink."

As he said that, the knight looked at the token in his hand and was suddenly stunned for a moment: "This thing is real. Is it possible that this guy is not the real owner? He is just a pawn who came to deliver a message?"

"Fuck, isn't this a waste of time?"

"Wake him up, I want to ask questions."

"Papa~" After hearing the order, the two people who were holding down Yu Xiaogang gave him a hard mouth, and several teeth flew out: "Captain, he seems to have passed out, what should I do?"

"A pig? You don't know how to water it with water? You don't want to drag it to a hidden place to get urine without water. How big of a deal do you have to ask me?"

In fact, after the battle between Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong a year ago, the entire Wuhun City security work was no longer Bibi Dong's Pope Palace.

Although they all belong to the Wuhun Hall on the surface, they are divided into two camps secretly, one half is guarded by Bibi Dong's Pope Hall, and the other half is guarded by people arranged by the Enshrinement Hall.

What a coincidence, Yu Xiaogang, a fool, happened to climb the mountain from the direction of the guards from the Enshrinement Hall, and then he fell into the hands of the knights trained by the Enshrinement Hall themselves.

This group of knights were originally the confidants or clansmen of the elders they worshiped, and they were just doing some leisure work to protect the elders. Now they even have to guard the city gate and the mountain gate.

Their number is not as large as that of the Pope's Palace, so there is no changing of the guard.

I have been working at this job with no increase in price, no benefits and no holidays for a whole year, and I have long been feeling depressed.

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang actually held the Elder Token of the Haotian Sect and bumped into their hands.

After some unsightly awakenings and some appalling questioning, it was only when Yu Xiaogang was dying that the knight captain completely believed that this **** was a stupid young man.

He was still an idiot, holding the elder token of Haotian Sect, and came to Wuhun Hall to meet the Pope.

He is so arrogant, I really don’t know why he is so stubborn, and I don’t know where his confidence comes from.

Is it possible that no one told him that each Elder Token is slightly different in order to prevent mistaken identity?

For example, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will highlight Sword Douluo's Seven Killing Sword, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect will highlight the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, and the Clear Sky Sect will naturally highlight the Clear Sky Hammer.

There are even some special elder tokens with angel wings, holy swords, etc. printed on them!

A unique and arrogant idiot like Yu Xiaogang was the only one this captain had ever seen in his entire life.

"Captain, I've asked you clearly, what should I do with this idiot? Have I dug a hole and buried him?"

The knight captain glanced at the half-dead Yu Xiaogang and waved his hand in disgust: "First drag him to the dungeon and lock him up, and find someone to treat him. Don't let him die."

"After all, it involves the remnants of the Haotian Sect and the Pope. I will deal with it after I ask the enshrined elders."

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