Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 140 Three Parties in Action (2)

On the day Yu Xiaogang was detained by the Enshrinement Hall, within two hours, several extremely huge soul power fluctuations erupted in the Enshrinement Hall.

Bibi Dong came to ask for Yu Xiaogang, but Golden Crocodile Douluo, who was enshrined in the palace, refused forcefully on the grounds that he was a remnant of Haotian.

Ever since Qian Renxue poisoned Emperor Xue Ye, got rid of Prince Xue Xing, and dominated the Tiandou Empire, Qian Daoliu had also seen the desire for independence and the determination to prove herself deep in her heart.

Forced to have no choice, Qian Daoliu could only give up the two-god strategy in his mind, and finally chose the side of his own granddaughter Qian Renxue.

Back then, Bibi Dong colluded with the Killing City and secretly sent the guilty Silver Spear Douluo to drive away the people of the Haotian Sect and enter the Killing City to surround Shen Jianxin.

After Qian Renxue found out about this incident, Qian Renxue was completely annoyed.

The entire top management of Wuhun Palace knew that Qian Renxue had regarded Shen Jianxin, a peerless genius, as her target, and had even paid a lot of money to win over him.

But Bibi Dong actually sent people to surround and kill him quietly for his own selfish reasons.

Then, before Sword Douluo made a big fuss in Wuhun City, Qian Renxue came to Wuhun City in person and completely broke up with Bibi Dong.

In order to protect his granddaughter Qian Renxue, Qian Daoliu even went to battle in person to have a fight with Bibi Dong.

After Qian Renxue returned to the Tiandou Empire, she began to unite with the Qibao Glazed Sect to vigorously suppress Bibi Dong's forces and gradually drove her out of the Tiandou Empire.

Since Qian Daoliu was still restricting her in Wuhun City, Bibi Dong couldn't spare any energy to deal with Qian Renxue's suppression.

In the end, he had no choice but to give in, gradually withdraw from the Tiandou Empire, and give up the vast territory of the Tiandou Empire to Qian Renxue.

The occurrence of this incident not only split the Wuhun Palace into two secretly, but also allowed Qian Renxue to fully understand the thoughts of her grandfather Qian Daoliu.

It turned out that his grandfather was not unwilling to help her back then, but was worried that the internal fighting would weaken Wuhun Palace. In the end, other sect forces found an opportunity to unite and overthrow their Wuhun Palace.

What's more, Qian Daoliu saw the hope of becoming gods in both Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue.

If the mother and daughter fight endlessly, it is very likely that it will develop into a real god war in the future when the two of them reach level 100 and become gods.

In the end, not only will Wuhun Palace be reduced to ruins, but the entire Douluo Continent will also be dragged into the whirlpool of war.

Both sides acted in ways that harmed others but did not benefit oneself. Only after careful consideration did Qian Daoliu, an old man who had lived for more than a hundred years, let go of the pain of losing his son and support an outsider like Bibi Dong to ascend to the throne of the Pope.

Only when Qian Renxue knew the truth and wanted to get rid of Bibi Dong, she told lies in an attempt to heal the gap between mother and daughter.

However, in the end, Qian Renxue's persistence made this centenarian man determined to put aside all distracting thoughts and stand on Qian Renxue's side without hesitation.

It's a pity that Bibi Dong has been sitting on the throne of the Pope for many years, which has become a big problem. Even if Qian Daoliu uses all his trump cards, he can only force a 50-50 draw with Bibi Dong.

Counting only the Titled Douluo level experts, there are seven Titled Douluo above level 95 in the enshrinement hall, plus the snake spears and blood thorns beside Qian Renxue, there are a total of nine titled Douluo masters.

But Bibi Dong's current strength should not be underestimated. Ju and Gui are two ninety-five-level titled Douluo, plus the six low-level titled Douluo who grew up with her during her sainthood period, plus her own In terms of title strength, she also has nine title-level powerhouses.

Although Bibi Dong does not have an advantage in terms of level, don't forget that she still has a legion of more than 100,000 soul masters under her command.

Once the war starts, it will be a lose-lose situation for both sides.

As long as Bibi Dong cannot be killed at once, the entire Wuhun Palace will be dragged out of the quagmire of war.

Either a small number of powerful assassins in the temple kill Bibi Dong instantly, or Bibi Dong's soul master army slowly kills several super Douluo in the temple. There is no second option.

In the end, Qian Daoliu played in person and tested Bibi Dong's true strength. After considering many factors, he decided to win steadily.

On his side, he tried his best to limit Bibi Dong's development, while on Qian Renxue's side, he tried his best to strengthen her. Once Qian Renxue became a god first, he could solve all the troubles in one fell swoop.

Bibi Dong also has the same idea. She currently has no advantage in top-level combat power, and the strongest ones rely on her alone to support them.

There are powerful enemies outside who are eyeing her, and there is a rebellious woman inside who is causing serious internal conflicts. What she lacks is also time.

Under the careful thinking of both parties, Wuhun Palace finally formed what it is now. On the surface, it still looks like a dominant family, but secretly it has been completely divided into two different forces.

So now that Bibi Dong came to beg Yu Xiaogang, how could Golden Crocodile Douluo and others not take the opportunity to squeeze her living space.

Concerned about Yu Xiaogang's safety, Bibi Dong was forced to give up her interests and give up half the city.

From then on, in the entire Wuhun City, except for the Pope's Palace, which was under the jurisdiction of her nominal pope, all other places fell under the jurisdiction of the Enshrinement Hall.

A twenty-nine-level great soul master got a big bargain in exchange for half of the control of Wuhun City. Golden Crocodile Douluo and others were also content to keep their promise and informed Bibi Dongyu that Xiaogang was in the dungeon, and she could go there in person. Lead people.

Bibi Dong also knew that this was an insult to her, but for the obsession in her heart, she just said a few harsh words, and then left the enshrinement hall eagerly under the attention of Jin Crocodile and others.

When they came to the dungeon and met Yu Xiaogang again, Bibi Dong, who was over fifty years old, had extremely complicated eyes.

All the feelings of nostalgia, sadness, grievance, excitement, etc. were finally reduced to one sentence.

"Xiao Gang, I came late and made you suffer."

Hearing the soft and melodious voice, Yu Xiaogang immediately turned his head, revealing his swollen face that could not be seen in human form.

"Bibi Dong, Bibi Dong, save me quickly, they, they want to kill me."

With excited voices, he crawled to the fence of the dungeon like a dog. Seeing Bibi Dong's beautiful figure, Yu Xiaogang didn't care about anything at this time.

Living is the most important thing.

Less than a day after arriving in Wuhun City, Yu Xiaogang was completely scared.

After no one stood up for him, he seemed to be just an ordinary great soul master at level 29. His own abilities seemed to be that he could only show off in front of the concierge of Notting College.

Seeing Yu Xiaogang's miserable appearance now, Bibi Dong, who originally had a lot of resentment, had mostly dissipated at this time.

She was over fifty years old, and as a pope, there were some tears in her eyes at this moment.

"Boom~" The tyrannical soul power suddenly burst out from Bibi Dong's body, directly shattering the fence in front of Yu Xiaogang.

Squatting down, Bibi Dong gently stroked Yu Xiaogang's face, inputting strong soul power to relieve his injuries.

"Xiao Gang, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Recalling the tragic experience of the past month or so, Yu Xiaogang also forgot his true thoughts when he came, and actually showed a warm look and nodded seriously: "Dong'er, I only have you. "

Hearing this title, the tip of Bibi Dong's nose suddenly felt sour, and she smiled happily: "From now on, I will protect you. I will not let go of anyone who has hurt you."

A cruel light flashed in Yu Xiaogang's eyes, "Yes, I will kill them all."

"Dong'er, with your strength and my wisdom, when we become one, we will definitely be invincible in the world!"

Yu Xiaogang's screams made Bibi Dong so excited that she lost her wits after being the Pope for many years and fell into love and couldn't extricate herself.

Bibi Dong, who was already worried because Qian Renxue sang against her, now felt like she finally had someone to rely on when she heard Yu Xiaogang's confident speech.

Nodding heavily, Bibi Dong said tenderly: "Xiao Gang, what's mine is yours. From now on, I will rely on you."

Yu Xiaogang reached out and touched Bibi Dong's jade hand, and said confidently: "Don't worry, I will take care of everything."

Yu Xiaogang seemed to have met the Bai Yueguang in his heart, and decided to settle here temporarily and use all his life's learning to assist Bibi Dong in revenge for him.

Tang Hao, however, was still practicing on the road with Tang San and Dai Mubai, not knowing at all that his wife was gone.

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