Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 148 The Blue Silver King Appears

With a distance of tens of miles, in less than ten minutes, Shen Jianxin and Bai Chenxiang reached the sky above the battle site.

At this time, the two sides fighting had already disappeared.

But at the location of the battle, a blue ocean was left, and a hole with a diameter of nearly 500 meters in the center of the ocean.

"This is Blue Silver Grass?"

Looking at the large number of thick and twisted blue vines below, Shen Jianxin frowned and had some thoughts in his heart.

"Brother Shen, the Bluesilver Grass here is so weird. It grows so big and strong."

Bai Chenxiang looked very surprised. She had never seen such an exaggerated blue silver grass in her whole life.

These inconspicuous grasses that can be seen everywhere grow as thick as trees, clinging ferociously to the big trees around them, almost covering up the green leaves.

"Let's go down and have a look."

Flying down, Shen Jianxin folded the wings behind his back, landed slowly, and stood in the center of the blue silver grass ocean, on the clearing created by the impact.

Looking around, Shen Jianxin also discovered a lot of anomalies here.

First of all, the area nearly tens of meters in the center of the impact site was extremely flat, and the land was extremely compacted, as if it had been pressed out by something heavy.

And around the tens of meters of compaction, the land was abnormally loose, as if the force was too great and shook the surrounding land apart.

With such a special strike mark, Shen Jianxin's first thought was the true form of the Clear Sky Hammer's martial spirit.

Looking at this wide range of strikes, Shen Jianxin had already locked two targets in the next moment. One was Tang Xiao, the leader of Haotian Sect, and the other was Tang Hao, the rat crossing the street.

The other opponent he was fighting against looked at the wildly growing bluesilver grass everywhere in the forest. Using the elimination method, Shen Jianxin also locked onto the only target.

Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin has been offering sacrifices for more than ten years, so it can't be her.

Tang San hasn't grown up yet, so it can't be him.

After that, there is only one truth.

That was the one Sword Douluo mentioned, the Blue Silver King in the Blue Silver Forest who had just exceeded one hundred thousand years.

Although I don't know why they had conflicts and started fighting in the Star Forest, this didn't stop Shen Jianxin from thinking of stepping in and taking advantage.

With the corners of his mouth raised slightly, Shen Jianxin turned to look at Bai Chenxiang who was still studying the Bluesilver Grass.

"Xiangxiang, let's go, let's go back."

Bai Chenxiang was stunned for a moment: "Don't you want to look at it anymore, Brother Shen?"

Shen Jianxin shook his head: "It's not necessary. The information we should get has been obtained. Let's go back and discuss the follow-up plan."

"So fast?" Bai Chenxiang's mind was filled with questions, almost doubting her life.

Before she could figure out what was going on with the Blue Silver Grass, Shen Jianxin was already done with it. It was all over.

Shen Jianxin nodded: "Well, there is no value in further research on the matter of observing lines in the palm, so let's go."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Jianxin spread his wings and soared into the sky.

Bai Chenxiang's martial spirit possessed her in a daze, and she glanced at the battlefield again without giving up before waving her wings to catch up with Shen Jianxin.

Flying in the sky, Bai Chenxiang was still wondering what information Shen Jianxin got and why she didn't see anything?

Now all she could think about was how many blue silver grasses there were, how big and thick they were.

What soul skill caused this? It seemed like there was only one blow, but it was so powerful that it was terrifying.

Is she really that stupid? Can’t you even understand how to be a scout?

With this information, if she came here alone to inquire about information, she wouldn't know how to tell everyone when she got back.

If the scouts were at her level, then she might not be able to use a shadow soul guide.

At least what is recorded by the soul guide can be viewed and reviewed over and over again.

What about her? He didn't even understand the situation at the scene, and he was about to go back now.

"Xiangxiang? What are you thinking about? So entranced?"

"Ah?" Hearing Shen Jianxin's cry, Bai Chenxiang, who was following him, almost bumped into him accidentally.

He deftly drew an arc in the air to avoid this mid-air collision.

"Xiangxiang, what are you doing?"

Bai Chenxiang smiled awkwardly: "Brother Shen, how did you explore the previous battlefield? How did you summarize it?"

"Why don't I see anything?"

Shen Jianxin smiled slightly: "Looking at your absent-mindedness, it turns out it's because of this."

"Actually, there's no secret. Once you know a lot, it's easy to connect the clues and get the information you want."

"What? You want to learn?"

Bai Chenxiang nodded: "Yes, I want to learn."

Shen Jianxin gave her a confused look: "Why are you learning this? It's not of much use."

Bai Chenxiang was stunned: "Is it useless? If I don't summarize it, how can I report it to everyone when I get back?"

Shen Jianxin said seriously: "You can just say what you see, why do you need to summarize it?"

"Xiangxiang, you have to remember that as a scout exploring the path, it is most taboo to add your own thoughts and conclusions in the description."

"Because your thoughts and conclusions are likely to affect the thinker's judgment, causing serious damage to the team."

"If you don't take your position, you won't do what you want. This has always been the case with our team."

"Look at Rongrong, although she is the young master of the Qibao Glazed Sect, in our team, she still has to listen to me as the captain."

"Sister Yanyan is responsible for the battle plan, I will never say anything."

"The logistics are all owned by Xiao Ao. No one cares about what he does. I only know that if there is a problem with the logistics, I just go to him."

"And Zhuqing, Fatty, Xiaowu, they are all like this, they only do what they should do."

"No one is perfect. Each of us needs to grow. A person only has so much energy, and no one can take care of everything."

"As long as we do our best and then work together, we will be an invincible team."

Bai Chenxiang's eyes lit up: "So, Brother Shen won't compete with me for the position of team scout?"

"." Shen Jianxin was speechless for a while: "Well, this time I'm just worried about your safety and protecting you."

Seeing Shen Jianxin's embarrassment, Bai Chenxiang covered her mouth and snickered, suddenly speeding up to surpass Shen Jianxin.

"Brother Shen, if that's the case, then the credit this time belongs to me."

Seeing Bai Chenxiang being so anxious, Shen Jianxin shook his head helplessly: "I am the captain, who are you reporting to when you run so fast?"

For dozens of miles, Shen Jianxin and Bai Chenxiang could only run back and forth in twenty minutes.

Joining everyone, Shen Jianxin also told everyone his guess.

After a brief discussion, Shen Jianxin ordered to camp on the spot and wait for Er Ming's arrival.

Only by first understanding the situation inside the Star Dou Forest from Er Ming could Shen Jianxin make subsequent plans.

Whether it was to deliver news to the sect and ask Sword Douluo and others to come for reinforcements, or whether he and Dugu Bo took risks to seize food from the tiger's mouth, both of them required accurate information before taking action.

It only took Er Ming a day or two at most to get here from the core of the Star Dou Forest. No matter how anxious he was, Shen Jianxin could still afford to wait for this time.

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