Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 149 Rabbit Cavalry Legion

Unexpectedly, Er Ming came over that night.

As soon as he saw everyone arriving at the Star Dou Forest, Er Ming looked obviously excited.

Of course, 99% of the excitement belongs to Xiao Wu alone, while Shen Jianxin and the other eight can only share the last 1% equally.

After not seeing each other for five months, everyone also said hello to this big guy Er Ming in a friendly way.

While talking, Shen Jianxin discovered that in just five months, the Titan Ape's speech had become much more fluent.

I don’t know how many words he has spoken in the past five months, and how much training he has gone through before he can speak such fluent human language.

When she thought that the only person Er Ming could communicate with was Daming, Shen Jianxin held a moment of silence for Daming.

"Er Ming, do you know what's going on in the Star Dou Forest?"

Not forgetting the business, after a simple greeting, Shen Jianxin asked directly.

Er Ming thought for a moment and replied angrily: "I know, a hundred thousand year old Blue Silver King suddenly appeared in the Star Dou Forest recently."

"It seems to be preparing some kind of ritual. In order to prevent humans from entering the forest and destroying the ritual, it stimulates a large number of plants to produce an aura that makes the soul beasts go into heat."

"The estrus period and symptoms of each soul beast are different. Once it acts like this, a large number of soul beasts will start to become restless."

"After a month of fermentation, it has now spread to the border areas of the Star Dou Forest."

"Da Ming and I have also been looking for it recently. If it continues to act like this, it may trigger a tide of beasts and lead to a war between humans and spirit beasts."

"We just want to live peacefully and don't want to start a war. Besides, we spirit beasts are not united. The existence of the food chain means that we are destined to be unable to defeat humans who will fight against the outside world in unison."

After hearing Er Ming's words, Xiao Wu's eyes gradually dimmed.

However, after seeing the people around her, her dim pupils suddenly lit up. She seemed to have taken the first step towards peace between humans and spirit beasts.

Not seeing Xiao Wu's expression, Shen Jian thought to himself: "Er Ming, are you saying that the strange situation in the Star Dou Forest has been going on for a month?"

Er Ming nodded and affirmed: "Yes, I am sure that Daming and I were also affected at first, but we are fine now."

After saying that, Er Ming scratched his head in embarrassment, looked at Xiao Wu and said, "Sister Xiao Wu, you also know that that thing is not poison, and Daming and I can't help ourselves."

After hearing this, everyone looked at Xiao Wu and Er Ming with expressions of disbelief. They were so different in size and species.


See the appearance of everyone. The gangster Tu Xiaowu instantly realized something, covered his face and let out a snarl, then ran to Er Ming and kicked him hard.

"Er Ming, if you continue to say nonsense that will cause everyone to misunderstand, you will get out of here."

Er Ming scratched his head with an innocent look on his face: "What's wrong, Sister Xiaowu? I didn't say anything wrong. It's just the estrus period. What's the big deal?"

"As long as you obey your instincts, it will be fine. In the past, you were still a spirit beast."


Xiao Wu shouted, interrupting Er Ming's next words, and punched and kicked Er Ming: "Talk nonsense, talk nonsense, talk nonsense."

"You ruined all my innocence for me."

Cursing angrily, Xiao Wu squatted on the ground and buried her head between her legs: "I don't know what is in heat or not."

Without Qi Ling relying on instinct to act, Xiao Wu couldn't remember much at all. It wasn't until she reached Ten Thousand Years later that she gradually opened up her spiritual intelligence, and after she gained a sense of shame, she even lessened her impulse.

Later, when he transformed into a human form, he had grown from a baby, and his body had long since been reshaped into a brand new body.

Xiao Wu, who has been in the human world for so long, has become more and more like a human being. Gradually, he has followed the local customs and regards his innocence as extremely important.

Er Ming actually revealed the dark history of her soul beast days in front of many companions. The embarrassed Xiao Wu wanted to commit suicide.

Seeing Xiao Wu's appearance, everyone looked at each other and lowered their heads in shame.

Knowing that Xiao Wu is the soul beast incarnation, he should have thought of these questions.

Now that he has admitted that Xiao Wu is his companion, it is simply inappropriate to rub salt into the wound now.

Ning Rongrong walked to Xiao Wu, squatted down and put her arms around her shoulders to comfort her: "Xiao Wu, I'm sorry, we shouldn't be like this."

"You have said goodbye to the past, and we are still rubbing salt into your wounds. It is really inappropriate."

Xiao Wu suddenly raised her head and touched Ning Rongrong's shoulders excitedly, "Rongrong, I thought of it, I thought of it!"

"Ah?" Ning Rongrong's head was full of questions: "Xiao Wu, what did you think of? Don't scare me."

"We are good sisters, so don't let it get to you."

Xiao Wu shook her head with excitement: "Rong Rong, where did you think you were going?"

"I'm talking about the Cavalry Regiment, the Soul Beast Companion Cavalry Regiment."

"Cavalry regiment?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Wu nodded: "Tutu, how about the Tutu Cavalry Regiment?"

"Ah? Riding a rabbit?" Ning Rongrong exclaimed, staring at Xiao Wu and looking up and down: "Xiao Wu, you riding a rabbit, is he serious?"

"Bah~" Xiao Wu let out a soft sigh and reached out to poke Ning Rongrong hard on the forehead: "You little filthy girl, who asked you to ride me?"

"I'm talking about my people, those big rabbits who are ten thousand years old."

"We, the Soft Bone Rabbit clan, are not ordinary rabbit soul beasts. Otherwise, I would not have spatial attributes, and I would not be able to practice for a hundred thousand years."

"Just like the weak Blue Silver Grass, they all have royal families and royal families, and of course we do too."

"Like me, I am a member of the royal family of Soft Bone Rabbit. I can cultivate to a maximum of one hundred thousand years. There is a royal family below us who can also cultivate to ten thousand years."

"Furthermore, our soft-bone rabbits are not plants like Blue Silver Grass, and have no brains at all. Although their population base is large enough, it is too difficult to activate spiritual wisdom, which also results in very few of them being able to practice for ten thousand years."

"We soft-bone rabbits are animals with brains. Although they are not as good as the Great Ming and Erming in terms of blood, but with a sufficient base, there are still many ten thousand-year soft-bone rabbits."

"Moreover, they are very fast, furry and cute. The most important thing is that those talented soft-bone rabbits can also comprehend the magical skills of teleportation and golden body. They are the perfect partners of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda Spirit Master. ah."

The more she talked, the more excited Xiao Wu became, and in the end she was almost touching Ning Rongrong's face, "Rongrong, we are indeed a match made in heaven, so God will let us meet and eventually become partners."

Ning Rongrong hurriedly distanced herself from Xiao Wu: "Xiao Wu, I am the woman you will never get in your life."

"You should tell me how big and how many of your tribesmen there are."

"After all, if the size is too small, or the number is too small, it won't be a problem at all."

Xiao Wu smiled and said: "Xiao Rongrong, your worries are completely unnecessary."

"In terms of body shape, the shoulder height of a ten-thousand-year-old rabbit can reach at least one meter, and the shoulder height will increase by ten centimeters every ten thousand years."

"Compared with horses, they are about 30,000 years old and can be ridden. Considering the physique of soul beasts, this number can be even lower."

"As for me, there are fifty-three ten thousand year rabbits, thirty-seven rabbits that are twenty thousand years old, thirteen rabbits that are thirty thousand years old, five rabbits that are thirty thousand years old, two rabbits that are fifty thousand years old, and seven rabbits that are thirty thousand years old. One that lasts ten thousand years.”

"A total of one hundred and eleven, which is enough to form a rabbit cavalry regiment."

Hearing Xiao Wu's proud explanation, everyone was almost dumbfounded. Is this Silky Bone Rabbit family so prosperous?

But no one asked about this, Xiao Wu already said, below the royal family is the royal family.

As for where the royal family came from, just look at how the princes in the human world came to know.

Seeing things through but not telling them things through, we are all good friends.

Now that the mounts are here, what more bikes do you need?

As for how it came about, it’s just a matter of riding. Why do you know so much?

Ning Rongrong looked at Xiao Wu with a shocked expression: "Xiao Wu, you are really amazing. You were so shocked that I was shocked."

Xiao Wu's face turned red: "Actually, not all of them are my descendants."

With that small voice, if everyone hadn't been soul masters, they might not have been able to hear what Xiao Wu was saying.

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