Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 150 Erming leads the way to the soul-hunting beast

Er Ming's arrival made everyone aware of the situation inside the Star Dou Forest, and Xiao Wu's Soft Bone Rabbit Cavalry Regiment was also adopted by Shen Jianxin and included in subsequent inspections.

Shen Jianxin went out to the Star Dou Forest early the next morning and relayed the situation inside the Star Dou Forest and Xiao Wu's Rabbit Cavalry Legion plan back through the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect channel.

After a day's delay, Shen Jianxin and others decided to obtain soul rings for Zhu Zhuqing, Ma Hongjun, and Oscar first, and then wait for reinforcements to arrive and act together.

Led by Erming, the King of the Forest, Taitai Titan Giant Ape, Zhu Zhuqing and the others obtained the soul rings extremely smoothly.

In just three days, all the soul rings of the three people had been solved, and the year and attributes they were looking for were extremely suitable for the three of them.

The one who obtained the soul ring on the first day was Zhu Zhuqing, an eighteen-hundred-year-old shadow beast, a strange cat-like soul beast that could escape into the shadows and sneak in the shadows.

This kind of soul beast possesses the ultimate dark attribute and is extremely rare. Its ability to escape into the shadows also makes its traces difficult to detect by humans.

This also leads to the fact that this kind of soul beast has only appeared in book legends. For hundreds of years, no one in the soul master world has encountered this kind of soul beast, let alone absorbed the soul ring of this kind of soul beast.

If Er Ming hadn't led the search, Shen Jianxin and others would never have found such a rare thing.

After absorbing the shadow beast's soul ring, Zhu Zhuqing not only broke through to level thirty-six, but was also lucky enough to inherit the shadow beast's core ability and obtain a third soul skill called Shadow Escape.

As you can tell from the name, this skill has no offensive power, but the fact that it can escape into the shadows is destined to become Zhu Zhuqing's core skill in the future.

During the ring competition, Zhu Zhuqing can hide in the shadow of his teammates or enemies, and can launch unexpected and fatal attacks on the enemies at any time in the defensive corners where the enemies cannot guard against.

Even if she can't find an opportunity to attack, just by sneaking, she can definitely distract most of the opponent's mind, making the opponent always wary of her presence and unable to concentrate on fighting.

Once he appears on the battlefield, Zhu Zhuqing is like a sharp sword hanging over the enemy general's head. A silent assassin who comes and goes without a trace will definitely make the opposing commander mentally weak and make him sleep restlessly.

If fighting behind enemy lines, as long as Zhu Zhuqing improves his strength, not too much, as long as he reaches the realm of Contra, the titled Douluo opposite may have to turn a blind eye and sleep.

After all, it is not an easy task to find a Contra-level detective auxiliary soul master for real-time detection.

After Zhu Zhuqing was lucky enough to obtain this skill, Master Shen Jianxin naturally made plans for her future soul skill additions and training plans.

In the future, only attack and penetration soul skills will be added to the soul skills. For training, one has to follow Dugu Yan to learn how to make and apply poison, and then return to the sect to hone stealth and disguise, go deep behind enemy lines, etc.

Shen Jianxin has now seen the bright future of Zhu Zhuqing, an assassin who makes all the soul masters in the continent fearful, and a night elf active in the darkness.

The night cat girl Zhu Zhuqing was born! ! (Book friends please provide pictures, thank you!!)

The next day, everyone followed Er Ming to search, and soon found a soul beast suitable for Ma Hongjun, a 1,600-year-old flamingo near an active volcano.

Although this flamingo soul beast has not reached the absorption limit of the soul master's third soul ring, the flamingo is an exotic beast with a trace of the blood of the mythical beast Phoenix.

Of course, it is absolutely incomparable with the mythical beast Phoenix. If calculated based on 100% bloodline, it would only be about 0.001%.

Maybe it hasn't awakened the Phoenix Martial Spirit Ma Hongjun's bloodline is pure.

However, this does not prevent it from being a top-notch fire-attribute bird soul beast, and it also has a trace of phoenix blood.

It just complements Ma Hongjun, the turkey phoenix.

After absorbing this 1,600-year-old flamingo, Ma Hongjun's soul power also broke through to level 35. Not only did he obtain a powerful state-based soul skill, it also gave him the coveted flying ability.

Phoenix Wings Tianxiang, after activating the soul skill Ma Hongjun will have real wings on his back, gaining the ability to fly. At the same time, the power of the second soul skill Phoenix in Fire will be strengthened, which will instantly increase the intensity of the Phoenix flame by 100% and increase the attack range by 50%.

After obtaining this third soul skill, Ma Hongjun was completely empowered and could fly. No one would say the title of free-range chicken again in the future.

The soul ring obtained by Oscar on the third day is also very useful to the team. The fourth soul skill is to rise up the stick intestines.

As the name suggests, eating intestines can really make you strong, greatly extending the combat time of everyone in the team.

Eating this sausage can instantly restore 20% of the soul power of a soul master of the same level, and 30% of the soul power in the next half hour, for a total of 50% of the soul power.

It can be said that with such a big sausage prepared, you can last at least 4.5 seconds in a battle that is supposed to end in three seconds.

Although this big sausage has a large amount of milk, it has a fatal flaw, that is, the higher the realm, the worse the effect. The lower the realm, the better the effect.

After Oscar absorbed the soul ring, his soul power reached the level of the forty-level soul sect.

When the Soul Sect uses his fourth soul skill, the difference in effect is not obvious, it just restores 50% of the soul power.

But if Soul King takes it, the effect will become 40%, Soul Emperor 30%, Soul Saint 20%, Soul Douluo 10%, Title Douluo 1%.

For every level above Oscar, the effect will be weakened by 10%, until the lowest 1%.

However, soul masters below the Oscar level will take the opposite effect. The soul master is 60%, the great soul master is 70%, the soul master is 80%, and the soul warrior is 90%.

Although there are some flaws, the flaws are not concealed. This is due to the rules of energy conservation, and it is not Oscar's fault at all.

Even if the Qibao Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit can ignore realms and can increase the percentage of soul masters of any strength, it still cannot circumvent the law of energy conservation.

The more people who exceed their own level are amplified, the greater their own consumption is destined to be and the shorter the duration will be.

For example, Ning Rongrong is currently a level 40 soul sect. She increases the soul power of level 56 Shen Jianxin, which may last for more than ten minutes.

But if she wants to increase Shen Jianxin's strength, all her soul power may be exhausted in less than ten seconds.

After all, soul masters are just people who can become stronger through practice. They can never do things that violate the basic rules.

In three days, all three people in the team who needed soul rings had attached them, but the reinforcements Shen Jianxin and others needed still hadn't arrived.

After a brief discussion, Xiao Wu suggested that everyone could follow her to visit the Cock Bone Rabbit's clan first.

When mentioning the clan's land, Xiao Wu seemed extremely cheerful.

Even while leading the way, Xiao Wu assured everyone with excitement that if they went there, they would be reluctant to leave.

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