Time flies by and the three-year appointment has come to an end. Sorry, I went to the wrong set.

Three years later.

The Qibao Glazed Sect, the hall where Shen Jianxin awakened his martial spirit, welcomed a new person who awakened his martial spirit.

"Be careful, brother, are you here to awaken Rongrong's martial spirit today?"

That's right, the one who will awaken the martial spirit today is the six-year-old Ning Rongrong, and the one who awakens the martial spirit for her is the nine-year-old Shen Jianxin.

Three years have passed, and the nine-year-old Shen Jianxin has grown to about 1.6 meters tall. He often practices swordsmanship, and his body has become much stronger.

He didn't look like a nine-year-old at all, but more like a teenager.

In addition to the exaggerated physical growth, Shen Jianxin's strength has also grown astonishingly.

At only nine years old, his soul power cultivation level has already reached level 24.

Compared with Tang San's growth rate of 12 years old and 29 levels in the original work, Shen Jianxin's soul power cultivation is not unpleasant.

In fact, if it weren't for the influence of martial soul's murderous intention, Shen Jianxin would still have to hone his will in the field of Sword Douluo, and his soul power level could be improved by at least two or three levels.

It is worth mentioning that, exactly as Sword Douluo and others estimated, Shen Jianxin successfully absorbed the Millennium Second Ring.

This time last year, Shen Jianxin, who had just turned eight years old, had already reached level 20 in soul power and was in urgent need of a soul ring to break through to a great soul master.

Fortunately, with the support of a powerful force, as early as after Shen Jianxin obtained his first soul ring, the Qibao Glazed Sect began to look for a suitable soul beast for him.

After two years of searching, the Qibao Glazed Sect, after spending a lot of manpower and material resources, naturally found many soul beasts that were hundreds of years old.

Finally, at Sword Douluo's suggestion, Shen Jianxin chose a 1100-year-old earth tyrannosaurus as his second spirit ring.

The Millennium Second Ring is a miraculous product that absorbs beyond the limit and is born through various opportunities and survives by chance. It has no universality at all.

But Shen Jianxin's first ring is 600 years old. According to theory, the success rate of absorbing the second ring of a thousand years is still very high.

The result was just like this, with the experience of absorbing the soul ring for the first time, coupled with Sword Douluo's training of Shen Jianxin's will, and the internal skills and mental methods that had been gradually improved.

With a three-pronged approach, Shen Jianxin successfully obtained the second purple ring, and also obtained a very powerful soul skill, the epee!

Heavy Sword: When activating the spirit ring, the weight of the martial spirit itself can be adjusted. Each additional spirit ring doubles the adjustable weight.

To put it simply, Shen Jianxin is now a second-ring soul master, his martial soul weighs 100 kilograms, and the adjustable upper limit of the martial soul's weight is 400 kilograms.

When he becomes a Nine-ring Titled Douluo, the adjustable weight of the martial spirit can reach a terrifying 51,200 kilograms.

When he reaches the tenth level and becomes a god, the weight of his martial soul will reach an abnormal 102,400 kilograms, reaching the point where he can truly crush a titled Douluo to death just by weight alone.

However, the above are all hypotheses. You must know that as the strength increases, the basic weight of the martial spirit will continue to increase.

Therefore, in the future, the weight of Shen Jianxin's martial soul will only become more astonishing, and its power will become even more terrifying.

Let’s not mention the rest of the story for now, let’s get back to the business.

At this time, Shen Jianxin looked at the very small Ning Rongrong, who was less than 1.2 meters in front of him, and frowned slightly.

"If you want to call me little Kenshin, just call me little Kenshin. If you want to call me Kenshin-nii, just call me Kenshin-nii."

"What the hell is this careful brother?"

Shen Jianxin was suddenly given a new title, which surprised Shen Jianxin.

Ning Rongrong looked around, glanced at the elders around him, and mysteriously waved to Shen Jianxin, motioning for him to lean down.

"What do you want to say? To put it bluntly, why are you so mysterious?"

Although he was reluctant, Shen Jianxin still lowered his head slightly.

Upon seeing this, Ning Rongrong directly put her feet around his neck and put her mouth close to his ear: "I already know what an engagement is."

"You didn't even let me go when I was three years old. If I didn't tell you to be careful, what would my brother call you?"

Ning Rongrong's words made Shen Jianxin's ears itch and feel a little hot. He didn't know whether it was because she breathed out while speaking, or because Shen Jianxin felt embarrassed.

"Be careful about your brother. It means to be careful about your brother and don't let him bully other girls."

After whispering the last words, Ning Rongrong shyly kissed Shen Jianxin on the face, and then immediately let go of his neck. She stood there with a blushing face behind her hands, her head raised, no longer daring to look at Shen Jianxin.

Ning Rongrong's sudden appearance made Shen Jianxin stunned for a moment.

Then his eyes wandered around, as if he had committed something, observing the reactions of the people around him.

Shen Jianxin breathed a sigh of relief when he discovered that Sword Douluo and the others didn't notice.

[She is only six years old. Maybe my mind is unhealthy and I think too much. 】

[Yes, I just think too much. 】

What Shen Jianxin doesn't know is that Douluo Continent has the mysterious energy of soul power, and children generally develop very early.

Like Oscar in the original work, his parents gave birth to him when he was about 12 years old.

Therefore, a six-year-old child actually already knows a lot of things.

(Fuck, the three old perverts of Tang Dynasty actually slept for six years from the age of six. Six years, a whole six years!!)

Moreover, he thought that no one else was paying attention to this.

In fact, the three people present, who were all at least level 79 soul saints, had already heard Ning Rongrong's words.

But they were also involved in this matter, so in order to avoid embarrassment, they deliberately turned their heads to the side and pretended not to know.


With a slight cough to relieve the embarrassment in his heart, Shen Jianxin took out six black stones from the storage soul guide seriously and began to arrange the awakening formation.

"Rong Rong, stand in the formation, and now I will awaken the martial spirit for you."

After the formation was arranged, Shen Jianxin softly called out to Ning Rongrong.


Nodding, Ning Rongrong stood in the formation with a red face.

"My martial spirit is called Tiger Soul Sword. I have an innate soul power of level ten, and I am a nine-year-old level 24 great soul master."

"Now let me awaken the martial spirit for you, don't be nervous, close your eyes and feel it carefully."

Although Shen Jianxin didn't know why everyone would introduce themselves when helping people awaken their martial souls.

But it was like this when his father awakened the martial soul for him, the "Blind Eyed King" Su Yuntao in the original work was like this, and even the soul masters who awakened the martial soul for the protagonists in thousands of parallel worlds were like this.

Do as the Romans do, so when Shen Jianxin awakened the martial spirit for Ning Rongrong, she briefly introduced herself as a necessary ritual.

As he spoke, Shen Jianxin's right hand flashed with red light, and the Tiger Soul Sword appeared out of thin air in his hand.

Shen Jianxin then borrowed the Tiger Soul Sword to release his soul power into the awakening formation, and used his own martial soul waves to lead Ning Rongrong to awaken her martial soul.

As soon as Shen Jianxin's soul power was released, a large number of golden light spots began to emerge from the awakening formation, quickly rushing towards Ning Rongrong's body at the center of the formation.

Seeing the movement in the formation that was no less than when Shen Jianxin was awakening, Jian, Bone Douluo, and Ning Fengzhi all froze in place.

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