Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 16 Eight Treasures Glazed Tower, Full of Innate Soul Power

"Here, is it possible that Xiao Rongrong is also born with full soul power?"

Seeing the golden light spots flying freely in the formation, Bone Douluo shouted excitedly.

"No, that's impossible."

Ning Fengzhi's expression was dull, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Why is it impossible? In such a situation, what is it if it is not full of innate soul power?"

"Fengzhi, Rongrong has excellent qualifications and you're just not happy, that's all. How do you act like you've seen a ghost?"

Seeing Ning Fengzhi's expression, Bone Douluo's mind was filled with questions. He really didn't know what kind of monster Ning Fengzhi was doing.

"Old Bones, the Qibao Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit has an innate flaw. It will stay at level 79 for life. It is absolutely impossible to reach the level 80 Contra realm."

"Therefore, it is impossible for a defective Qibao Glazed Pagoda martial spirit to be born with full innate soul power."

"And Fengzhi's innate soul power of level 8 is already an excellent qualification that a Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda soul master cannot find in hundreds of years."

Bone Douluo only entered the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect later, so he didn't know as much about the secrets of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda as Sword Douluo did.

"Can't Xiao Rongrong inherit her mother's martial spirit?"

Seeing Bone Douluo's harsh words, Sword Douluo glanced at him speechlessly: "Have you forgotten? Rongrong's mother is also a Qibao."

Suddenly, after the sword fight, he seemed to think of something: "Fengzhi, the theory of bloodline purification."

"The blood purification theory may have manifested itself in Rongrong."

"Yeah, why did I forget this?"

Ning Fengzhi, who was still doubting that Ning Rongrong was not his biological child, suddenly became excited after being reminded by Sword Douluo's words.

In fact, the Ning family had a secret plan in order to break through to level ninety and for the fictional Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda.

That is, among each generation of inheritors of the Qibao Glazed Pagoda martial spirit, the man and woman with the best talent must get married when they reach adulthood.

In order to unite the powerful, purify the blood, and finally give birth to the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit.

But this plan is too inhumane.

After lasting for hundreds of years, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect has not even seen the shadow of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda except for a large number of deformed children due to incest.

Not to mention the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, they had never even seen the Eight Treasures Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit.

Later, after Ning Fengzhi came to power, he quietly developed the Qibao Glazed Sect.

After bringing the Qibao Glazed Sect to a new peak and gathering a large number of supporters, the plan was scrapped against all opinions on the grounds that it was against humanity.

And he, as the most talented holder of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit of the previous generation, became the final pilot of the plan.

And Ning Rongrong was the final product of this plan.

This is also an important reason why in the original work, only the name of Ning Rongrong's father, Ning Fengzhi, is heard, but not his mother.

After all, family scandals should not be made public. In the final analysis, the Ning family's plan was really not that glorious.

After all, Ning Fengzhi thought this was his ancestral plan coming to fruition, but Shen Jianxin knew that this was all due to his self-created internal skills and mental methods.

Although Shen Jianxin didn't know the ancestral plan of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

But having read the original work, he knew that Ning Rongrong's martial soul was the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, and his innate soul power was only level 9.

According to the theorem, the strength of a martial spirit is directly proportional to the innate soul power.

Shen Jianxin was thinking at the beginning, would it still be valid to interpret this theorem in reverse?

For example, Tang San in the original work originally did not have much innate soul power in his body due to the interaction between the Clear Sky Hammer and the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit.

According to many years of research in the soul master world: a person will only inherit the martial soul of the stronger parent.

Only when the strength of the martial arts spirits of both parents is almost the same, will the martial spirits mutate due to confrontation.

In rare cases, twin martial spirits will be born if the martial spirits of both parents are evenly matched.

And Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer and Blue Silver Grass were not products of the same level at all.

(Bluesilver grass that has not awakened the Bluesilver Emperor is just ordinary bluesilver grass.)

Therefore, Tang San was able to obtain twin martial souls, most likely because he practiced the "Xuan Tian Gong". There was enough energy in his body to ensure that the Clear Sky Hammer was powerful, but also allowed the weak Blue Silver Grass to survive.

If there are external factors in Tang San's example that seem not so controllable, then his teacher Yu Xiaogang is the most powerful proof of this theory.

He was originally the Golden Holy Dragon Spirit, but due to his own lack of innate energy, the Golden Holy Dragon Spirit was stunted and turned into a pig-like Luo Sanpao.

Later, with the addition of Ninth Grade Purple Zhizhi, Luo Sanpao immediately evolved significantly.

This shows that whether the human body's innate energy is sufficient will indeed affect the development of its own martial soul.

Comparing the two people in the original work, Shen Jianxin guessed that if Ning Rongrong was given full innate soul power in advance.

Can such extreme innate soul power drive Ning Rongrong's martial soul to evolve?

Therefore, after Shen Jianxin created a crude internal energy method, he used the excuse of giving Ning Rongrong a massage to secretly use his soul power to operate in her body.

In Xiao Yan's words, this is helping her nourish her pulse. (I’m convinced, they are all pornographic, even lolita.)

After a period of trying, Ning Rongrong also slowly memorized the flow path of Shen Jianxin's soul power.

Not long after, Ning Rongrong claimed that she felt an energy flowing inside her body, which was warm and comfortable.

Afterwards, Sword Douluo and others found out that they checked her body and found nothing, so they agreed that it was all her imagination.

At that time, only Shen Jianxin knew that Ning Rongrong should have successfully activated the innate energy in his body and developed the so-called internal power.

It's just that internal force is born from one's own body, and its relationship with the body is like purifying and refining pure water from water.

How could Sword Douluo and others who were only familiar with external energy like soul power detect subtle changes in internal energy?

As for innate soul power?

Although it has the word innate, the golden light spots in the awakening formation are also involved when it awakens, so it is essentially an acquired energy.

Just as everyone was thinking about their own affairs in their minds, the golden light that shrouded Ning Rongrong's body dissipated.

"One, two, three seven, eight!"

"Eighth floor, Eight Treasures Glazed Tower!"

At this time, when everyone saw the martial spirit in Ning Rongrong's right hand, they all took a breath.

Although this is not the legendary Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, the Eight Treasures Glazed Pagoda is enough to excite Ning Fengzhi and others.

You must know that every time the owner of the Qibao Glazed Pagoda's martial soul improves by one level, the increase in all soul ring and soul skills can be increased by 1%.

Ning Fengzhi is only a level 79 Soul Saint, but with his assistance, the former level 96 Sword Douluo plus the level 95 Bone Douluo can fight against four level 95 titled Douluo at the same time without falling behind.

And now Ning Rongrong's martial spirit is the Eight Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. So when she reaches level 89, how amazing will her auxiliary abilities be?

"Quick, test your innate soul power."

Regarding the excitement of Ning Fengzhi and the others, Shen Jianxin seemed very dull.

After all, he knew Ning Rongrong's future, so he really didn't know what to be excited about in the level 89 Contra realm.

After passing the soul power test, Ning Fengzhi and the others finally put their hearts in their stomachs.

As expected, he was indeed innately full of soul power.

That means that Ning Rongrong's martial spirit has indeed evolved.

In the original work, Tang San had been practicing Xuantian Kung for many years, and even Tang Hao, who was in the Title Douluo realm, didn't know about it.

So I made a small patch here and explained it forcefully.

If there are loopholes, then...please ignore it! I'm too lazy to change it.

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