Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 154 Information brought by the Titan Ape

At night, the Qibao Glazed Sect and Tiandou officials set up camps next to each other.

Although the relationship between the two parties is relatively good now, they belong to different forces, so there is still a necessary sense of distance.

After dinner in the evening, the senior leaders of the two forces gathered together to discuss the follow-up action plan.

And Shen Jianxin and others were also entangled by Qian Renxue and the people from the Imperial Fighter Team.

Six years ago in Heaven and Earth, Qian Renxue was initially attracted by Shen Jianxin's outstanding talent and became very interested in him.

Later, Shen Jianxin was as attentive as a hair, and the hot pot specially prepared for her made her feel that Shen Jianxin was indeed a wonderful person, and at the same time she started to want to win over him.

In the end, the story Shen Jianxin told her made her no longer confused and finally found her life goal, which was a great kindness.

Unknowingly, Shen Jianxin's status in Qian Renxue's heart increased step by step.

Especially after Qian Renxue took the seat of Lord Tiandou, every time in the dead of night, she would recall what Shen Jianxin once said to her.

It's like "the father is kind and the son is filial". If the father is not kind, the son does not have to be filial.

"A gentleman will not be prestige if he is not serious." A gentleman must be careful with his actions, otherwise he will not be able to establish prestige!

"Everything will be established if you hesitate, and if you don't hesitate, it will be destroyed." When fighting, as long as you hesitate, the opponent will stand up, and if you don't hesitate, you can directly defeat the opponent.

"When a person is about to die, his words are also good." If you beat someone to the point of death, your words will also sound good.

"You can die if you hear the truth in the morning." If I find out the way to your home in the morning, you can prepare to die in the evening.

And so on and so forth.

These explanations may sound a bit crude at first, and may even seem like nonsense.

Qian Renxue felt that it had profound meaning every time she thought about it. Even when she was dealing with the national affairs of the Tiandou Empire, she found the concepts in it to be surprisingly useful.

Wen Neng can bring peace to the world with his pen, and Wan Neng can use his horse to settle the world.

Who can win if he has a plan in mind? The only hero of ancient and modern times is the king.

Over time, Qian Renxue felt that Shen Jianxin was a great talent, a peerless talent that would be rare to see in a million years, and a talent that could lead her forward.

Even after Shen Jianxin left for the Slaughter City, his status in Qian Renxue's heart did not diminish by half. It even became stronger as time went by.

Later, after learning that Shen Jianxin might have died due to the calculations of Bibi Dong and the King of Slaughter, Qian Renxue even made plans to break into the Spirit Hall and overthrow Bibi Dong.

Now that Shen Jianxin has returned miraculously, she is of course very excited.

However, due to concerns about her identity, she had no choice but to rope in the Imperial Fighting Team and get closer in the name of communication to inquire about Shen Jianxin's current situation.

After seeing Qian Renxue again and having a brief conversation, Shen Jianxin also noticed the changes in her.

The look in his eyes that contained a strong sense of dependence and possessiveness made Shen Jianxin extremely uncomfortable and felt baffled.

If Ning Rongrong hadn't been by his side, intentionally or unintentionally blocking Qian Renxue's gaze, Shen Jianxin wouldn't have known whether he could sit still.

After chatting awkwardly until late at night, Qian Renxue reluctantly left the camp of Shen Jianxin and others.

After Qian Renxue left, Shen Jianxin couldn't stand the weird looks and playfulness of everyone, so she pulled Ning Rongrong and escaped from the camp.

He could ignore others, but if Ning Rongrong didn't take them with him, he would be causing trouble for himself for no reason.

In the dark Star Forest, a campfire not far away flickered. Shen Jianxin pulled Ning Rongrong and walked slowly near the camp.

"Rongrong, don't you have anything to ask me?"

Although he really had nothing to do with Qian Renxue, holding Ning Rongrong's soft little hand, Shen Jianxin felt inexplicably guilty of being a thief.

Ning Rongrong looked at Shen Jianxin seriously, with a smile in his eyes: "Do you have any questions? Be careful, my brother is so good, it is normal to be liked."

"Besides, I believe you!"

Saying that, Ning Rongrong stood on tiptoes and brought her face to Shen Jianxin's.

Feeling the warm touch on his lips, Shen Jian was stunned.

When did Rongrong become so bold?


Three years to start?

While Shen Jianxin was still thinking wildly, Ning Rongrong had already run back to the camp with red cheeks.

Shen Jianxin smiled helplessly, and raised her feet to keep up with Ning Rongrong, when suddenly there was a slight vibration on the ground.

Looking down, I saw an extremely obvious arrow protruding from the ground.

After thinking briefly, Shen Jianxin flashed and rushed in the direction of the arrow.

After running for more than ten miles in the camp, Shen Jianxin stopped and shouted towards the depths of the dark forest: "Come out."

After the words fell, the figure of Titan Giant Ape Er Ming emerged from the darkness quietly: "Where is Sister Xiaowu? Why can't I feel her breath?"

"Don't worry, it's here."

Saying that, Shen Jianxin took off the Ruyi Baobao bag hanging from his waist and shook it vigorously. Xiao Wu immediately squeezed out from the mouth of the bag and sat down on the ground.

"Hey, Brother Shen, don't you know how to be gentle?"

After giving Shen Jianxin a resentful look, Xiao Wu got up from the ground and patted her elastic buttocks to remove the dust on them.

"Eh? Er Ming? Why are you here too?"

Only then did Xiao Wu notice the tall Titan ape beside him.

A dull voice sounded, "Sister Xiaowu, I just came back from inquiring about information. I couldn't detect your aura, but I sensed many strong human beings who were worried about you."

Xiao Wu rolled her eyes at him and said, "What's there to worry about?"

"If Brother Shen and the others wanted to harm me, I would have been dead long ago. Why wait until now?"

"How did you go about what you were asked to do?"

The Titan Giant Ape said: "The traces of the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver King have been found, and its current location is less than 200 kilometers away from us."

"But within a hundred kilometers around it, there are a large number of strong human beings gathered."

"Among them, there are nine titled Douluo, twenty soul Douluo, and nearly a hundred soul saint level people. I haven't counted the auxiliary personnel below level seventy, but there are quite a few."

Xiao Wu looked surprised: "So many? Do they want to flatten the Star Dou Forest?"

Shen Jianxin thought: "They are not in the same camp, right?"

The Titan Giant Ape shook his head: "No, there are not many people in the force closest to the Blue Silver King, but they are all elites. They alone have five Titled Douluo, three Soul Douluo, and eight Soul Saints."

"They are led by two men at level ninety-five. The remaining three titled Douluo all appear to have just broken through and are only at level ninety-one."

"The one in the middle is led by a powerful woman. They have three titled Douluo, five Soul Douluo, and fifty Soul Saints."

"That woman gave me a very scary feeling. I didn't dare to get too close to her for fear of being discovered by her."

"So I don't know the specific level of their side."

"The peripheral forces are the weakest, but their numbers are also the largest."

"Except for one ninety-one-level Titled Douluo, ten Soul Douluo, and more than thirty Soul Saints, the others are all trash."

"Then there are some miscellaneous soldiers on the fringes who want to take advantage. There are only two Contras that need to be paid attention to."

After listening to the Titan Ape's story, Shen Jianxin nodded, already having some guesses about the origins of these forces.

"Are there any other abnormalities?"

"No more, no other abnormalities were found."

After thinking for a while, the Titan Giant Ape added: "But there is something strange, but I don't know if this is the abnormality you mentioned."

"tell me the story."

"I discovered before that this 100,000-year-old blue silver king can escape from the earth, and it is extremely fast."

"At first, it could escape every time with Earth Escape, but recently these two dogs suddenly stopped using Earth Escape to escape, as if they were deliberately exposing their whereabouts and attracting humans to get closer to them."

"Oh?" Shen Jianxin was surprised and suddenly squatted on the ground and drew several circles with branches.

The outermost circle is a large circle representing the Star Forest, and then a dot is clicked to represent the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver King. Four circles are drawn on the outer circle to represent the four forces, and finally their own positions are marked.

Looking at the simple map on the ground, Shen Jianxin's eyes gradually brightened, "Er Ming, is the place where the Blue Silver King first appeared in 100,000 years the easternmost part of the Star Forest?"

The Titan Ape nodded and said: "Well, yes, it is indeed in the east."

After receiving the Titan Ape's affirmation, Shen Jianxin's face lit up: "Xiao Wu, you and Er Ming wait here for a while. I'll go back and call Rongrong and the others. I seem to have discovered the secret of the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver King."

Xiao Wu's eyes lit up: "Secret? What secret?"

"We'll talk about it when I get back."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Jianxin's figure spread out and disappeared into the dark forest.

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