Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 155 All the forces come to the Star Forest

Returning to the camp, Shen Jianxin immediately ran to Sword Douluo's tent, found that he was not there, and turned around to Ning Fengzhi's tent.

As soon as they entered the house, they found Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo, and Dugu Bo discussing something.

"Kenshin? Where have you gone? I looked for you just now and couldn't find you."

"Uncle Ning, I went to see the Titan Ape. He said that the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver King is less than 200 kilometers away from us."

Ning Fengzhi smiled and said, "Oh? That's a good thing. Is there any other news?"

Shen Jianxin said: "Yes, according to what the Titan Giant Ape said, in addition to our party, there are at least four other people in the Star Dou Forest."

"There are a total of nine Titled Douluo, twenty Soul Douluo, and nearly a hundred Soul Saints. There are no Soul Saints below."

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi frowned slightly: "So, in addition to Haotian Sect's troops, Wuhun Palace and Xingluo Empire also smelled the smell and came here?"

Shen Jianxin nodded: "Yes, and the Haotian Sect not only dispatched the two brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, but even hid them for so many years and asked them to cultivate three ninety-one-level titled Douluo."

Ning Fengzhi's expression suddenly became solemn: "Really! I didn't expect that our Qibao Glazed Sect is developing rapidly, and their Haotian Sect is not hesitant."

"Uncle Ning, the Haotian Sect is actually nothing to be afraid of. Their strongest ones are only two ninety-five-level titled Douluo, Tang Hao and Tang Xiao. Among them, Tang Hao is still seriously injured and has not recovered. It is still unclear how strong he is. It’s hard to say.”

"What we need to focus on the most is the people from the Wuhun Palace. According to the Titan Ape's description, they are led by a woman who makes him feel dangerous."

"I suspect that Pope Bibi Dong personally took action."

"Coupled with the two Kikui ghosts around her who have martial soul fusion skills, they are the biggest obstacle to our trip."

Ning Fengzhi said cautiously: "That's true. It is said that she has already broken through to the title Douluo, and she is also the owner of twin martial arts spirits."

"If she starts to practice the second martial spirit, then her strength can indeed be described as unfathomable."

"Fortunately, we brought along the Tiandou officials on this trip, otherwise we would really not have the upper hand in the face of forces like them."

A sharp cold light flashed in Sword Douluo's eyes: "Then leave her to me."

"I haven't given it my all since my breakthrough."

"I don't know my own limits. How can I transcend my own limits? At level ninety-nine, I also want to climb up and have a look."

Bone Douluo was stunned for a moment: "Bitch, are you going to break through level ninety-nine so soon?"

Sword Douluo nodded pretending to be mysterious and looked at Bone Douluo seriously: "No, I have no clue at all."

"Bah~, damn bitch, you scared me. I really thought there was such a big gap between you and me."

Sword Douluo smiled and said, "You're already at level two, isn't it big enough?"


"You guys chat, I'm going back to practice."

As soon as he finished speaking, the portal opened at Bone Douluo's feet, and the next moment, Bone Douluo disappeared into the camp.

Seeing Bone Douluo disappearing, Sword Douluo laughed and said, "The dimension of Bone Douluo has made great progress recently. It seems that it won't be long before it can be used in battles."

"The best defense in the world, and then use the way of space to deflect the attack. Zhen Zhen, you damn bone is about to take off."

Dugu Bo nodded solemnly: "Well, let's talk. I've also gone back to practice. If anything happens, just send someone to notify me."

Standing up and walking outside the tent, Dugu Bo suddenly felt that he needed to work harder.

Sword Douluo is now at level ninety-eight, and Bone Douluo also mentioned last time that he sees a way forward.

It seems that among the three titled Douluo within the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, he has made the least progress.

They were all taken at the same time, but six years later, he was the only one who had made the least progress, only breaking through two levels.

What's more important is that when Shen Jianxin introduced the opponent's strength just now, only the titled Douluo above level ninety-five mentioned his name.

It seems that those below level ninety-five are not worthy of names.

He, Dugu Bo, didn't want to become the ninety-three-level titled Douluo that others called him.

The two left. Shen Jianxin, Ning Fengzhi, and Sword Douluo were in the tent. You looked at me and I looked at you. For a moment, I didn't know what to say.

"Ahem!" With a slight cough, Ning Fengzhi drew everyone's attention back: "Uncle Gu and Elder Dugu have something to do. Let's discuss the plan before telling them."

Sword Douluo nodded and said, "Feng Zhi, just say so."

"Uncle Ning, tell me."

Ning Fengzhi said: "The enemy is in the light and we are in the dark. This is our advantage."

"Furthermore, so many forces want this 100,000-year-old blue silver king, and conflicts will inevitably occur as they compete with each other."

"Besides, there is a feud between Wuhun Palace and Haotian Sect. Otherwise, they will fight fiercely when they meet."

"Haotian Sect is weak, so it will inevitably draw in the weaker Star Luo Empire to join forces to fight against Wuhun Palace."

"When there is a real fight between them, we and the Tiandou Empire will join the battlefield again, and then a three-way confrontation will form."

"And the two of them are hostile to each other, so our newly added third party will inevitably become the target of their attraction."

"In this way, we can gain the most benefits from this hunt for the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver King."

Shen Jianxin nodded: "Uncle Ning has no problem considering it."

"Big forces will definitely not fight to the death for a mere hundred thousand-year-old soul beast. Once the losses reach their tolerance limit, they will reach a tacit understanding and shake hands to make peace."

"Since the snipe and the clam cannot compete with each other to benefit the fishermen, let's take advantage of the situation and seek the best interests for ourselves in their fight."

Ning Fengzhi looked at Shen Jianxin happily: "Jianxin, you have really grown up."

Shen Jianxin chuckled: "Uncle Ning and Master have cultivated me well."

Ning Fengzhi smiled and said, "But there is one thing you said wrong."

Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment: "Which point?"

Sword Douluo smiled and said: "Taking advantage of the fire is what we are going to do, and it has nothing to do with you."

"Early tomorrow morning, take Rongrong and the others out of the Star Dou Forest."

Shen Jianxin thought: "Master, we may not be able to leave yet, because I seem to have discovered the secret of the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver King coming to the Star Forest."

Sword Douluo asked in confusion: "Secret? What secret?"

Shen Jianxin slowly told the abnormality of the Hundred Thousand Years Blue Silver King, and then told his guesses.

Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo looked at each other after hearing this, and after thinking for a moment, they said, "Then let Elder Dugu follow you."

"It's not safe in the Star Dou Forest. He can help you a lot by following you."

Shen Jianxin shook his head and said, "No, we have the Titan Ape following us, so we won't encounter any danger under normal circumstances."

"And the old man's poisonous skills can be most effective only if he follows you."

Sword Douluo said warily: "Titan giant ape? Can the spirit beast really be trusted?"

Shen Jianxin smiled and said: "Trust is mutual, isn't it? Xiao Wu, a transformed soul beast, dares to trust us, why don't I dare to trust her even once?"

Then Shen Jianxin also told Xiao Wu about taking them to the Rougu Basin, and by the way, she also told them in detail about the artificial soul ring research and the Rabbit Cavalry Regiment.

After listening to Shen Jianxin's story, Sword Douluo also dispelled his doubts.

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