Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 173 Tang Hao Tang Xiao attacks (2)

After listening to Xiao Wu's narration, everyone fell into deep thought.

Not because of anything else, but because these messages also touched their cognitive blind spots.

At this moment, Ma Hongjun, who was deep in thought at the side, suddenly laughed and raised his hands excitedly: "Everyone, have you ever thought of a win-win ending?"

"For example, Brother Shen first killed the Blue Silver King, then resurrected the Blue Silver King, and finally...hehehe."

As he spoke, Ma Hongjun also made a very lewd expression, with his hands facing each other and his thumbs twirling.

Seeing his behavior, everyone was dumbfounded and stood stunned on the spot.

Bai Chenxiang flew up and kicked Ma Hongjun hard in the face: "Damn Fatty, do you think Brother Shen is as wretched as you?"

Ma Hongjun looked a little aggrieved: "Then the Blue Silver Emperor is also a woman, so why isn't this possible?"

"Brother Shen is so outstanding, it is very possible that she would voluntarily sacrifice herself to Brother Shen on a whim!"

"Otherwise, where does the pleasure of returning home come from?"

Hearing that Ma Hongjun was still speaking freely, everyone cast angry looks at him.

Bai Chenxiang glared at him fiercely and walked towards him with clenched fists: "Fat man, do you not want to live anymore?"

"Tell me if you don't want to live anymore, and I'll bury you right now to avoid polluting the air and dirtying everyone's respiratory tracts."

"Hehehehehe, that little fat guy is right!"

A silver bell-like laughter came, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

I saw an additional figure appearing in the light curtain at the edge of the blue silver altar.

"Blue Silver Emperor?" Bai Chenxiang suddenly exclaimed.

Ning Rongrong turned around and asked, "Xiangxiang, are you sure?"

Bai Chenxiang nodded, "Yes, sure."

"I followed Brother Shen to investigate before, and I saw him from a distance while flying in the sky. His hair color is exactly the same, and his appearance is 80% similar."

After receiving Bai Chenxiang's confirmation, everyone possessed martial souls, lit up their soul rings and stood ready, staring at the Blue Silver Emperor with cold expressions.

Blue Silver Emperor looked at the group of people in front of him jokingly: "Hey, what do you want to do?"

"You're just pretending, do you still want to come in and beat me?"

"I'm not here to fight with you. Call your leaders. I have something to announce to you."

Dugu Yan frowned slightly, took a step forward and said, "What's the matter? Tell me?"

The Blue Silver Emperor glanced at Dugu Yan for a long time and asked uncertainly: "Are you the leader?"

"Isn't that the gorilla that leads you?"

boom! Er Ming punched the light screen, and puffed out two streams of white smoke from his nostrils, "I am not a gorilla, I am a Titan ape, called Er Ming."

"Also, you have clearly started the ceremony, why can you still appear outside at will?"

The Blue Silver Emperor picked his ears impatiently and said, "Okay, gorilla, you'd better retreat. It's so loud, it's making so much noise."

"Human girl, let's talk."

"For my husband's sake, I can answer three of your questions."

Dugu Yan hesitated for a moment, then turned back to look at Ning Rongrong behind him.

Regarding the three questions, Dugu Yan knew that Ning Rongrong was the most anxious person now. She wanted to give Ning Rongrong the right to ask these three questions.

Ning Rongrong shook her head gently, "Sister Yanyan, caring will lead to chaos, just ask."

Dugu Yan nodded and turned to look at Blue Silver Emperor: "The first question is the question Er Ming just asked."

The Blue Silver Emperor had no time to think and said: "The ceremony has not officially started yet. To be precise, it is still in the preparation stage, so I can appear here."

"Answered, second question."

Dugu Yan thought: "Preparation stage? What are you preparing for?"

A hint of cunning flashed in the eyes of the Blue Silver Emperor, and he tilted his head and said mischievously: "My husband is not ready yet. He is still a little weak. I will make up for him first."

"Only in this way can I carry out the following rituals."

"Answered, third question."

Dugu Yan glared at the Blue Silver Emperor and said sternly: "This doesn't count. You are being vague and have no direct answer at all."

"You haven't made it clear what's a little weak and how to make up for it."

The Blue Silver Emperor curled his lips, pinched his waist and snorted: "You are really annoying."

"I'm answering the question. Of course I have the right to explain it. It's your problem if you don't understand. What does it have to do with me?"

"There is one last question, do you still want to ask it?"

Seeing that Lan Yinhuang didn't take the bait, Dugu Yan frowned slightly, looked back at Ning Rongrong who was pretending to be calm, and decided to ask a question that everyone already knew.

"The third question is, who is the husband you are talking about?"

The Blue Silver Emperor smiled proudly, and then put on a pose that he thought was cool, but was actually very cool, and shouted to everyone: "Listen up, my husband is."

After a long while, the Blue Silver Emperor suddenly realized that he still didn't know Shen Jianxin's name.

Embarrassed, she had no choice but to keep her pose motionless and install the plants.

Seeing that the Blue Silver Emperor was suddenly stuck, Dugu Yan and others also looked at each other, wondering what she was up to.

"Hey, Blue Silver Emperor, what are you doing? Why aren't you talking?"

After hearing Dugu Yan's shouting, the Blue Silver Emperor remained motionless, still thinking silently in his heart, I am a little Blue Silver Grass, an inconspicuous grass, you can't see me, you can't see me.

"Ah, Ah Yin?"

Suddenly, a rough voice came, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

Tang Hao, still wearing a tattered cloak, unexpectedly rushed out of the forest behind everyone.


Seeing Tang Hao's figure, Er Ming's eyes instantly became bloodshot and turned red. He roared angrily, and dots of black energy began to gather in its mouth.

"Brother Hao, be careful!"

Seeing that the Titan Giant Ape opened fire at the slightest disagreement, Tang Xiao didn't care about anything else, shouted, rushed out of the forest behind him, and stood in front of Tang Hao.

The next moment, a black ball of compressed energy shot out from Er Ming's mouth and hit Tang Hao's body like a discharged cannonball.


A huge explosion sounded, and a large area of ​​trees instantly turned into powder, and was blown away by the strong wind of the explosion.

At this time, everyone's attention was attracted by this sudden battle.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, the Blue Silver Emperor quietly retreated into the blue silver grass at her feet.

The next moment, the figure of the Blue Silver Emperor suddenly appeared in front of Shen Jianxin, shouting in a panic:

"Husband, husband, it's bad, there's a fight outside!"

Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment, "A fight started? What started a fight?"

Lan Yinhuang's rambling words immediately made Shen Jianxin confused, and he couldn't help but wonder if the child's condition had worsened again.

"It's that Tang Hao who got into a fight with... and... with that gorilla."

Lan Yinhuang's face was filled with anxiety and she was scratching her head. Apart from the name Tang Hao, she seemed to only remember one gorilla.

As for Dugu Yan, Ning Rongrong and others, she couldn't name any of them.

As for Tang Hao, it was because the Blue Silver King was extremely hostile to him that he was known to the new Blue Silver King.

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