Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 174 Blue Silver Emperor Soul (1)

"Tang Hao?"

Hearing Tang Hao's name, Shen Jianxin was suddenly startled, his eyes suddenly sharp, and his expression instantly became extremely dangerous.

"Tang Hao is attacking?"

The Blue Silver Emperor was startled, "Huh? Yes, yes, he is fighting with the gorilla outside."

Shen Jianxin frowned slightly: "Can you let me see what's going on outside?"

The Blue Silver Emperor nodded, stretched out his hand and drew a circle in mid-air, and the situation on the battlefield outside was instantly reflected.

In the picture, Tang Xiao, dressed in black, is holding the Clear Sky Hammer, with a light shield shining all over his body, protecting the Tattered King Tang Hao behind him.

In front of them was Er Ming, whose eyes were bloodshot and glaring at them.

Behind Er Ming's huge body, Ning Rongrong, Dugu Yan and his group were protected.

It seems that both sides have some concerns, so no one on either side has acted rashly yet.

The two sides confronting each other made the atmosphere at the scene extremely solemn.

Tang Xiao and Tang Hao kept opening and closing their lips, as if they were discussing something.

Tang Xiao's expression changed again and again, as if the balance would soon be broken.

Shen Jianxin turned to look at Blue Silver Emperor: "What are they talking about?"

The Blue Silver Emperor shook his head: "The previous explosion destroyed all the Blue Silver Grass nearby, so I don't know what they are talking about."

Shen Jianxin took a deep breath, "Can the ceremony be stopped? I don't need your sacrifice, you just need to tell me how to get out."

Blue Silver Emperor shook his head regretfully: "My husband will not be able to get out until the ceremony is completed."

Hearing this, Shen Jianxin sighed, didn't ask anything, just sat on the floor, closed his eyes and began to think.

Seeing how calm Shen Jianxin was, the Blue Silver Emperor became confused and stepped forward to poke Shen Jianxin's cheek: "Husband, aren't they your companions? Are you worried about them?"

"My memory tells me that the traitor was hunted down by Tang Hao and the person around him for half a year."

Shen Jianxin didn't even open his eyes, and replied feebly: "Can't you use the perspective of Lan Yincao?"

"Then take a look and see if my companions are still there?"

The Blue Silver Emperor was stunned for a moment, closed her eyes and began to explore. Soon she opened her eyes with a look of surprise: "Husband, how did you know? They are indeed gone."

"Explore as far as you can to see if you can find my companions."

The Blue Silver Emperor closed his eyes again, and soon opened his eyes with a look of surprise: "I saw them, they have already run away on the big rabbit."

"What a big rabbit. It looks so cute. It will be very nutritious if it is buried in the soil and fertilized."

As he spoke, the Blue Silver Emperor stuck out his tongue slightly and licked his lips gently.

The corners of Shen Jianxin's mouth rose slightly, as expected.

With Er Ming and seven soft-bone rabbits that are over 50,000 years old, if Ning Rongrong and others can be harmed, Shen Jianxin will definitely feel that rabbits have no other use except eating and being eaten.

As for the last words of the Blue Silver Emperor about burying rabbits and fertilizing them, Shen Jianxin automatically ignored them.

Not to mention whether Shen Jianxin would let her bury it, even if he did, the Blue Silver Emperor, who now had no body, would definitely not be able to absorb even a tiny bit.

Ning Rongrong and others were safe, and the last worry in Shen Jianxin's heart was gone.

Then he put on a posture with five hearts in the sky, and started to concentrate his mental power without any scruples in front of the Blue Silver Emperor.

The Blue Silver Emperor was stunned for a moment. When she faced Shen Jianxin before, she could clearly sense that Shen Jianxin was on guard against her, but now she couldn't feel it at all.

Even the layer of spiritual flame that had been burning in Shen Jianxin's body disappeared without knowing when.

At this moment, the Blue Silver Queen suddenly remembered that she seemed to have reached out and touched Shen Jianxin just now.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and the Blue Silver Emperor opened his arms and immediately jumped on Shen Jianxin: "Husband, are you finally willing to accept me?"

Shen Jianxin held the Blue Silver Emperor's shoulders, supporting her to keep a certain distance from him, and said helplessly: "Don't call me husband anymore, just call me by my name."

"My name is Shen Jianxin."

Blue Silver Emperor nodded heavily and said happily: "Okay, husband, I remember your name."

"Then please remember my name, I will call you."

"Lan Yinxin." Shen Jianxin suddenly said.

"The words blue and silver represent your race, and the word 'xin' represents new life."

"Besides, you always have an inexplicable fragrance on your body. Taking the new character for "new life" and changing it to the same sound as "xin" is a perfect fit for the occasion."

The Blue Silver Emperor smiled sweetly, his eyes instantly turned into beautiful crescent moons, and he leaned over Shen Jianxin's face and kissed her hard.

"Thank you, husband. I like this name very much."

"From now on, just call me Xin'er."

Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand to touch the place where the Blue Silver Emperor kissed him. He didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly shuddered.

"It's better to say goodbye to avoid misunderstanding. From now on, I'll call you Xiaoxin. If you don't mind, you can call me Captain Shen, Brother Shen, or Old Shen. But please don't call me husband again."

"Okay, Brother Shen!" Lan Yinhuang stood up straight with his hands behind his back, and his movements became inexplicably awkward.

It no longer had the careless and crazy feeling just now.

An unpleasant feeling suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart, and Shen Jianxin said in an uncertain tone: "Aren't you Xiaoxin?"

"Yeah!" Blue Silver Emperor hummed lightly, and said with some expectation: "Brother Shen, I, I also want a name."

Shen Jianxin shook his head helplessly, and instantly understood what was going on. Dual personalities. Of course, each independent personality wanted its own name.

Seeing Shen Jianxin shaking his head, the Blue Silver Emperor looked slightly disappointed and said, "If Brother Shen can't think of it, then forget it. It doesn't matter if there is no name."

"How about the word Sheng?" Shen Jianxin smiled and said, "Lanyin Sheng."

"Her name is Xiaoxin, and your name is Xiaoshu. Together, they happen to be freshmen."

"Besides, the sheng is a beautiful musical instrument. It's the perfect way to describe your unique voice."

In fact, what Shen Jianxin couldn't say was that the most appropriate description that came to his mind at that time was the word 'night and night'.

Lan Yinhuang was stunned for a moment: "Is it a nice-sounding musical instrument?"

"That's great. Thank you, Brother Shen. I like this name very much."

As he spoke, the clothes on the Blue Silver Emperor began to change. The dress that was originally mainly blue and black and decorated with blue ribbons gradually turned into a dress that was mainly blue and decorated with blue and black ribbons.

The style of the dress remained unchanged, but just changing the color gave the Blue Silver Emperor a completely different style.

If she was a pure and lustful little goblin in blue and black, then in her blue dress now, she is the pitiable and weak 'Sister Lin'.

"Brother Shen, does it look good like this?"

The three-pronged approach of dual personality, role-playing, and cosplay made Shen Jianxin look a little dumbfounded without even realizing it.

"It looks good and can be distinguished from Xiaoxin, which is great!"

After saying that, Shen Jianxin gave her a thumbs up.

The Blue Silver Emperor's face was rosy. When Shen Jianxin wasn't paying attention, he shyly leaned down and kissed Shen Jianxin's other face again.

"Thank you, Brother Shen, for the compliment. I'm not very good at talking. If you have any questions, let Xiaoxin tell you."

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