Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 176 Blue Silver Emperor Soul (3)

The sky was getting dark, and in a bush more than twenty miles away from the Blue Silver Altar, Ning Rongrong and others gathered together with sad faces, and the atmosphere seemed a bit dull.

During the day, Tang Hao and Tang Xiao suddenly attacked. Er Ming was concerned about their safety, so he did not fight with Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, but temporarily withdrew while protecting them.

Then he gave the area near the altar to Tang Hao and Tang Xiao.

In the afternoon, Xiao Wu was not willing to let Er Ming go to explore the situation, but as soon as he got close to the place, he was discovered by Tang Xiao.

Since he still had to protect everyone's safety, Er Ming did not fight to the death. After testing for a few rounds and finding that they were evenly matched, he retreated again.

Now the area around the altar was completely occupied by Tang Xiao and Tang Hao. With the Titled Douluo's level of mental power fully deployed, they couldn't get past it at all.

Previously, I could get information from the Blue Silver Emperor, but now I can't even get close to the altar.

Apart from staying here to observe the movement of the altar from a distance, everyone has no other good solution.

"Rongrong, how about I let Er Ming try it again? It won't be a problem if we wait like this."

With the presence of Titan Giant Ape Er Ming, Xiao Wu also has sufficient confidence. At this time, she is also the most restless one among the people.

Staying here and waiting for several hours was simply torture given her restless nature.

At this moment, she wished she could take Er Ming and her sons to fight with Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, and did not want to wait here meaninglessly.

Ning Rongrong shook her head: "Xiao Wu, there's no need to try again."

"The Clear Sky Hammer Spirit is the most powerful weapon spirit in the mainland. Although Er Ming's power is strong, it is not an advantage to fight against them."

"Moreover, they also possess the sect's unique skills, and their instantaneous explosive power is unparalleled in the world. If you are not careful, you may suffer losses."

"The only reason we can stay here safely now is because of Er Ming's deterrence against them, so we must not go to war with them unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Since the Blue Silver King appears here, it means that my father's encirclement and suppression campaign has failed. I think it won't be long before our support arrives."

"At that time, all the troubles will be solved. Now, we just need to wait quietly."

Xiao Wu was stunned for a moment: "What about Boss Shen? He is still trapped in the ceremony."

"As the ceremony progresses, who knows what else will happen. You know, the little prodigal hooves of the Blue Silver Emperor have even been called 'husband'."

Ning Rongrong's mouth couldn't help but twitch, and she bit her teeth lightly: "I believe him."

After saying this, Ning Rongrong sat down cross-legged, closed her eyes tightly, and entered into practice.

But judging from her slightly pursed red lips, it seemed that she couldn't calm down at all.

Seeing this, Xiao Wu wanted to say something, but Dugu Yan pulled her back and shook her head gently.

Then he pulled her aside and whispered: "Xiao Wu, don't disturb Rongrong, let her be alone."

"Even though she is very calm now, she is actually the saddest person right now."

Xiao Wu said doubtfully: "Then let's just fight there and drive away those two hateful guys."

"Er Ming said that Tang Hao is injured, and he is seriously injured. He can definitely hold them off one on two."

"My sons have cultivation bases of more than 40,000 years, and their fighting power is also good. If we rush up, we will definitely defeat those two guys."

Dugu Yan shook his head helplessly and said: "So what if we defeat those two people? Can we break through the barrier of the ceremony?"

"Besides, Tang Xiao and Tang Hao are not weaklings. Once a war starts, we will be damaged."

"She is a very affectionate girl. Kenshin is important, but our partners are equally important to her."

"She can't make that kind of decision by putting our friends at risk just to get closer to the altar."

"Listen to Rongrong, just stay here."

Xiao Wu frowned slightly: "But."

Dugu Yan shook his head at her and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you can still know the situation at the altar for the first time here, right?"

"It's only a distance of twenty miles. With your sons and sons here, there won't be any delays."

"Let me tell you quietly, I have been with Rongrong for so many years, and her overall view is not inferior to that of our captain."

"Don't look at her usual dull look. It's just that she wants to be a weak girl in front of Kenshin. In fact, her identity is destined to be more than just a cute and pretty vase."

"Go back, don't worry about those things. The more critical the moment, the more we need a backbone."

"Instead of acting impulsively and losing troops and generals, it is better to obey the command and wait for the results."

Xiao Wu thought about it and said, "Sister Yanyan, you are right, I understand."

"Acting blindly and impulsively will not solve the problem. The retracted fist does not mean retreat, but to accumulate strength to strike a stronger blow."

Dugu Yan looked at Xiao Wu blankly: "Xiao Wu, is your head itchy?"

Xiao Wu scratched her head in confusion, "It doesn't itch, what's wrong?"

Dugu Yan shook his head: "It's okay, let's go back."

At this time, Dugu Yan was wondering in her heart, would it be possible to grow a brain even if her head was not itchy?

The night is receding and dawn is coming.

A silent upheaval was taking place on the Blue Silver Altar. The huge blue silver grass cocoon slowly opened, revealing the core altar.

A pillar of light suddenly rose from the top of the altar and shot straight into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a relatively illusory blue-black silhouette held a white-haired boy in the hand, slowly rising from the bottom of the altar along the light pillar, and quietly suspended in the mid-air of the light pillar.

The young man's eyes were closed and his face was peaceful, but Qianying's face was dissatisfied, as if she was angry, but also seemed reluctant.

But the two people's hands were tightly held together, and a blue slender vine was wrapped around their wrists to connect them to each other.

"Hmph, damn guy, I worked overtime and you actually started chatting with Xiao Sheng again. It's really abominable."

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Lan Yinsheng stood in front of Shen Jianxin with a smile on her face: "Brother Shen, Xiaoxin has already started to complain, let's start quickly."

Shen Jianxin nodded: "I just need to relax, right?"

Lan Yinsheng nodded: "Yes, Xiao Sheng is hosting the ceremony outside. Leave everything to me here."

"At the moment when the ceremony starts, I will use the power of the 'sacrifice' ceremony to peel you out of the sea of ​​my consciousness and return you to my body again."

"Then, you can use the connection on our wrists to pull us into your body."

"Only in this way can we enter your body safely."

"Both of these steps, we have to completely trust each other to complete."

"Once the ritual fails, Xiaoxin and I will definitely be destroyed by thunder because of the leakage of our aura, and you will also be implicated because of your connection with us, and your spirits will be severely damaged."

"So, everything for the two of us is completely left to you."

Shen Jianxin nodded: "Don't worry, I still understand the principle of 'both sides will benefit from cooperation, and both will suffer from confrontation'."

"You need to survive, and I need your strength."

"As long as you are united with me, I will never let you down."

Lan Yinsheng smiled and nodded: "We all believe in you, and Xiaoxin also asked me to tell you something."

"What are you talking about?" Shen Jianxin was a little confused.

"She said that our future relationship will definitely be stronger than your future marriage. Your wife will only lose her morals if she abandons you, but we will lose our lives if we abandon you."

"So, please feel free to use us!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a slender blue vine suddenly appeared from Lan Yinxuan's wrist and wrapped around Shen Jianxin's spiritual wrist.

Lan Yinxin seemed to be sensed by the outside world, and she opened her arms and threw herself into Shen Jianxin's arms, slowly integrating into Shen Jianxin's body.

The next moment, an extremely strong blue-gold light burst out, dispelling the darkness before dawn and making the area around the altar for dozens of miles as bright as day.

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