Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 177 Tang Hao relies on his brain to make up for his dark side

The strong light dispersed the darkness, and naturally alerted those who were waiting sleeplessly in the darkness.

"The ceremony has begun. Be careful brother, you will definitely break everything and come back again, right?"

A cry-like murmur sounded, and Ning Rongrong shed tears of heartache at this moment.

Ning Rongrong stayed up all night because she was thinking about Shen Jianxin. As early as the moment the light beam silently lit up, she had already discovered that the ceremony had begun.

Previously, out of consideration for the overall situation, the safety of her partners, and her trust in Shen Jianxin, she thought a lot, and finally suppressed her emotions and chose rationality.

Now, as the bright light from the beginning of the ceremony shone into her eyes, she realized that she was not as strong as she thought.

"Rongrong, we don't have to worry about Brother Shen. This is a sacrificial ceremony."

Xiao Wu's excited voice suddenly sounded behind Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong waved her hands to wipe away the tears in her eyes, and looked at Xiao Wu with red eyes: "Xiao Wu, what did you say?"

Xiao Wu ran to Ning Rongrong's side, took Ning Rongrong's hand, and shouted excitedly: "You don't have to worry about your brother."

"Because this ritual is a sacrifice, a ritual that is harmless to humans."

Ning Rongrong squeezed Xiao Wu's hand with excitement on her face: "Xiao Wu, are you sure?"

Xiao Wu nodded heavily: "I'm sure."

"Although I still don't know what the pleasant atmosphere of returning home is about, I can be sure that this ritual is not harmful to Brother Shen at all."

"Because the strong light formed by this explosion of soul power is condensing the soul ring."

Ning Rongrong looked at Xiao Wu in surprise: "Are you telling the truth? Are you trying to appease me?"

Xiao Wu nodded with a smile on her face and said, "It's true. We are the closest friends. I will never lie to you."

After receiving Xiao Wu's assurance, Ning Rongrong burst into tears of joy, opened her arms and hugged Xiao Wu fiercely: "Xiao Wu, thank you, thank you for telling me this in time."

Xiao Wu was stunned for a moment, then she hugged Ning Rongrong with a slight smile and gently stroked her back: "Thank you for nothing. We are partners who have sworn to accompany each other for life. We don't need to say thank you to each other."

Ning Rongrong smiled and nodded: "Yes!"

At the same time, in a tree hole near the Blue Silver Altar, Tang Xiao looked at the light outside the tree hole with joy.

"Brother Hao, look! Ah Yin is about to be resurrected."

At this time, Tang Xiao was as happy as a child, and he excitedly woke up Tang Hao, who was still meditating and adjusting his breathing to recover from his injuries.

Tang Hao slowly opened his eyes and looked at the bright light outside. His pupils suddenly shrank and his face instantly darkened.

"This is not a resurrection, this is a sacrifice!"

"Sacrifice?" Tang Xiao exclaimed, clasping Tang Hao's shoulders with both hands, and said excitedly: "What did you say? Is this a sacrifice?"

"Didn't you tell me personally before that this is the altar for Ah Yin's resurrection? Why did it suddenly become a sacrifice again?"

Tang Hao nodded with a gloomy face: "Brother, this was how A Yin was sacrificed to me."

Before, it was just an unbreakable barrier and an altar. Tang Hao, relying on the connection of the soul ring, thought that this was the altar where the Blue Silver Emperor was resurrected.

That's why the two brothers stayed here and didn't want anyone to get close.

But now the blue-gold light erupting from the outside world hit Tang Hao hard on the face like a slap, and reminded him of that day thirteen years ago.

"Why?" Tang Xiao suddenly summoned the Clear Sky Hammer, rushed out of the tree hole, and smashed the barrier on the altar crazily.

"Why? A Yin has just been resurrected, why does she want to sacrifice again?"

"Who is she going to sacrifice to again this time?"

"Who is it? Who is it?"

"Damn guy, I must kill you, kill you."

Looking at Tang Xiao who was going crazy, Tang Hao couldn't help but clenched his fists. Ah Yin is my wife. What's the matter with you being more excited than me now?

Is it possible that after so many years, you still haven’t let go?

No wonder Tang San is not like me, no wonder Tang San always behaves in all kinds of unusual ways, is it possible that you are causing trouble behind this?

All of this, as long as there is a force and a strong person behind Tang San, then everything can be explained.

Before Tang San was six years old, his extreme precocity and strange behavior made Tang Hao mistakenly believe that Tang San was not his kind.

Later, Tang San awakened the twin martial spirits of the Clear Sky Hammer and the Blue Silver Grass. Tang Hao cried with joy. This was his seed, and the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul was the proof.

Then he attributed Tang San's extreme precocity to the anomaly of the half-human, half-soul beast's bloodline, and his weird skills and so on were due to the guidance of experts behind his back.

Then he turned from light to dark when Tang San entered school, trying to find this master, but after six years, he found nothing.

At this time, Tang Xiao's crazy look gave Tang Hao a blow. He was not the only one who had the Clear Sky Hammer spirit, and he was not the only one who liked Ah Yin at the beginning.

As he thought about it, Tang Hao's thoughts became clearer and clearer, but his eyes became more and more confused.

At this time, he almost doubted his life.

Big brother, my dear big brother, I believe in you so much, but you don’t

"Brother Hao!" Tang Xiao's roar instantly woke up Tang Hao.

Looking at the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang Xiao's hand, Tang Hao slowly loosened his clenched fists: "Brother, what's the matter?"

Tang Xiao stared at Tang Hao with blood-red eyes: "Brother Hao, tell me how to interrupt this ceremony. I want to rescue Ah Yin."

"She must have been forced by someone. I must stop her from sacrificing. I must rescue her."

Tang Hao suppressed the anger in his heart: "Brother, please calm down. Once the ceremony starts, no one can interrupt it. We can only watch."

"I am also very sad that Ah Yin sacrificed again, but there is nothing we can do, brother."

"We will stay here until the ceremony is over."

"As long as this barrier is lifted, I will kill that person to avenge Ah Yin even if I risk my body."

"He dares to ask Ah Yin to sacrifice to obtain the soul ring, and I will make him repay with his life."

Hearing this, Tang Xiao's eyes became sharper, "Brother Hao, you have already paid enough for Ah Yin. This time, let me do something for Ah Yin."

Tang Hao stared blankly at the elder brother beside him, and clenched his fists unconsciously again. He knew without even thinking that his hair must have turned black from green to black.

A flash of red light flashed in his eyes, and anger couldn't stop spreading in his chest.

Bitch, how dare you betray me, twice.

Tang Hao, who had been the object of sacrifice once, knew very clearly that sacrifice could only be voluntary and there was no compulsion at all.

Because the soul beast also has a skill that can destroy everything, and that is self-destruction.

Thinking of this, Tang Hao's resentful eyes slowly left Tang Xiao and looked at a place twenty miles away.

Tang Xiao, bitch, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust. You betrayed me first in all this.

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