Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 178 Desperate Tang Xiao

A trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and a wise saying suddenly flashed in Tang Hao's mind, no one is poisonous and cannot be a husband.

Thirteen years ago, he came to the Spirit Hall for a hundred thousand year soul ring. Today, thirteen years later, he wouldn't mind repeating what happened back then for a hundred thousand year soul bone.

After all, he, Tang Hao, was the victim, and that couple owed him everything.

With an idea in mind, Tang Hao turned to look at Tang Xiao, who was lifeless on one side: "Brother, do you want to know who Ah Yin sacrificed?"

Tang Xiao felt happy, his eyes suddenly lit up, he grabbed Tang Hao's shoulders with both hands, and said excitedly: "You know? Come on, tell me quickly."

Tang Hao shook his head: "Brother, I don't know."

Tang Xiao was stunned for a moment, and his face suddenly turned gloomy: "Brother Hao, it's about Ah Yin, I'm not in the mood to joke with you."

Tang Hao sneered: "Brother, I don't know, but someone knows."

"For example, the group of brats from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect who were guarding here before we came."

"I think they must know something after staying here for so long."

"Perhaps the person who forced A Yin to sacrifice was their elder?"

"Although we can't avenge Ah Yin now, we can collect some interest for Ah Yin in advance."

Tang Xiao frowned and thought for a long time before saying, "No, they are protected by the King of the Forest. It will be difficult for us to move them."

Tang Hao frowned slightly. He originally thought that Tang Xiao was about to lose his mind now. As long as he was slightly stimulated, he would act recklessly, and then rush forward to fight the Titan to the death.

But the reality was somewhat beyond his expectation. After not seeing Tang Xiao for many years, his eldest brother actually learned to use his brain after becoming the sect leader.

But it doesn't matter, just try another one if the plan fails. Tang Hao is not a reckless man with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

Back then, for the sake of the 100,000-year soul ring, he even plotted against the Wuhun Palace, not to mention the current head of the Haotian Sect in front of him, who had a brain full of muscles.

With a sinister light flashing in his eyes, Tang Hao pretended to be very excited: "Brother, does a mere forest king make you back down?"

"Now my mind is full of Ah Yin's glances and smiles. If you don't dare to go, then I will go by myself."

With that said, Tang Hao stood up, waved his sleeves and walked out of the tree hole as if he had no hesitation.


I don't know whether it was because he was too seriously injured or because he was so angry that Tang Hao started coughing violently just after taking two steps, and traces of blood slowly seeped out from the corners of his mouth.

Tang Xiao stretched out his hand to release a ray of soul power for him, smoothed his breath, tilted his head, and said with a low expression: "Brother Hao, your injury is too serious. You stay here while I go."

"If I fail, you can return to Haotian Sect and serve as the new sect leader."

"The inheritance of the sect cannot be cut off in the hands of our generation."

With that said, Tang Xiao slowly walked towards the entrance of the tree hole.

Arriving at the entrance of the cave, Tang Xiao stopped and looked at the group of light emitting blue-gold light in mid-air, and said in a neither happy nor sad voice: "Brother Hao, take care!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Xiao disappeared in a flash.

Looking at Tang Xiao's disappearing figure, a disdainful smile appeared on Tang Hao's lips: "Hypocritical, Tang Xiao, you are really hypocritical."

Shaking his head, Tang Hao walked out of the tree hole and stood where Tang Xiao had been standing just now. He looked up at the group of light emitting blue-gold light in the air, his eyes gradually becoming cold.

"You bitch man and woman, I will definitely make you pay the price."

"Since you are so loving, I will help you."

"This time, I will plant you on the graves of your two lovers, hahaha."

Wanton laughter echoed in the forest, and Tang Hao's figure gradually faded away, turning into a wisp of breeze and dissipating.

Twenty miles is not far for a Titled Douluo level expert.

In just a few minutes, Tang Xiao had already approached the camp where Ning Rongrong and others were.

Worried that Er Ming would discover him if he got too close, Tang Xiao stopped three miles away from the camp.

Turning his head and looking behind him, Tang Xiao shook his head with a wry smile.

At this moment, he always felt that he should not be called Roaring Sky Douluo, but should be called Joke Douluo.

He never thought that his brother, whom he had always cared about so much, wanted him to die.

He gave the sect's inherited soul bones to Tang Hao, allowing him to collect the soul bones from six parts of his body.

Ah Yin, in order to fulfill Tang Hao, gave up the competition and chose to go back and inherit the family business.

But today, he finally understood that Tang Hao's blood was completely cold.

Sad tears fell from the corners of Tang Xiao's eyes. He raised his head and took another look at the dazzling light in the distance. His voice was slightly sad and he said, "Ah Yin, I regret it. This time, I will accompany you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the soul power in Tang Xiao's body suddenly exploded. Nine soul rings, two yellow, two purple, five black, lit up one by one, and then shattered one by one.

A powerful momentum burst out from Tang Xiao's body, and the leaked soul power formed a strong wind that swirled around him, making his clothes flutter and his hair scattered and dancing wildly.


Feeling the explosion of Tang Xiao's momentum, Er Ming looked up to the sky and roared, leaping and rushing towards Tang Xiao's direction.

Hearing the roaring footsteps in his ears, Tang Xiao ignored it, the soul ring on his body was still twisting and breaking.

Exploding nine rings in a row, the huge force was simply beyond what Tang Xiao's body could bear.

Tang Hao has six soul bones in his body to support and strengthen his body, but he only has one soul bone in his body.

And this soul bone is still the leftover thing that Tang Hao picked.

The capillaries in his body began to rupture, his eyes were blood red, and he shed two bloody tears, gradually blurring his eyes.

The tremendous pain caused him to clench his teeth, his gums oozed blood, and his broken teeth did not stop him from gathering strength.

The pain in his body was not worth the pain in his heart. At this time, Tang Xiao had no desire to live at all.

All the strong men brought by the sect died in the hands of the Pope of Wuhun Palace. The beloved woman was sacrificed again, and the younger brother who had always loved him still wanted to die.

There is nothing more sad than heartbreak, but Tang Xiao, who controls his younger brother, still plans to help his younger brother once again.

The huge phantom of the Clear Sky Hammer condensed in Tang Xiao's hand, "Ling Tian·One blow!"

With a roar, Tang Xiao held the handle of the hammer with both hands and swung it. The huge hammer head carried unparalleled power and smashed towards Er Ming who was running towards him.

"Human, you are seeking death."

Black light erupted from Er Ming's body, and the gravity control field instantly enveloped Tang Xiao's body.

The next moment, Er Ming clenched his right hand tightly, and a black metallic light instantly lit up on his fist as big as a millstone.

"Boom punch!"

Black light erupted, and a black beam of light several meters in diameter spurted out from Er Ming's fist, slamming into the huge phantom of the Clear Sky Hammer.

Boom——, a huge explosion sounded, and a large crater of several hundred meters was instantly formed on the scene.

A violent shock wave suddenly erupted from the center of the explosion, instantly leveling everything above the ground within thousands of meters around it.

Even the soil layer on the surface was severely scraped away.

The figures of Tang Xiao and Er Ming were instantly blown away by the explosion, and they fell heavily to the ground, where they knew whether they were alive or dead.

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