Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 215 Dividing the spoils of war (2)

After Yu Yuanzhen left, it was the turn of things within the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Ning Fengzhi took out two more boxes from the storage soul guide, and pushed one in front of Shen Jianxin and the other in front of Dugu Bo.

"These two are also the soul bones of Tang Hao. One is the left leg bone, which is about 80,000 years old, and the other is the trunk bone, which is about 60,000 years old."

"I have already discussed with Uncle Jian. You, Kenshin, will take this 80,000-year-old left leg bone and send it to the Tiandou Palace as a thank you for saving your life."

"As for this 50,000-year-old trunk bone, Elder Dugu played a leading role in attacking the Haotian Sect this time. It not only reduced our losses, but also saved many clan members of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, and fought with They laid the foundation for friendly cooperation."

"So this torso bone is for you, Elder Dugu, to handle."

Dugu Bo opened the box in front of him and gently touched the trunk bones inside. Seeing that the trunk bones exuded the unique charming color of soul bones, the joy in Dugu Bo's eyes became more and more intense.

However, Dugu Bo still suppressed the greed in his heart and closed the box.

"Sect Master, aren't you going to share the profits from this attack on Haotian Sect with Tiandou Fang?"

"Is it really appropriate for us to allocate it privately in advance?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled: "Elder Dugu is worried too much."

"Tang Hao quit the Haotian Sect more than ten years ago, so naturally his soul bones are not among the spoils of this attack on the Haotian Sect."

"What's more, this Tang Hao was killed by Jian Xin himself, and he didn't lend it to anyone else during this period. Then why don't these soul bones in Tang Hao's body belong to us?"

Dugu Bo was stunned for a moment, and then pushed the soul bone directly in front of Shen Jianxin: "Then I can't even take it. I, Dugu Bo, can't do such a thing to grab trophies with a junior."

Shen Jianxin chuckled and said, "Old man, since Uncle Ning gave it to you, just accept it."

"These soul bones were indeed my trophies, but Uncle Ning has replaced them with other soul bones for me."

Ning Fengzhi also spoke up and said, "Elder Dugu, just accept it with confidence. This kid Jianxin won't suffer a loss."

"It took me seven soul bones that were more than 30,000 years old to replace his four soul bones. In the end, the most valuable left leg bone was turned around and returned to his hands."

"In the final analysis, this guy is still trying to pick my brain."

Shen Jianxin also smiled awkwardly: "Oh, Uncle Ning, I am your son-in-law, do we two still have to worry so much?"

"When Rongrong inherits your position, I will be waiting for orders under Rongrong."

"Your investment in me now is all deposits with Rongrong."

Sword Douluo's face darkened: "Jianxin, big or small, don't you have any rules at all?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled and pulled Sword Douluo: "Uncle Jian, don't talk about Jian Xin. I think Jian Xin is right."

"In the future, the entire Qibao Glazed Sect will belong to him and Rongrong. There is really no need to make the distinction so clearly."

After saying that, Ning Fengzhi looked at Dugu Bo and said, "Elder Dugu has also worked hard and suffered in the sect for so many years. You should accept this soul bone."

"Even if you don't need it, leaving this soul bone to Yanyan is still a good choice."

When Dugu Yan was mentioned, Dugu Bo's attitude softened obviously, and he bowed his hands to Ning Fengzhi.

"Then thank you Sect Master for the reward."

After everyone collected their soul bones, Dugu Bo mentioned Tang Yuehua's matter again.

The group of four people immediately arrived at the place where Tang Yuehua was imprisoned.

As soon as he pushed the door open, what he saw was Tang Yuehua who kicked off his stool and committed suicide.

Sword Douluo's eyes were sharp, his gaze was like a sword, and the three-foot white silk was cut off in response.

Tang Yuehua immediately fell down and coughed violently, with a look of despair on his ashen face.

Ning Fengzhi stepped forward slowly, frowned and looked at Tang Yuehua and said, "Yuehua, why do you want to commit suicide?"

Tang Yuehua's eyes were sharp and he glared at Ning Fengzhi full of resentment: "Ning Fengzhi, you destroyed my home and killed my family members. How can you now ask me why you committed suicide?"

"Don't think that I don't know what your plans are. Even if I die, I won't let you succeed."

Ning Fengzhi was stunned for a moment: "You know everything?"

"Now that you know, it's easy to handle. As long as you listen to me honestly, I will ensure that the infants and young children of your Haotian Sect will not die."

"Bah~" Tang Yuehua spat out, but Ning Fengzhi elegantly turned her head to avoid it.

"There is no one in our Haotian Sect who is greedy for life and afraid of death. If you want to use me to lure Brother Hao away, I think you are just wishful thinking!"

"Kill us if you can. Brother Hao will definitely avenge us."

Brother Hao?

Everyone present was stunned when they heard this title.

Shen Jianxin directly took out Tang Hao's left leg bone from the soul guide, "Are you talking about Tang Hao? He has been dead for a long time. I killed him myself."

"No, this is his left arm soul bone."

Dugu Bo also took out a more powerful piece of evidence from the soul guide: "No, this is his torso bone."

Seeing these two soul bones, Tang Yuehua felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his heart was as sharp as a knife, and tears of grief could not stop flowing down.

"You lied to me, you must have lied to me. Brother Hao is definitely not dead, definitely not."

Tang Yuehua has always had an unknown secret in her heart, that is, Tang Hao is not only her brother in her heart, but also the person she loves.

Love can be leveled across mountains and seas, but the two mountains of blood and ethics are obstacles that she will never be able to remove.

For Tang Hao, she remained unmarried all her life. For Tang Hao, she did not hesitate to ruin the future of the entire family, rather than live an ignoble existence.

Now that Tang Hao is dead, all the fantasies in her heart no longer exist, so what's the point of her living?

"Hao, wait for me, I'm here to accompany you."

Suddenly standing up, Tang Yuehua was so determined that he wanted to commit suicide by hitting the wall.

But in front of two titled Douluo, a Soul Douluo, and a Soul Emperor who could kill the title, her suicide behavior as a ninth-level soul warrior seemed extremely ridiculous.

The other three people didn't take action. Ning Fengzhi reached out and captured Tang Yuehua, and casually removed her chin to prevent her from biting her tongue and committing suicide.

"Yuehua, you must not know yet, but the real cause of the destruction of Haotian Sect is Tang Hao."

Then Ning Fengzhi told everything Tang Hao had done.

Including what he did in the Star Forest, almost killing Ning Rongrong and others for the treasure, killing Tang Xiao for the treasure, and irresponsible poisoning on the battlefield after provoking the war, causing huge harm to the people without distinguishing between ourselves and the enemy. Chaos provides itself with the opportunity to escape.

After listening to Ning Fengzhi's story, Tang Yuehua kept shaking her head. Although her jaw was removed and she could not speak, everyone could tell from her crazy shaking of her head and her very rhythmic whimpering that she was saying, "I Don't believe these four words.

Ning Fengzhi turned back and glanced at Dugu Bo: "Elder Dugu, are there any survivors in the Haotian Sect who know the true situation?"

Dugu Bo smiled and said, "You can have this."

"The seventh elder of the Haotian Sect who was electrocuted into cokes by the Jade Sect Master is still alive, and miraculously survived."

"I thought he was a Titled Douluo after all and might be useful, so I didn't kill him."

Ning Fengzhi smiled in surprise, turned to look at Tang Yuehua and said, "Yuehua, since you don't believe me, let your own seventh elder tell you the truth."

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