Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 216 Tang Yuehua’s compromise

Not long after, the seven elders of the Haotian Sect, who were like charcoal, were carried in.

When he saw Ning Fengzhi and others, the seventh elder remained silent, closed his eyes and waited for death. But when he saw Tang Yuehua, he was stunned for a moment, and the next moment he started to curse.

"Damn bitch, why don't you die? How can you, a bitch who cheats and cheats, still have the honor to live?"

"Cough cough cough, cough cough."

Before he could even curse, the seventh elder's eyes turned white and he coughed violently.

Seeing that the seriously injured Seventh Elder was about to die, Tang Yuehua immediately pounced on him: "Uncle Seventh, what are you talking about? Why are you scolding me?"

"Don't die, please tell me clearly."

Ning Fengzhi frowned and raised his hand to summon the martial spirit. The sixth spirit ring lit up, and a healing light shone on the seventh elder.

The Seventh Elder immediately stopped coughing, and his eyes gradually turned from white to black, lighting up like a flashback.

"He was too seriously injured and very angry. He won't live much longer. I can only force him to die. If you have any questions, please ask."

Upon hearing this, Tang Yuehua immediately shouted: "Uncle Qi, tell me, tell me the truth, tell me that none of this has anything to do with Brother Hao."

"Tang Hao?" Upon hearing this name, the seventh elder suddenly woke up, and a wave of soul power suddenly erupted in his body.

Poof~, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the Seventh Elder gritted his teeth and roared: "Where is Tang Hao? I'm going to kill him, this thief."

"Haotian Sect, Haotian Sect was destroyed, everything was destroyed in his hands."

"And you, did you send him the medicinal materials? It's you two bitch brothers and sisters. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid Haotian would be wiped out by these brats."

"Tang Hao, Tang Yuehua, you are the sinners of Haotian Sect, sinners."

"Ho, ho, ho"

Unable to breathe, the seventh elder of the Haotian Sect widened his eyes and finally stopped breathing unwillingly.

Although the Seventh Elder didn't say much, Tang Yuehua was not stupid, and she instantly remembered the list of medicinal materials that Tang San had given her in the first place.

There were a large number of poisonous drugs among them. Although Tang San had told her that these were for Tang Hao's healing, most poisonous things could stimulate the human body to exert stronger effects.

But she still removed these poisonous medicinal materials on the grounds of unsafety.

Now it seems that these medicinal materials are not for treating Tang Hao at all, but are used to create chaos and allow them to escape.

As he thought about it, Tang Yuehua's tears flowed down unconsciously.

At this time, Tang Yuehua had dug her nails deeply into her flesh.

The seventh elder's words deeply stimulated her. It turned out that she was also one of the real murderers who caused the destruction of Haotian Sect.

After sitting slumped in front of the charred corpse of the seventh elder for a long time, Tang Yuehua waved his hands to wipe away his sad tears, slowly raised his head with a calm face, and looked firmly at Ning Fengzhi, who was still standing in front of her.

"Tell me your purpose."

She had already thought clearly that she could not die now, at least not until she had atone for her sins.

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly: "I don't have any purpose, I just like your martial spirit."

Tang Yuehua frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Literally, although you are a mutated martial spirit, I think it has the value of being passed down."

An incredulous look suddenly appeared on Tang Yuehua's face: "You want me to give birth to your child?"

She really didn't expect that Ning Fengzhi was a big shot after all, and that he would put so much effort into her just to let her have a child.

Ning Fengzhi smiled and said: "If you are willing, of course I don't mind either."

After thinking for a while, Tang Yuehua gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I can promise you."

"But you must also agree to three conditions."

Ning Fengzhi smiled kindly and said, "Please tell me Yuehua, as long as it's reasonable, I will try my best to satisfy you."

Tang Yuehua nodded: "1. Find Tang San, Tang Hao's biological son. I want to confront him face to face."

Ning Fengzhi said without hesitation: "That's no problem. As long as you catch Tang San, I will send it to you immediately."

"Two, we must no longer exterminate all the surviving members of our Haotian Sect, especially the infants and young children captured by you. All of them must be handed over to me to raise personally."

Ning Fengzhi thought for a moment.

The Haotian Sect has been closed for many years, and there are very few clan members outside, or even none at all.

Even if there were, they would definitely not dare to reveal their presence when they learned the news that the sect had been destroyed. Finding it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

As for those who were arrested, those with grievances had already been dealt with, and the rest were all under control, so there was no trouble at all.

"As long as they don't look for trouble, I can spare their lives."

"As for those infants and young children, I will also place them properly and send special personnel to educate them."

"I can give you the right to visit, but you should also know that the Haotian Sect has been destroyed."

"I don't want them to grow up hearing this sensitive word, and it's better not to let them know who you really are."

"Otherwise, you know, it would be hard for me to do."

Tang Yuehua's pupils suddenly shrank, "Ning Fengzhi, you are so cruel."

Ning Fengzhi shook his head: "Yuehua, you also know that there is no point in talking about this now."

"If your Haotian Sect becomes the final winner, I think your approach will definitely be the same as ours."

"Now, you'd better talk about your third condition first."

Tang Yuehua sighed. She knew that Ning Fengzhi was right. If they won, they would do the same thing.

After all, giving your family a powerful inherited martial spirit can also add a lot of heritage to your family.

Even if there is true hatred of annihilating the sect, after several generations of blood fusion, who would really kill their own relatives for the sake of an unknown name?

"My third condition is that we please allow our Haotian Sect to continue."

Ning Fengzhi frowned, "Haotian Sect can't do it, but Tang can do it. This is my biggest concession."

Tang Yuehua's eyes suddenly dimmed: "Is it really not possible?"

Ning Fengzhi shook his head: "You know, just because I respect you doesn't mean I can let you do whatever you want."

"Anything that may threaten the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, I will do my best to nip it in the bud."

"And these three words, Haotian Sect, are the things that can threaten the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect."

What Ning Fengzhi wants is to integrate the Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit into the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, and then turn it into a subsidiary family of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, just like the current Min clan.

When the next generation grows up slowly, and after several generations of brainwashing and training, the marriage becomes stable.

When the time comes, the Haotian Hammer Spirit will become the most useful knife in the hands of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

For this idea, Ning Fengzhi would certainly not let the words "Haotian Sect" appear on the mainland again. He even planned to change the name of the "Haotian Hammer".

Tang Yuehua sighed, with a slightly desperate tone: "I understand."

Ning Fengzhi glanced at Tang Yuehua, said sympathetically: "You can change the condition."

Tang Yuehua shook his head gently: "People must have self-awareness. I know my own value very well."

"With my desolate appearance, I can make you, the executioner of my Haotian Sect, make so many concessions. This is already the limit."

"From now on, as long as you don't break your promise, I will fully cooperate with you."

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