Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 238 Breaking and then establishing (1)


There was a sharp shout, and before Bone Douluo could react, Shen Jianxin's body slowly floated up in the red light.

Suddenly, Bone Douluo wanted to catch Shen Jianxin, but was repelled by the red light and couldn't get close to Shen Jianxin at this time.

Soon, Shen Jianxin's body was suspended in mid-air three feet above the ground. The red light all over his body became brighter and brighter, making Bone Douluo below couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

Suddenly, a huge blood-colored shadow condensed out of the red light. The light and shadow were illusory, about three feet high. It could be vaguely seen that it was a human wearing dark red armor.

The substantial killing energy condensed into cold blood surrounding his body, and the very eye-catching blood-colored pupils were breathtaking. Just a glance at them made the Bone Douluo below feel frightened and send chills down his spine.

"Senior, is this the God of Shura?"

After swallowing hard, Bone Douluo asked in horror the doubts in his heart.

Xuying nodded slightly: "You have some knowledge, I am the God of Shura."

"Okay, you go and do your work, leave this kid to me."

Bone Douluo was overjoyed and said: "It's senior. Junior will leave now and will never disturb senior."

After solemnly bowing to God Shura, Bone Douluo drew a teleportation array happily and left this place.

It was just a shadow, and the aura it exuded made him unable to resist. What reason did Bone Douluo have to doubt the authenticity of God Shura?

Moreover, God Shura also issued an expulsion order, so Bone Douluo naturally had no reason to stay here any longer.

As soon as Bone Douluo left, God Shura immediately put on a heartbroken expression.

"Damn brat, you really don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are. You borrowed so much divine power, and you escaped so easily."

Cursing angrily, God Shura made a big move with his hand, and strands of blood began to gather in God Shura's hand.

Soon, a blood-colored crystal exuding a terrifying aura and the size of a table tennis ball took shape in the hands of God Shura.

Looking at the blood-colored crystal in his hand, and then at Shen Jianxin's broken body, God Shura frowned slightly: "Come out, how long can you hide in front of me?"

The next moment, Shen Jianxin's expression lit up with a faint blue light, and the blue silver sheng came out of Shen Jianxin's body tremblingly.

"Xiu, Senior God Shura, Soul Lan Yinsheng has met Senior God Shura."

Looking at Lan Yinsheng who was very frightened in front of her, God Shura did not make things difficult for her.

"Don't be afraid, I don't even bother to embarrass you, a little Blue Silver Grass."

"On the contrary, I will give you an opportunity."

As soon as he finished speaking, God Shura ignored Lan Yinsheng's shocked gaze, raised his sword finger, and a bloody light flashed, and Lan Yinsheng was immediately cut in two.

Before Lan Yin Sheng could feel the severe pain of her soul being torn apart, God Shura thought, and the blood-colored crystal in his hand instantly turned into two streams of light, which were injected into the two halves of Lan Yin Sheng's body.

The next moment, the two-piece Lan Yin Sheng suddenly turned into two large blood-colored light groups.

God Shura pinched a very mysterious spell in his hand and shouted: "Ning!"

The two blood-colored light groups shrank rapidly, and soon two Lan Yin Shengs were revealed. Oh no, they should have transformed into Lan Yin Sheng and Lan Yinxin.

It turns out that God Shura used his great magical power to split Lan Yin Sheng into two parts, and then used divine power to fill in the missing part of the other half, thus separating Lan Yinxin's personality.

Lan Yinxin and Lan Yinsheng slowly opened their eyes and looked at their recondensed bodies with surprised expressions. They looked at each other and saluted solemnly to God Shura at the same time.

"Lan Yinxin (Lan Yinsheng), thank you, Senior God Shura."

God Shura waved his hand: "Thank you, no need."

"I separated your two personalities and filled them with divine power, which means that you have become two independent life forms."

"Although Shen Jianxin is in danger now, the impact of divine power has given him a chance to break through and stand up again."

"But this process is not something that can be completed in a short time. I cannot live in this world forever, so the follow-up matters still need to be completed by the two of you."

Lan Yinxin and Lan Yinsheng looked at each other and saw confusion in each other's eyes.

"Senior, what do you need us to do?"

God Shura smiled slightly: "It's very simple!"

"Although you are both Blue Silver Emperors, you possess two powers, one positive and one negative."

"Lan Yin Sheng, you have inherited the positive ability of the Lan Yin Emperor, so your vitality is extremely strong, and you can be cured."

"But Lan Yinxin has inherited the opposite of Lan Yinhuang, so you are extremely aggressive and mainly destroy."

Hearing God Shura's words, Lan Yinxin and Lan Yinsheng felt an unpleasant feeling in their hearts at the same time.

Sure enough, Shura's next words made the two of them stunned on the spot.

"So, while I need you, Lan Yinsheng, to treat Shen Jianxin, Lan Yinxin will continue to cause damage to his body."

"Then the cycle repeats until there's no more damage to his body."

Lan Yinsheng said with a worried look: "Yes, but can Brother Shen's current body be able to withstand this kind of torture?"

Lan Yinxin was eager to give it a try: "I think it's feasible. The immortal soul skill has been repairing his body, which means your healing ability will always be better than mine."

"As long as the two of us control the soul bones of his left and right legs at the same time, so that there is no shortage of energy in his body, then he will never really die, but the treatment time will be extended indefinitely."

"And based on the relationship between Senior God Shura and that guy, even if the God of Death comes in person, I'm afraid he won't be able to do anything to him."

"You, it's just that you are confused if you care."

God Shura smiled slightly and said: "Little guy, you are right. If I don't want him to die, even if the God of Death comes, there is really nothing I can do."

"The specific operation method is just as you said. Don't worry about this kid. He is thick-skinned and will not die for a while."

As he spoke, God Shura casually drew a circle on the ground, and a circular bloody barrier immediately trapped Shen Jianxin, Lan Yinxin, and Lan Yinsheng inside.

"This barrier is very safe. You can work safely here."

"Don't think about curing that kid as soon as possible to relieve him. If he doesn't meet my standards, even if you wake up the kid, you won't be able to break this barrier at all."

Boy, don't blame me, you should also understand the truth that you can only become a great person by enduring hardships.

Smiling slightly, the shadow of Shura God slowly dissipated.

Without the power of God Shura, Shen Jianxin's body slowly fell to the ground.

Lan Yinxin and Lan Yinsheng looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

"It's really troublesome. God is really powerful. He can see through my mind easily."

"If you can't let go, then you will have to make Brother Shen suffer a little."

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