Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 239 Break and then stand (2)

Autumn comes and goes, and in the blink of an eye, a year has passed.

The barrier that Shura God casually drew back then is still unbreakable and standing there alone.

Through the light curtain of the blood-colored barrier, one can see the two colors of blue silver grass intertwined with each other, forming a figure similar to the Eight Trigrams.

At this time, Shen Jianxin was lying quietly in the center of the tangle of two-colored blue silver grass. His whole body was surrounded by a dark red carapace, and his whole body was like a dark red statue.

Since this place is already within the Star Luo Empire, there are no people familiar to Shen Jianxin waiting here around the barrier.

After forcing Bibi Dong back, Sword Douluo and the others had not thought of taking Shen Jianxin away, but even with Ning Fengzhi's full strength, Sword Douluo was unable to break the barrier.

In desperation, everyone had to retreat first.

After Sword Douluo and others left, Bibi Dong also tried to break the barrier, but failed.

Unwilling to give up, she even stayed here for more than a month, but she still didn't see the barrier weakening, nor did Shen Jianxin inside wake up.

The war with the Tiandou Empire was over, and she still had many things to deal with despite the loss of life and death. She couldn't afford the delay, so she had no choice but to send an army of ten thousand people to station here, watching every move in the barrier.

On this day, a subtle tearing and shattering sound sounded within the barrier, immediately alerting the guards who had been standing here.

"Quick, everyone is ready, the blood demon inside the barrier is showing signs of awakening!!"

Following the loud exclamation of the watchers, the army of ten thousand people quickly began to move.

The military formation quickly assembled, heavy shields were buried in the ground, spears poked out from behind the shields, bows were bent, and large siege equipment were all aimed at the barrier at this time.

It seems as if Shen Jianxin will be completely killed here as soon as he wakes up.

Click, click.

Subtle sounds came from Shen Jianxin's body one after another, and cracks began to appear on Shen Jianxin's body, which was where the tearing and shattering sound came from.

Amidst the tension of the military formation outside the barrier, Shen Jianxin's body had more and more broken parts. Gradually, the purple-black hard scabs began to fall off, revealing the skin shimmering with blood inside.


A pleasant humming sound sounded, and a faint layer of blood began to appear on Shen Jianxin's exposed skin, and then the blood color became more and more obvious.

The light spreads outward, and the blood drives away the filth.

There was a snap, and at this moment, time seemed to stop. All the remaining dirt on Shen Jianxin's body bounced up in an instant, revealing his almost perfect figure.

The strong bloody light made him seem to have turned into another sun, another sun that could rival the scorching sun in the sky.

In the bloody light, Shen Jianxin stood up slowly, stretched his arms to both sides of his body forcefully, and the sonorous sound of bones exploding suddenly came from his body.

As he stretched his body, the bones crackled together, as if a general was wearing a set of heavy armor.


When Shen Jianxin's body stretched to the limit, suddenly, a long roar like a dragon's roar broke through the air, even penetrated the blood-colored barrier, and was clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone in the legion outside the barrier.

The next moment, everything inside and outside the barrier was colored with blood.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely cold aura came, and countless chilling auras seeped out from the barrier, swimming around the bodies of everyone in the legion like sharp knives, making them feel as if their bodies would be torn apart at any time.

The most terrifying thing was the trembling in their hearts. The feeling of fear almost instantly made them feel as if they were completely suppressed by a special energy, and even breathing became extremely difficult.

The extreme fear generated in this murderous world caused them to collapse several times.

Even the timid ones, under this terrifying aura, were so frightened that they vomited filth and fell to the ground.

After being stationed here for half a year, the legend of the Blood Demon spread throughout the entire legion.

The Blood Demon in several versions all describes a powerful monster.

The weakest version is a terrifying existence that can destroy a country by one person. The strongest version talks about the rumor that the blood demon will destroy the world.

Combined with the horrific battle that took place less than a hundred kilometers away from here a year ago, there are still large battlefields that have been bombarded by various energies and the terrain has been changed.

The rumors of the Blood Demon have already penetrated into everyone's hearts.

"Ah~, I quit. How can such a terrifying monster be something ordinary people like us can deal with?"

At this moment, some people finally couldn't resist the fear in their hearts and began to scream, drop their weapons and run away in panic.

"Yes, there are so many soul masters in the empire, but not one of them came to deal with the blood demon. I guess we are probably just blood food sacrificed to the blood demon."

"Which of those big shots really has our best interests at heart?"

"Brothers, run."

"You are not allowed to escape. Whoever escapes will die."


Terror began to spread continuously, and the army of ten thousand people suddenly became chaotic.

Even the supervising team was dispersed by the frightened soldiers after beheading dozens of people, and was then dragged into the chaos.

At this time, Shen Jianxin was already standing quietly within the barrier, with a clean robe already covering his body.

Looking at the chaotic army of ordinary people outside the barrier, Shen Jianxin frowned slightly.

"Bibi Dong, this human life is really worthless in your eyes."

With a slight movement of thought, the blood quickly dissipated and quickly merged into Shen Jianxin's body.

Shen Jianxin has no interest at all in these ordinary people who can't even bear the slight momentum he escapes through the barrier.

If he hadn't just woken up and couldn't control his power, he wouldn't even bother to use his momentum to oppress these ordinary people.

The terrifying momentum was taken back by Shen Jianxin, but the legion soldiers who were frightened outside did not stop the chaos.

Shaking his head, Shen Jianxin no longer paid attention to the chaotic soldiers outside the barrier. Not killing them was already a sign of mercy on his part.

But it is absolutely impossible for Shen Jianxin to save these chaotic soldiers.

After all, these people are all his enemies in the final analysis, but they are too weak to pose a threat to Shen Jianxin.

Slowly clenching his fists, feeling the surging power in his body, Shen Jianxin smiled slightly.

"Is this the body of a demigod? It seems that my sins this year have not been in vain."

As he spoke, the Shura mark between Shen Jianxin's eyebrows appeared and shone slightly, and a large amount of divine power was immediately poured into his body.

In just a short moment, Shen Jianxin's strength was directly raised to the level of a false god.

Once he reached the realm of false gods again, his body only experienced severe swelling and pain, and it no longer looked like it had collapsed before.

Obviously, the demigod's body can already use Shura's divine power to a small extent.

Looking up at the barrier, Shen Jianxin gathered all his strength and right fist, "Boom fist!"

The divine power was released, and the barrier shattered.

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