Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 246 Soul Saint Shen Jianxin

Seeing the two people kissing each other passionately, all the friends behind Bone Douluo were shocked.

Xiao Wu was stunned and said: "This, this, this, when did Rongrong become so bold? Do you dare to do this in front of all the elders?"

Zhu Zhuqing thought for a moment: "It should be Qian Renxue's arrival that gave Master Niang a sense of crisis."

Bai Chenxiang echoed: "I think so, otherwise Rongrong would not dare to do such an outrageous thing under normal circumstances."

Ma Hongjun took a step forward and took Bai Chenxiang's hand without leaving any trace: "Xiangxiang, I think what you said makes sense."

Bai Chenxiang's body suddenly tensed up, but after discovering that it was Ma Hongjun, she relaxed a little and chose to acquiesce.

Dugu Yan and Oscar looked at each other, with only the shadow of each other in their eyes, and silently held each other's hands. The sour smell of love slowly rose up, no less than that of Ning Rongrong and Shen Jianxin.

Seeing that the main hall was almost turning into a vinegar workshop, Ning Fengzhi shook his head helplessly.

"It's great to be young."

Sword Douluo smiled and nodded: "Yes, we old men are a little behind the times."

"Such bold behavior has never happened to us at that time."

Bone Douluo rolled his eyes at him: "Swordman, that's because you haven't done it before. After all, you have been a bachelor all your life, so how can you have this opportunity?"

Dugu Bo chuckled: "Brother Bone, compared with Brother Jian, you're not much different, right?"

"Unlike me, my granddaughter has found a partner!"

Bone Douluo glared at him fiercely: "Poison Loach, your mouth is as poisonous as your martial spirit."

Sword Douluo laughed loudly and said, "Old Bones, it seems there is still a discerning person here."

"Smiling at fifty steps, why are you so proud, Old Bones?"

The noise in the hall became more and more intense, and soon Ning Fengzhi also joined the battle as the peacemaker.

Suddenly, the two parties involved, Ning Rongrong and Shen Jianxin, suddenly became marginalized people.

After a long time, Shen Jianxin let go of the blushing Ning Rongrong.

"Rongrong, look, the embarrassment is gone."

Ning Rongrong shyly rolled her eyes at Shen Jianxin: "It's all your fault, I almost feel ashamed to see anyone."

The farce ended and everyone took their seats.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Shen Jianxin with great interest: "Jianxin, you have seen the person and eaten them all. Now it's time to talk about your situation."

Ning Rongrong, who was sitting next to Shen Jianxin, blushed and said coquettishly: "Dad, what are you talking about!"

Shen Jianxin smiled and patted Ning Rongrong's hand: "Don't be impatient. Uncle Ning wants to see the results of my cultivation this year."

Standing up, Shen Jianxin's soul power surged, and a soul ring lit up with one step. Seven steps later, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, blue gold, and blue gold, seven soul rings shone brightly.

The heavy tiger soul sword emerged from the body, with a muffled bang, and penetrated deeply into the floor tiles of the hall.

An extremely huge aura spread in all directions.

"My current soul power is level seventy-two, and this seventh blue-gold soul ring was provided to me by Xiao Sheng."

Ning Fengzhi nodded with a smile on his face: "Already level seventy-two? Seventeen-year-old Soul Saint, not bad, very good."

Shen Jianxin smiled slightly: "Uncle Ning, it's not over yet."

The next moment, the Shura sword seal between Shen Jianxin's eyebrows appeared, Shura divine power came, and an extremely terrifying aura suddenly burst out.

Endless blood burst out from Shen Jianxin's body, and the entire hall was instantly dyed into a bloody world like Shura Hell.

At this moment, Shen Jianxin, who was standing with his sword standing, became the only demon god standing in this Shura Hell in everyone's eyes.

The tip of his nose seemed to smell the smell of blood. Cold, bloody, iron-blooded, death, depression, all kinds of maddening and terrifying feelings suddenly came to his mind.

Sword Douluo's pupils suddenly shrank, an extremely fierce sword intent erupted, and a black sword-shaped shadow fell from the sky, instantly covering the explosive Shen Jianxin.

Through the weakening of Sword Douluo's sword intent, the terrifying momentum that Shen Jianxin burst out still made everyone present tremble.

Especially Ning Rongrong and other lowly friends, it seemed that even breathing became extremely difficult under this momentum.

Fortunately, this terrifying feeling did not last too long. Just when everyone felt as if their hearts were about to burst, their whole body felt light, and the aura like Shura hell disappeared instantly, and the surroundings changed back to the familiar scene. .

The main hall is still the same main hall, and Shen Jianxin is still the ordinary Shen Jianxin.

If the heart was not still beating violently and the feeling of terror was still lingering in the heart, it seemed that everyone would feel that everything before was just an illusion.

The feeling of relief made everyone's breathing become heavier and they were panting heavily. If it weren't for the support of chairs, at least half of the people in the hall would have collapsed to the ground under this terrifying momentum.

Ning Fengzhi raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead: "Jianxin, is this the power of the false god?"

Shen Jianxin nodded slightly: "Yes, after this trial, I can already use a small amount of divine power without any scruples."

After receiving Shen Jianxin's confirmation, Ning Fengzhi took a breath. Only now did he know what kind of monster they were dealing with Bibi Dong.

If Qian Daoliu hadn't delayed it first, Shen Jianxin risked his life to fight the enemy, and Sword Douluo exploded to the limit, maybe they would never have the chance to sit here again.

After swallowing, Ning Fengzhi hesitated and said: "Jianxin, with your current strength, and assisted by Uncle Jian, is there any chance of completely eradicating Bibi Dong?"

Shen Jianxin thought for a moment and slowly shook his head: "It's unlikely."

"Although I can borrow divine power to achieve the strength of a false god, Bibi Dong is a real false god. Although she has brain problems because she has entered the evil path, her strength cannot be faked."

"It's not too difficult for Master and I to work together to defeat her, but it's not that easy to kill her."

"Just like a battle between Titled Douluo, if they are of the same level and there is no overwhelming trick, if you want to kill a Titled Douluo, at least three Titled Douluo of the same level must be deployed to surround him."

"In a higher-level battle like this, if Bibi Dong is determined to escape, Master and I may not be able to keep her."

Ning Fengzhi sighed: "In this case, between us and Bibi Dong, wouldn't it be about who can complete the divine test first and finally become a god at level 100?"

Shen Jianxin nodded: "Yes, that's the theory."

"Master, me, and Sister Xue, the three of us are all chosen by God. Sister Xue has already gone to take the ninth exam of the angel. Master's ninth exam of the sword god is also in progress. I am coming back this time for the ninth exam of the Shura. "

"Bibi Dong has gone astray in the Rakshasa test. I believe her test will not go so smoothly. If she doesn't wake up in the end, there is a chance that he will fail the Ninth Rakshasa test."

"Master, me, and Sister Xue, the three of us passed the exam very smoothly. I believe we will be the victors in the end."

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