Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 247 Everyone’s Improvement

After listening to Shen Jianxin's explanation, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

Bibi Dong's strong rise a year ago led to changes in offense and defense, and a sense of crisis inevitably arose in the hearts of everyone present.

After the war, each of them worked hard to improve their own strength, so that they would have a better chance of victory in case Bibi Dong started another war.

If Shen Jianxin hadn't suddenly returned, their group might not have had the chance to get together.

Sword Douluo was taking the Ninth Sword God Test, Bone Douluo hid in a small dark room every day to practice in seclusion, and Dugu Bo circled a piece of land and built a Snake Valley to play with snakes every day.

Even Ning Rongrong and his team spent day and night hiding in the exclusive mimic environment of Shrek Academy to practice in seclusion, hoping that they could be used in future wars.

"Kenshin, how many times have you completed the ninth Shura exam? What is the content of the next exam?"

Facing Sword Douluo's inquiry, Shen Jianxin had no intention of hiding anything.

"The fifth test has been completed. The sixth test requires a trip to Poseidon Island to borrow the power of Poseidon to complete the test."

"Poseidon Island?" Everyone exclaimed.

Shen Jianxin was filled with questions: "Yes, Poseidon Island, is there any problem?"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but no one came to answer Shen Jianxin's doubts.

Sword Douluo looked embarrassed: "Well, it's nothing, as long as you go and don't mention my name."

Shen Jianxin became even more confused: "Master, why can't I mention your name?"

Ning Fengzhi shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Jianxin, Uncle Jian doesn't let you mention his name, it's for your own good."

Bone Douluo smiled and said, "Because your master went to Poseidon Island just to complete the ninth test of Sword God, and even beat up the high priest."

"If you mention your master's name, although their sea soul masters can't do anything to you, they will definitely not give you a good look."

Shen Jianxin looked at Sword Douluo blankly: "Master, you beat up that high priest? That high priest named Bo Saixi?"

Sword Douluo nodded awkwardly: "Yes, my seventh test requires me to challenge all the strong men in the world, so that my name can be spread throughout the Douluo Continent."

"But in the past two years, no matter how hard I tried, the assessment progress was stuck at 99% and I couldn't make any progress."

"Finally, that old guy Qian Daoliu said that there is an island above the sea called Poseidon Island, and the soul masters who live on the island are called sea soul masters."

"Because they need to serve the Poseidon for life, they never leave the island, which is why it is unknown."

"But many of their daily necessities are transported from the mainland, so there is no problem at all in saying that they are part of the world."

"After getting the chart to Poseidon Island from him, I landed on Poseidon Island and finally completed the assessment."

Shen Jianxin smiled and said: "Master, how did you offend others?"

"Completing the assessment is just a competition. How can you beat the high priest?"

Sword Douluo waved his hands awkwardly: "There's nothing to say. There's really nothing to say about this."

Sword Douluo didn't care whether he was alive or dead, so Shen Jianxin had no choice but to turn his attention to Ning Fengzhi and the others.

Ning Fengzhi shook his head: "Jianxin, don't ask."

"Uncle Jian went to Poseidon Island alone, and he didn't tell us what happened."

"When I asked, I said don't mention his name when you go to Poseidon Island, otherwise you will be in big trouble."

Shen Jianxin sighed, "Okay, if you don't want to say it, don't say it."

"It's just Master, did you mention the Qibao Glazed Sect when you went there?"

Sword Douluo shook his head and said: "No, when I went there I knew that challenging others would offend others, so I only reported my name and didn't even mention the ban."

Shen Jianxin nodded: "That's good. I plan to take Rongrong and the others with me this time."

"There is a great opportunity on Poseidon Island that can greatly speed up their cultivation."

Ning Fengzhi's eyes lit up: "Oh? Is there such a thing?"

Shen Jianxin affirmed: "Yes, Poseidon Island is actually the dojo established by Senior Poseidon before he became a god."

"There are various places to develop the potential of soul masters there. Theoretically, the greater the potential, the greater the benefits you will get there."

"For people like Rongrong and others, I think there is no problem if they reach level 30 in five years."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was shocked.

The training of a soul master becomes more and more difficult as the years go by. Level 30 in five years is equivalent to level 6 in one year. This is definitely a rapid improvement.

Although everyone has taken immortal herbs and still has a lot of energy stored in their bodies, reaching level 30 in five years is still an achievement that no one can imagine.

Sword Douluo said in surprise: "Jian Xin, level 30 in five years, are you kidding me?"

Shen Jianxin did not answer Sword Douluo directly. Instead, she smiled slightly and turned to look at her friends: "Rongrong, what is your current soul power level?"

Ning Rongrong said without hesitation: "I am already level 48."

"Sister Yanyan, what about you?"

Dugu Yan said: "I haven't improved much. In the past year and a half, I have only improved five levels through hard training. Now I am fifty-seven."

Shen Jianxin nodded: "Xiao Ao, what about you?"

Oscar scratched his head: "I have also been promoted to five levels, and my soul power is now level 46."

"But I'm about to break through. I'll definitely be able to break through to level 47 in a month at most."

Shen Jianxin nodded: "It's already very good. The training of a food-type soul master is already the most difficult. You can advance to level five in a year and a half, which shows that you have worked very hard."

After comforting Oscar, Shen Jianxin turned to look at Xiao Wu.

"Xiao Wu, I remember you were level 41 like Xiao Ao a year and a half ago. Have you reached level 46 now?"

Xiao Wu snorted: "Stop looking down on others, Shen. I'm not lazy. I've been promoted to level six and am now at level forty-seven."

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Shen Jianxin to ask, Zhu Zhuqing took the initiative and said: "Master, I have been promoted to level eight and am now level forty-four."

"It's just that one level is improved by absorbing soul rings, so I only improved by seven levels through my own cultivation."

Shen Jianxin nodded: "Very good. Even with the blessing of the Immortal Grade, reaching level seven in one and a half years is fast enough."

Bai Chenxiang said: "I am also at level eight. Like Zhuqing, one level is obtained by absorbing soul rings."

"The current level is also level 45."

Ma Hongjun raised his hand and said excitedly: "It's my turn, it's my turn. I've worked hard to get this result. The baby is feeling bitter. The baby must show off this time."

Shen Jianxin glanced at Ma Hongjun and instantly knew that what Ma Hongjun said was true.

Although he still looks a little fat now, the fat all over his body has been transformed into extremely strong fat muscles.

The sense of strength that almost overflows from the outside of the body, and the thick solid fat, make Ma Hongjun worthy of the term "a strong back and a strong waist".

Even if he didn't use his soul power, Ma Hongjun could probably compete with those great soul masters just by relying on his strong fat muscles.

Seeing Ma Hongjun's progress, Shen Jianxin nodded with satisfaction: "Okay Hongjun, stop collecting treasures and tell me about your cultivation results."

Ma Hongjun chuckled: "I have been promoted to nine levels, nine levels."

"Although the first level is also provided by absorbing the soul ring, after one and a half years to increase the eighth level of soul power, I am worthy of it. It is simply invincible."

Looking at the excited Ma Hongjun, Shen Jianxin smiled and said: "Yes, it is also level 44. I have already caught up with Zhuqing. Finally I am no longer at the bottom."

Ga——, with just one sentence, Ma Hongjun’s happiness disappeared instantly.

After learning about everyone's soul power levels, Shen Jianxin replied to Sword Douluo's previous question: "Master, I was too conservative before."

"Based on everyone's current soul power level, in five years' time, they will be at least level 40 or above!"

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