Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 269 Soul Beast in the Ring Sea

"Forget it, forget it, there are nine out of 10 chances that life will be unsatisfactory. There is an old saying that the mountains fall on the mountains and the rivers dry them up. So, let's just rely on ourselves."

Knowing that Shen Jianxin was different from their assessment, everyone looked away. Xiao Wu even blurted out such a philosophical sentence.

After that, Xiao Wu walked up to Bo Saixi and asked, "Senior, where is this ring sea?"

"Is it as magical as Poseidon Mountain, able to increase our soul power cultivation level?"

Bo Saixi shook his head and said, "Poseidon Mountain has been blessed by Lord Poseidon and is the most important building on our Poseidon Island. This is why it has the magical effect of stimulating potential."

"But crossing the ring sea is a man-made test."

Xiao Wu was a little disappointed and said, "Huh? If this happens, our cultivation speed will be as slow as a turtle crawling."

Ning Rongrong stepped forward and said, "Xiao Wu, no matter how magical the Poseidon's light is, it only stimulates our own potential."

"Every one of us improved a lot a year ago. Even if we are all geniuses and have great potential, we can't help but be squeezed like this."

"I would rather go through a slightly easier test so that we can settle down for a while. If we continue to increase our soul power as quickly as we did a year ago, our foundation will not be stable."

Bo Saixi chuckled softly and said, "Miss Rongrong is right. The purpose of crossing the ring sea is to let you settle down so that you can better accept the subsequent assessment."

"However, although this second test cannot quickly improve your soul power, it can allow you to better control your own power."

As he spoke, Bo Saixi's staff touched the ground lightly.

The next moment, the strong wind ruffled, and the dark clouds covered the entire Poseidon Mountain, giving the impression that a mountain rain was about to come and the wind filled the building.

In the dim environment, the Poseidon's light covering the surface of Poseidon Mountain became particularly bright and spread out, forming a huge barrier that encompassed Poseidon Mountain and the ring sea outside Poseidon Mountain.

The circular sea of ​​several hundred meters began to boil for no reason, and huge waves up to twenty meters high were set off in a small water area.

The roar of the waves rang out, drowning out the voices of everyone present in an instant.

The soul power surged in Shen Jianxin's body, and he waved his hand to set up a barrier to isolate the outside world: "It seems that you will stay here for a while."

"It's not just them, you also have to stay here."

A beautiful voice sounded, and a huge streamlined white figure of more than 20 meters emerged from the waves, blooming with a dazzling gray-blue light in mid-air.

The light shrank rapidly, and under the gaze of everyone, it penetrated the barrier arranged by Shen Jianxin and transformed into a tall and beautiful girl.

"Xiaobai? Xiaobai? Xiaobaibai"

Everyone screamed when they saw the person coming. Obviously everyone here knew her, but they didn't expect her to appear here.

This girl is the island-protecting beast of Poseidon Island, the Great White Shark, a 100,000-year-old demon soul. Because he frequently took people out to sea to hunt for souls, everyone knew this Great White Shark, a 100,000-year-old demon soul that could temporarily transform into human form.

"Good afternoon everyone, I hope I didn't disturb you."

As soon as he landed, Xiaobai greeted Shen Jianxin and others warmly.

As a soul beast that has been friends with humans for 100,000 years, Xiao Wu happily rushed forward: "Xiao Bai, why are you here? Are you the one who is testing us this time?"

As he said that, Xiao Wu had a sad expression on his face and shouted: "Yao Shou, how can we little Kalami pass the test with your 100,000-year-old soul beast who is beyond the strength of ordinary titled Douluo."

"We are born from the same roots, so why rush? Xiaobai, for the sake of being soul beast sisters, please give us a way to survive."

After saying this, Xiao Wu hugged Xiao Bai's slender thigh regardless of her appearance, crying and refusing to let go.

Xiaobai looked embarrassed and stretched out his hand to push Xiaowu's head, worried that her snot would rub onto his thigh.

"Xiao Wu, don't be like this. Actually, I'm not here to assess you. To be precise, I'm just a supervisor, or an examiner."

Xiao Wu's expression suddenly changed, she stood up and dusted herself off: "Why didn't you tell me earlier? If I had known that you were not the assessor, I wouldn't have had to compromise to beg you."

Seeing the cabin that changed so quickly, Xiaobai shook his head helplessly: "Although I'm not here to assess you, this is no reason for you to relax."

"Children, come out and meet someone."

Soul power surged around his body, and a strange ripple spread out of Xiaobai's body. A demonic great white shark with a head and body about ten meters long emerged from the sea, revealing its sharp dorsal fin in the waves.

"One, two, three six, seven." Xiao Wu counted them one by one and swallowed hard: "Seven great white sharks with demon souls that are over ten thousand years old. Xiao Bai, you'd better kill me directly."

"Hurry up, I'm tired."

Xiaobai smiled slightly: "Don't worry, there is still more."

The next moment, hundreds of marlin, three to five meters in length, with mouths at the front like sharp spears, accounting for more than one-third of their bodies, rushed out of the water, and then slammed into the water collectively.

"Why did these silvernose marlin get here?"

Looking at the school of silvernose marlin rushing out of the water in front of her, Ning Rongrong was dumbfounded.

Xiaobai smiled evilly: "Of course I came here. In order to contain this group of silvernose marlin, I used the strength of the entire tribe."

"After chasing and intercepting them for more than half a year, we finally drove them in from the secret passage under the ring sea."

Ning Rongrong rolled his eyes at her, gritted his teeth and said, "It's a great contribution, I really thank you."

Xiaobai waved his hand: "No need to thank me, it is my unshirkable responsibility to share the worries of Lord Poseidon."

"Bah, who wants to thank you, stinky little white guy, stinky salted fish, hum!"

Shen Jianxin stepped forward and rubbed Ning Rongrong's hair, and said comfortingly: "Don't get angry with Xiaobai, she is just doing her duty."

"Actually, it's an advantage that the water soul beasts are stronger. At least you don't have to worry about accidentally killing them and causing the assessment to fail."

Ning Rongrong snorted: "That's the truth, but among the seven of us, only Sister Yanyan is a level 67 soul emperor, and the others are only soul kings of over fifty levels."

"With so many thousand-year-old silvernose marlin, plus seven thousand-year-old demon soul great white sharks, and one year of assessment time, aren't they killing us!"

Xiaobai covered his mouth and chuckled, then stepped forward to comfort him: "Rongrong, don't worry, one of your assessments does not allow harming the lives of soul beasts, so these soul beasts will naturally not be able to harm you."

"If you don't believe it, look at it!"

With that said, Xiaobai disappeared, instantly came behind Ma Hongjun, raised his feet and put him into the ring sea.

"Oh my god, help me, I hate water the most."

The moment he fell into the water, Ma Hongjun was immediately possessed by his martial spirit and wanted to fly directly into the sky.

But just after flying about ten meters, Ma Hongjun came into contact with an invisible light curtain. The next moment, a five-meter-long silvernose marlin jumped out of the water, with a sharp spear that took up one third of its body, and headed towards Ma Hongjun. The butt was thrust over.

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