Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 270 The second test begins (1)

Seeing that the sharp fish kiss that rushed towards Ma Hongjun was about to kiss Ma Hongjun's firm buttocks affectionately, Ma Hongjun also closed his eyes in despair at this time.

A crystal clear tear slipped from the corner of Ma Hongjun's eyes, and he calmly accepted his fate.

"Xiao Bai, I will never forgive you in this life."

The silvernose marlin bent its body in mid-air, suddenly ejected, and accelerated excitedly.


There was a not too loud sound, and a layer of faint golden light appeared on Ma Hongjun's body.

The silvernose marlin's head was bounced back into the water in a daze, and Ma Hongjun was also pushed to the shore by the huge impact force.

"My butt, my butt was played with by a fish. Xiaobai, I will never forgive you in this life."

As soon as he was pushed ashore, Ma Hongjun immediately covered his buttocks and screamed in pain.

Everyone on the shore was silent for a while, not knowing what to say.

"It's so embarrassing." Bai Chenxiang couldn't bear to stare and turned around.

Xiaobai walked forward without a word and kicked Ma Hongjun on the buttocks: "Stop howling, your butt is fine."

"This space has long been shrouded in Poseidon's light, especially you examiners. Everyone has a protective barrier of Poseidon's light."

"Since you have all passed the test of crossing the Seagod's Light, this barrier will no longer have an effect on you. It will only have an effect on the Sea Soul Beast that blocks you."

"This will also cause these sea soul beasts to try their best to stop you when you cross the ring sea, because every time they collide with you, the rebound force from the Poseidon's light will also stimulate a trace of the potential of the sea soul beasts. , thereby accelerating their growth years.”

After listening to Xiaobai's explanation, everyone knew that this test might not be that easy.

The temptation to increase one's strength rapidly is fatally attractive to soul masters, and naturally it is also attractive to soul beasts whose cultivation is already difficult.

It should be said that as long as it is life, it has a fatal attraction for rapidly improving strength.

For a moment, everyone frowned slightly and began to think carefully, hoping to find a way to break through this level.

Shen Jianxin looked around and smiled slightly: "What's wrong? Does the slightest difficulty scare you?"

"It's just seven thousand-year-old soul beasts and hundreds of thousand-year-old soul beasts. There's still one year to go. What's there to be afraid of?"

"Sister Yanyan is already at level sixty-seven, and you are at levels ranging from fifty-seven to fifty-nine. As long as we break through within a year, what is this small difficulty in front of us?"

"Don't forget, Sister Yanyan's poison is a large-scale soul control skill. As long as you can use your martial soul avatar, it's easy to deal with these sea soul beasts that are no more than ten thousand years old?"

Dugu Yan frowned slightly and said: "It's okay to upgrade to three levels in one year, but if we work hard, what should we do if we are trapped here and can't hunt the soul ring?"

Shen Jianxin smiled and said: "There is absolutely no need to worry about the soul ring."

"Isn't Xiaobai here? Just ask her to go out and bring you a suitable soul beast?"

Ning Rongrong's eyes lit up: "Yes, there is also Sister Xiaobai."

"Sister Xiaobai, could you please find us a suitable soul beast when the time comes?"

Xiao Bai hesitated and said: "It's okay, but I can only find the soul beast in the water, and I can't do anything else."

Shen Jianxin stepped forward and said: "It doesn't matter. In fact, except for Hongjun, who is a fire attribute, there is no problem for others to absorb water attribute soul beasts."

"Sister Yanyan needs poison, Rongrong needs attribute enhancement, Xiao Ao needs to increase functionality, and Xiangxiang and Zhuqing want speed and penetration."

"With these attributes of soul beasts, many sea soul beasts can fully meet their needs."

"As for Hongjun, we have to trouble the high priest."

Bo Saixi smiled slightly and said, "No problem, as long as there are no prohibitions in the divine examination, I can satisfy you with these little things."

Xiaobai also nodded: "Yes, as long as Lord Poseidon does not prohibit it, we are usually very tolerant of senior examiners."

"Like the Seven Sacred Pillars on Poseidon Island, when they first took the exam, the high priest wished he could be their nanny."

"As long as there is no assessment involved, the high priest is just like their mother, completely responsive to requests."

Bo Saixi snorted: "Xiao Bai, you talk a little too much today."

Xiaobai stuck out his tongue and ducked behind Shen Jianxin.

Ever since she came into contact with Shen Jianxin, she knew very clearly who had the most weight to speak on Poseidon Island.

Shen Jianxin chuckled and said, "Now that we've discussed it, let's get started."

"Sister Yanyan, my assessment is not here. You are the strongest after I leave, so everyone is counting on you."

Dugu Yan nodded: "No problem, I will take them to pass the assessment."

Shen Jianxin nodded, turned to look at Xiaobai behind him: "Xiaobai, take me to my assessment location."

Xiaobai was stunned for a moment: "How do you know that I know your assessment location?"

Shen Jianxin smiled and said: "Didn't you say before that I can't get out of here? If you don't know something, how could you say such a thing?"

Xiaobai patted his head: "Yes, I think I said that."

"Okay, your test is underwater, come with me."

After saying this, Xiaobai jumped down, jumped into the ring sea, and transformed into a giant white shark of more than 20 meters.

Shen Jianxin followed Xiaobai and dived into the water.

After diving down for about 200 meters, the light above his head had dimmed, and Xiaobai stopped at the edge of a huge crack in the sea.

"This is it. This large fissure is more than two thousand meters deep, and there is a secret passage at the bottom leading to the sea outside."

"You will stay here for the next year until the assessment is over."

Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment, spit out a string of tiny bubbles, and sent a message to Xiaobai: "Here? I, a human, have to survive in this water for a year? Are you not afraid that I will drown?"

Xiaobai's huge pupils showed a trace of doubt: "Drowning? Impossible. Don't you have Lord Poseidon's token on you? How could you drown here?"

"Poseidon's token?" Shen Jianxin's head twitched as he actually forgot about the Vast Sea Universe Cover given to him by Qian Renxue.

It has been two years since he got this thing, but he has never used it. It is almost gathering dust under the storage soul guide.

Taking out the Vast Sea Universe Shield and inputting a trace of soul power, a transparent barrier suddenly opened up, draining away the seawater around Shen Jianxin, forming a room-sized space.

The next moment, all the soul power and blood power in Shen Jianxin's body were sealed by an invisible force, and a feeling of weakness came instantly.

Losing the energy in his body, Shen Jianxin instantly fell to the ground.

Xiao Bai glanced at the triangular-shaped Vast Sea Universe Cover, with a hint of recollection in his eyes: "Sure enough, the Heart of the Poseidon is indeed in your hands."

As he spoke, Xiaobai opened his mouth and spit out a large amount of soul power into the Vast Sea Universe Barrier, causing the Vast Sea Universe Barrier to glow with faint blue brilliance.

"Well, with the support of these soul powers, the Sea Soul Heart can last for at least a week. During this period, I will send you food."

"In the future, you should stay here and practice."

"Oh, remember, don't even think about going up. When you get down, the test will have already started, and a barrier has been opened on the sea. You can't rush out with the energy in your body sealed."

"The space maintained by the heart of the ocean is the only place where you can adjust and rest."

Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment, then said with a helpless smile: "Then don't forget to bring me food and provide soul power to maintain the Poseidon's Heart."

"I know, you're so verbose."

After saying this, Xiaobai swung his tail gracefully, rolled up a series of air bubbles, and swam upward.

Shen Jianxin spread his hands helplessly: "It feels really bad to lose power. Even the fish don't like me anymore."

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