Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 271 The second test begins (2)

Shen Jianxin was left underwater, and Xiaobai slowly surfaced.

"Rongrong, you may not be able to see your careful brother for a whole year. You don't think he wants to eat and drink instead of tea, do you?"

As soon as he emerged from the water, Xiaobai couldn't wait to start teasing Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong's pretty face turned red: "No way. With so many people accompanying me, I won't miss him."

Xiaobai jumped out of the water and turned into a human form, lifting Ning Rongrong's chin: "Oh? Really?"

Ning Rongrong took a step back with red cheeks: "Yes, of course."

Xiaobai nodded: "Okay then, I have written down what you said verbatim. I will tell your careful brother later that he is not important in your heart at all."

Ning Rongrong was furious: "No, you can't go. I didn't say that. You can't talk nonsense."

Xiaobai laughed loudly and said: "Rongrong, you are really cute."

"Obviously he is a very smart person, but every time he mentions your careful brother, he acts as if he has completely lost his mind."

As soon as Xiaobai said this, everyone at the scene burst into laughter.

Only then did Ning Rongrong realize that Xiaobai was teasing her: "Xiaobai, you are really here to tease me again."

"And you guys, forget it if you don't help me, you just laugh at me along with her stinky fish."

Xiao Wu stepped forward and hugged Ning Rongrong's shoulders, laughing playfully: "That's because Rongrong like this is also very cute."

"Smart, quirky, silly, Rongrong, you don't know, you look completely different in different states. Your changeable personality is really interesting."

Ning Rongrong rolled her eyes at Xiao Wu: "It's funny how big you are, you damn rabbit, you just love to watch the fun."

"You are thousands of years old, and you are not mature at all."

Xiao Wu grabbed Ning Rongrong's shoulders, stuck out her tongue, and said naughtily: "Who said I am thousands of years old? I am just like you, I am only fifteen years old this year, okay?"

Ning Rongrong mercilessly shook off her slightly dishonest rabbit paw and said speechlessly: "Yes, yes, yes, fifteen years and hundreds of thousands of months, you are not yet a minor, you are still a baby."

With that said, Ning Rongrong turned to look at Dugu Yan aside: "Sister Yanyan, we have to stay here for a long time. Should we make a plan?"

Dugu Yan nodded: "Okay, then let me tell you what I think."

"First of all, within one year, everyone must break through the current level. I want to reach Soul Saint, and you will become Soul Emperor."

"Secondly, the sea soul beasts in the ring sea will not hurt us. This is the best opportunity to train in water combat, so everyone must find time to become familiar with water combat and prepare for passing the assessment after the breakthrough."

"Since the training time is also very tight, it is tentatively decided that each person will go into the water twice a week to become familiar with water fighting."

"The battle soul master and the auxiliary soul master can be combined into the water once to find the best combination and hone their clearance skills. The team can go into the water together to improve teamwork."

"You can make adjustments according to your own situation. Those who are fast in cultivation can practice more water fighting, and those who are slow in cultivation can practice more soul power and try to break through as early as possible."

Oscar nodded: "I'm still three levels short, and my cultivation is slow, so I need to strengthen my soul power cultivation."

Xiao Wu said: "Rong Rong and I are already at level 59 and will be able to break through soon, so we need to practice more water fighting."

Dugu Yan nodded: "Yes, that's it."

"If there are no other opinions, the plan will remain as it is for the time being. If there are any other issues, we will make adjustments later."

Everyone nodded in unison: "No problem!"

"Okay, let's start taking action."

From this day on, after being silent for who knows how many years, the ringed sea that had been guarding Poseidon Mountain became lively.

Every now and then, there are violent fluctuations like a stormy sea. From time to time, clusters of bright light burst out, and vortexes appear one after another in the churning sea water.

There are many techniques for water-based things, but just like cultivating soul power, there is not much trickery involved. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect.

Ning Rongrong, who was born and raised in the mainland, is basically a landlubber. Even the most basic dog paddle was learned in a freshwater lake.

This ring-shaped sea is rolling up huge waves all the time, and it has to fight with the sea spirit beasts in the water.

They struggled in the water from time to time, and since they were soul masters, their adaptability was much better than that of ordinary people, which allowed them to adapt to water battles very quickly.

Although it can't be said to swim in the water like a fish, at least the movement in the water will not be too hindered.

Even Ma Hongjun, a fire soul master who was extremely unaccustomed to water, adapted to fighting in the water during these water battles.

Although his combat effectiveness will inevitably decrease, with this continuous training, he can also display his seventh or eighth level of strength in the water.

If he had been flying in the sky to attack the sea soul beast that broke out of the water, then it can be said that his strength was not affected much.

Time passed, and eleven months passed quickly.

Shen Jianxin kept trying underwater. Now his internal organs have been well exercised under the huge water pressure, and the depth of the dive has reached more than 1,900 meters.

In the last few dozen meters, Shen Jianxin estimated that he could complete the breakthrough in two weeks at most.

Ning Rongrong and others on the water have also gained sufficient experience in these eleven months.

Eleven months of continuous training have made their cooperation extremely tacit, and their soul power, which has rapidly improved under the light of Poseidon, is no longer vain.

What's more important is that on this basis, they have achieved gratifying results in their soul power cultivation.

Three days ago, Oscar, who was the slowest in cultivation, finally absorbed the soul ring and successfully broke through to the level 61 food-type soul emperor realm.

The most powerful Dugu Yan, under the influence of Oscar's clean pearl intestines, after nearly a year of hard training, finally became the second being to break through to the Soul Saint after Shen Jianxin.

The current soul power level is Level 71 Control System Battle Soul Saint.

Since others don't have much pressure to practice, they have focused more on water battles this year.

But with everyone's talents, they all met the training plan they had set before.

Xiao Wu came from behind and became the third most powerful soul among the crowd, a level 63 power attack soul emperor.

Ning Rongrong, the 62nd level powerful auxiliary weapon soul emperor.

Ma Hongjun is a level 62 attack spirit emperor.

Zhu Zhuqing is a level 62 agility-attack fighting soul emperor.

Bai Chenxiang is a Level 62 Pure Sensitivity Battle Soul Emperor.

So far, the oldest among them, Dugu Yan, is only twenty-three years old, and the youngest, Zhu Zhuqing, has just turned sixteen.

However, their soul power cultivation level is as high as seventy-one and as low as sixty-one.

If the Senior Soul Master Academy Elite Competition can still be organized on the mainland, then with their current age and strength, they will definitely be able to defeat a large number of people and kill indiscriminately.

Of course, this is without fighting against the monster Shen Jianxin.

Shen Jianxin is only nineteen years old now, so she is fully qualified to compete.

It's just a pity that the situation on the mainland has reached the point of incompatibility. If the unification is not completed, there may not be another grand event like the Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition in the future that can cover the entire continent.

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