Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 276 Contra Shen Jianxin

Visit one city in one day, visit the entire Poseidon Island in seven days, and eat all kinds of delicious seafood.

Especially for this kind of original and pollution-free seafood, lobsters will not choke your neck, and crabs will not kill you with their scissor hands.

Of course, except for the sea soul beast.

Seven days later, Shen Jianxin and his party of eight gathered together again, in pairs. The boy looked a little haggard, while the girl looked gorgeous.

Don’t get me wrong, going shopping with girls is really tiring.

In the room, Shen Jianxin looked around, his eyes sweeping over everyone who was either tired or excited.

"Everyone, we have been relaxing for a week. I have decided to start absorbing the god-given soul ring today."

"Now, there is still some free time. It is best for everyone to calm down and make adjustments."

"When I finish absorbing it, we will be in the best condition to face the third assessment."

"Yes, Brother Shen"

Everyone dispersed, and Shen Jianxin returned to his room and took out a golden bead from the storage soul guide, which was a god-given soul ring.

The golden beads are completely transparent, as if they were carved from crystal, and are filled with a faint golden mist that is constantly flowing.

Shen Jianxin studied it for a moment, and even released his mental power to scan and sense, but he still could not figure out what the energy inside was.

"It's such a good thing. If it can be made artificially, there will be no shortage of soul rings to use in the future."

"Forget it, I can't understand it in a short time. Let's wait until we get back and let the scientific researchers study it."

Holding the god-given soul ring tightly and exerting slight force with his five fingers, the golden bead suddenly shattered, and a thick golden mist spurted out, pounced on Shen Jianxin, and enveloped him.

Feeling the same feeling as absorbing a soul ring, Shen Jianxin closed his eyes and was immersed in it.

Three days passed by, and the golden mist that enveloped Shen Jianxin was extremely thin, and it could even be said that it was almost completely gone.

Shen Jianxin opened his lips slightly and took a breath. The last golden mist gathered into a golden thread and was sucked into Shen Jianxin's mouth.

The next moment, seven soul rings, purple, purple, purple, black, black, blue gold, and blue gold, emerged from Shen Jianxin's body one by one, lighting up a faint light of different colors, rising and falling rhythmically around his body.

Suddenly, a flash of red light emitted from Shen Jianxin's body.

The red light became more and more intense, slowly condensing, and within a moment, a bright red soul ring condensed out.

The bright red soul ring had just been condensed and expanded in the wind, covering the other seven soul rings, occupying the outermost position and becoming Shen Jianxin's eighth soul ring.

The soul power in the body surged like a tide, roaring continuously. A huge soul pressure spurted out uncontrollably, whipping up strong winds and sweeping away in all directions.

"Be careful, brother has a breakthrough!"

Upon noticing the movement in the next room, Ning Rongrong's face lit up and she hurriedly rushed out of the room.

At this time, other people also noticed the movement and walked out of their respective rooms.

After a long time, the fluctuation of soul power stopped, and Shen Jianxin walked out of the room.

"Brother Shen (brother careful), congratulations on the breakthrough."

Looking at the people in front of him who were more excited than him, Shen Jianxin raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "There is a small breakthrough, the eighth ring of 100,000 years, level 83, not worth mentioning."

After completely draining the energy from the god-given soul ring, Shen Jianxin found that he only had 190,000 years to reach the sky, not even 200,000 years.

Originally, Shen Jianxin wanted to rely on his physical strength to prostitute Poseidon for a million-year soul ring for free, but now it seemed that there was no hope at all.

I don’t know if Poseidon knew that he was physically strong, so there was something wrong with the god-given soul ring given to him, or if all god-given soul rings were like this and could only last up to 190,000 years.

Shen Jianxin guessed that it was the latter. After all, it was very difficult for ordinary soul masters to absorb a hundred thousand year soul ring. Naturally, there was no need to inject too much energy into the god-given soul ring.

Moreover, it was free sex anyway, and even after hundreds of thousands of years, Shen Jianxin didn't mind it. What's more, there were two explosive soul skills that matched him extremely well. What else should he care about?

As for the soul power level, it is of course provided by the Divine Examination and the 100,000-year soul ring.

The divine test provides one level, and the absorption of a hundred thousand year soul ring provides two levels.

After another day of rest, everyone gathered together in the evening and enjoyed the last dinner before the assessment.

Early the next morning, Shen Jianxin led everyone to find Bo Saixi.

"High Priest, we have rested and want to start the third test."

Bo Saixi's expression remained the same, treating everyone gently, "No problem, please come with me."

Following Bo Saixi, they walked quickly. Two hours later, everyone walked through the woods, climbed over the hills, and passed almost all the terrain in Poseidon Island.

Just when Ning Rongrong and others, who were in their sixties and above, had exhausted their soul power and were unable to maintain their speed, everyone vaguely heard bursts of roaring sounds.

"Are you getting there?"

Ning Rongrong wiped the slight sweat from her brow and asked Shen Jianxin beside her.

"That should be the case. According to my estimation, we have almost crossed the entire Poseidon Island now."

Shen Jianxin responded and reached out to support the tired Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong smiled slightly: "I'm fine. The journey is not too tiring for me. Let's go quickly."

Soon, a mountain peak hundreds of meters high stood in front of everyone.

The mountain peak was completely made of rock, with no grass growing on it and the whole body was pitch black.

On the other side of the mountain, there was a continuous roar, like rolling thunder from the sky, one sound stronger than the other, deafening.

A height of several hundred meters is nothing to anyone who is even the lowest soul emperor.

Soon, when they reached the top of the mountain, what they saw in front of them made everyone present feel deeply shocked.

What appeared in front of them was a valley recessed into Poseidon Island, and outside, there was the endless sea.

The valley is concave into the island from the shore, with a diameter of less than 10,000 meters, deep inside, and slightly narrower on the left and right.

Underfoot are all dark rocks that reflect a metallic sheen, and when you step on them, they feel as hard as steel.

In fact, these are nothing. Shen Jianxin deliberately stepped on a small piece of the black rock as hard as steel. It was just some ore with extremely high metal density.

Everyone had already experienced the endless sea on the way to Poseidon Island, and there was nothing too surprising about it.

What really surprised them was the spectacular sight of the crashing waves in the valley sunken into Poseidon Island.

There seems to be a mysterious force in this valley. The water outside Poseidon Island is unusually calm, without any waves, but once it enters this valley, it will immediately turn into raging waves.

Waves hundreds of meters high were continuous and crashed heavily on the rocks beneath their feet. This was where the huge roar that everyone heard before came from.

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