Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 277 Angry Waves and Desperate Situation

The majestic and vast power of nature makes everyone feel chilling.

Compared with the sea, everyone couldn't help but feel that personal power seemed so insignificant in the face of the wrath of heaven and earth.

Seeing everyone's stunned expressions, Bo Saixi chuckled softly and said, "This is the place where you will take the third test. It is called the Raging Waves and Desperate Realm. It is one of the wonders of Poseidon Island."

"This is also a rare place in the sea where sea soul beasts are extinct. Even sea soul beasts like the Demonic Great White Shark will never come here."

"By the way, let me test you. Do you know where this sunken valley came from?"

Ma Hongjun guessed with a hint of horror: "It couldn't have been struck by the waves, right?"

Bo Saixi smiled calmly and said, "Little Fatty is very smart. You guessed it right. This is how this valley was formed."

"Under the constant impact of the waves, the rock is squeezed, just like being forged by a blacksmith. The impurities are tempered out, and the more solid metal material is retained, eventually forming this unique black stone."

"After hundreds of thousands of years of forging, these black stones have become as hard as fine steel. Even if they are used directly, they can forge sharp weapons that are rare for ordinary people."

Ma Hongjun swallowed hard: "Senior, the Tide Body Training does not mean that we should be trained on these rocks."

Bo Saixi smiled and nodded: "Little fat man, you are really smart, and you guessed it right again."

"Seeing as you have such a strong body, you must also like to exercise. Then I will pay special attention to you later and put you at the front to withstand the pressure of the first wave."

Ma Hongjun was stunned, and his facial features suddenly wrinkled into a bitter look: "Senior, no, senior, I am the only male of three generations in my family, please spare me."

"How about letting our captain stand in front? His body is stronger than this mountain rock. It will be absolutely easy to resist the first wave."

Shen Jianxin patted Ma Hongjun on the shoulder, smiled slightly and said, "Fat man, the power in my body needs to be sealed."

"If you don't stand up and fight in the front to relieve the pressure on others, do you still want Sister Yanyan to fight in the front? Or let Xiaowu, Zhuqing, or even Xiangxiang do it?"

Ma Hongjun was stunned for a moment, then let out a long sigh: "If I don't go to hell, who will? The name Ma Hongjun must be engraved in your minds and you will never forget it for the rest of your life!"

As soon as Ma Hongjun said this, he immediately aroused public indignation.

Ning Rongrong rolled her eyes at him: "Fat man, you are so disgusting and you will never forget it for the rest of your life. I have a careful brother and I don't need your help at all."

Xiao Wu glanced at Ma Hongjun disdainfully: "I am a soul beast in the form of a soul beast. She is also an attack-type soul beast, so I don't need you."

Dugu Yan smiled: "I am Soul Saint, Xiao Ao and I don't need you to worry about."

Zhu Zhuqing said weakly: "Master often says that you sweat more during practice and bleed less during war, so..."

Rejected by everyone, Ma Hongjun looked resentfully at Bai Chenxiang who had not yet spoken.

Bai Chenxiang silently walked to Zhu Zhuqing: "I think Zhu Qing is right."


The roar caused by the huge waves could not cover up the crisp sound of Ma Hongjun's cracking.

Seeing the interaction between the people in front of him, Bo Saixi smiled and felt a sense of relaxation deep in his heart that he had not seen for a long time.

It seemed that her youth was gradually awakening.

"Okay, stop making trouble."

Shen Jianxin interrupted everyone's fun, turned to look at Bo Saixi and said, "High Priest, please start the assessment for us."

Bo Saixi nodded and slowly raised the scepter in her hand. In an instant, a circle of sea-blue light suddenly released from her body, and nine soul rings, eight black and one red, surrounded her body.

Soul power surged, and a bright blue light erupted from the top of the scepter in Bo Saixi's hand.

The blue light shone brightly and spread to every corner of the valley below.

The next moment, the valley that was still roaring suddenly became calm.

The calmness was extremely abrupt, as if suppressed by some rules.

Immediately afterwards, a strong blue light flashed in Bo Saixi's eyes, and eight gray pillars slowly rose up on the calm sea.

At the top of each pillar, there is a small horizontal pillar, which is integrated with the thick pillar itself. The top looks like a cross.

On the cross, there are also five gray rings.

Seeing this, everyone naturally understood that they were going to be tied up to withstand the sea water.

Sure enough, the pillars rose, and Bo Saixi explained to everyone: "These pillars are made of precious deep-sea sunken silver. They are extremely hard and not afraid of being damaged by waves."

"Next, you all have to climb up these sunken silver pillars, accept the wash of the waves, remove impurities from your body, and temper your body."

"Those who have passed the Black Level 4 test have to stick to the Shen Yin Zhu for an average of two hours every day, totaling 730 hours in one year."

"Those who take the fifth black level test have three hours, a total of 1095 hours in one year."

"Those who take the Black Level Sixth Examination have four hours, a total of 1,460 hours in one year."

"The top seven exams last for five hours, totaling 1,825 hours."

"The top eight exams last for six hours, totaling 2190 hours."

"My Majesty, it will take you eleven hours, totaling 4015 hours."

"Of course, you can shorten some hours appropriately at the beginning of the assessment. Of course, you must complete the total target time by the end of the one-year period, otherwise, you will fail the assessment."

"And I will always be here to accompany you for the assessment. If anyone can't hold on, you can ask for help."

Bai Chenxiang glanced at the companions beside him, bit her lips and said, "Senior, what will happen if the assessment standards are exceeded?"

Bo Saixi glanced at her and said with a gentle smile: "Of course the longer you persist, the better. Don't forget that you got extra benefits in the second test."

"Lord Poseidon is extremely fair. No matter how much you pay, you will get as much benefit as you can."

"If any of you can reach the level of His Majesty, then your follow-up assessment will be completed directly, and Lord Poseidon will even grant additional rewards."

Bai Chenxiang's face lit up with joy, and she bowed respectfully to Bo Saixi and said, "Thank you, senior, for your advice."

Ma Hongjun stepped forward and grabbed Bai Chenxiang's hand, and said solemnly: "Don't worry, I'm here, I will help you."

Shen Jianxin patted Ma Hongjun on the shoulder: "Don't put all the pressure on yourself, Xiangxiang is also our companion."

Ning Rongrong said, "Yes, we are a group, and Xiangxiang is our sister. Helping her is also helping ourselves."

Xiao Wu patted her chest: "Don't worry, I only have the sixth black level exam, so I have enough energy to take care of Xiangxiang."

Dugu Yan said: "I only have the fifth black level test, and I still have some energy left."

Zhu Zhuqing said: "I can do it too."

Oscar stepped forward: "Support me morally, and I'll have enough sausage."

Bai Chenxiang's pupils were reddish, she smiled sweetly, and a few tears fell from the corners of her eyes, drifting away in the wind.

"Thank you, thank you everyone. I will definitely practice hard and live up to everyone's expectations."

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