Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 278 Tidal Body Forging

Huge waves came one after another. On the eight sunken silver pillars that stood motionless on the sea, eight more embarrassed figures soon appeared.

After understanding the specific rules, Shen Jianxin and the others resolutely started their first attempt at the third test.

From the initial panic, to surprise, to teasing, to embarrassment, it only took half an hour.

When the huge wave hit with monstrous force for the first time, when everyone thought of the black stone that was as fine as fine iron, everyone except Shen Jianxin tried their best to hold up their soul shields and closed their eyes tightly, showing a look of fear. .

However, although the waves were powerful, the impact they brought to everyone was not as great as imagined.

The Chen Yin Zhu remained motionless under the impact of the sea water. With the Chen Yin Zhu being fixed by the Chen Yin ring, they naturally did not have to worry about their bodies being washed away by the sea water.

With the protection of the soul shield, as long as he overcomes the fear in his heart, this third test of tidal body training seems to be nothing in the eyes of everyone.

Shen Jianxin understood that this was because of the small size of the crowd, the contact area with the surging waves was naturally small, and the force they withstood the impact of the waves was not even as good as the overall strength of the waves.

But a drop of water can penetrate a stone, and an iron pestle can also sharpen a needle. Those who underestimate the power of nature will eventually surrender to the ruthless destruction of nature.

Commonly known as, I’m convinced! !

Yes, the impact of a wave is not very strong, but what they have to face is a never-ending impact.

Before the first wave had completely passed, the second wave had already rushed over.

Their location was close to the rocks on the shore. The waves surged to a height of nearly a hundred meters and then crashed down heavily. With the soul power of the lowest soul emperor among the people, naturally there would not be too much damage at the beginning. a feeling of.

Just holding up the soul shield is enough to protect their safety.

But dozens or hundreds of times later, when their soul power gradually dried up, they had to rely on their own bodies to resist.

Only at this time did they understand what Tidal Body Refining was.

The soul shield was shattered, the seawater rushed towards the door, and the continuous feeling of suffocation was maddening.

The continuous waves hit the skin continuously, and the seawater stung the skin like needles, as if the seawater had penetrated into the body, constantly tempering the meridians, flesh, and bones of everyone.

It was numb and numb with a slight sting like a needle, as if there were countless ants crawling on the surface of the body, tearing at its own flesh and blood.

The turbulent waves showed their power step by step, and the people under the waves who lost their soul protection were miserable.

Among the eight, Shen Jianxin was in the best condition.

Although the energy in his body is sealed, his demigod body has already made his physical fitness much higher than that of ordinary people.

In the first test, he developed his resilience under the light of Poseidon, and in the second test, he also developed resistance to pressure in the deep sea, which made his body indestructible.

Next to them are Xiao Wu, Dugu Yan, and Ma Hongjun.

The little dancing soul beast transformed into a good physical condition, the Dugu Yan beast martial soul has the strength of a soul saint, and the Ma Hongjun beast martial soul has been refining its body for many years.

These three people could barely protect themselves from the impact of the waves, but they were completely unable to care for others.

Zhu Zhuqing and Bai Chenxiang could only grit their teeth and endure passively under the waves.

The ones in the worst situation were Ning Rongrong and Oscar. Both of them were of the auxiliary system. In terms of physical fitness, they were even inferior to Bai Chenxiang of the pure agility system.

If the first test hadn't been training under the light of Poseidon for a year, they would have passed out from the impact of hundreds of thousands of waves.

Even though their physical strength now far exceeds that of ordinary auxiliary soul masters, their whole bodies are still numb and in pain.

Although Bo Saixi said that she could ask for help if she couldn't bear it anymore, she would save everyone.

But which one of the eight people present is not a rare pride of heaven, and has a very resolute character. They fight against the sky, the earth, others, and themselves. Something called arrogance fills everyone's chest, making them He doesn't want to give up easily, and he doesn't want to admit that he is weaker than others, even if that person is himself.

What's more, the consequences of failing the divine test are looming behind him.

Unfortunately, when manpower was limited and they did not rely on their own strong willpower, in the end, everyone except Shen Jianxin fell unconscious under the waves, and were eventually rescued by Bo Saixi and brought back to the shore.

In the first attempt, except for Shen Jianxin who relied on his strong body and firm will to complete the first assessment, the others did not even complete half of their average assessment time.

After being rescued ashore by Bo Saixi, they remained in a coma until the next morning before they gradually woke up.

After this attempt, they also deeply understood that this seemingly simple third test was actually more painful than the first test and the first test combined.

If the first test tests soul power and tempers resilience, the second test tests actual combat ability in the sea and exercises the mastery of abilities, then the third test tests physical fitness and tempers human beings. will.

Willpower is an idealistic power that is difficult for humans to exercise, and its lower and upper limits are outrageous.

The lower limit can be so low that you can scream for several hours even if your skin is scratched, and the upper limit can be so high that you can grit your teeth and hold on even if you are cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

The tidal body training, through the continuous destruction of the body and the threat of death if the test fails, constantly squeezes everyone's potential and forces everyone to move forward.

As the saying goes, only by enduring hardship can one become a great person. Only by going through hardships can one become a saint in front of others.

Next, none of Shen Jianxin and others complained, and they all cycled through pain and suffering and waking up from coma.

Among them, the most painful one was definitely Ning Rongrong. As an auxiliary soul master, she was a weak girl, and she was the top eight tester after Shen Jianxin.

The total duration of the year is as high as 2190 hours, occupying half of the 365 days of the year.

Especially since her persistence time is short in the early stage, she will definitely have to work hard to make up for it in the later stage.

This means that she has almost no time to recuperate. She wakes up on the shore every day and then falls into coma in the waves.

Although Shen Jianxin felt sad watching it, he understood that this was the inevitable price to pay for gaining power, and no one could avoid it.

He could only learn from his experience under the waves, and then tell Ning Rongrong so that she could feel better and adapt as soon as possible.

Constantly suffering while awake, constantly sleeping in a coma.

It was not until three months later that Shen Jianxin, after being washed by waves for nearly 1,000 hours, summarized a set of techniques for using waves to temper the body based on his years of experience in bodybuilding.

Let your breathing rise and fall with the waves, control your muscles to rhythm with the waves, use the waves to exercise your body, and hone the way of gathering and shedding force.

As the techniques summed up by Shen Jianxin were gradually mastered by everyone, the muscles of the body began to tighten visibly, the skin became tougher, the strength increased, and the control of his body was also greatly improved.

It was only then that everyone felt a little bit relieved after all the hardships, and the dull daily life became cheerful at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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