Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 279 The fourth test, targeted training

Five months later, Bai Chenxiang reached 730 hours and completed her fourth black level exam.

However, in order to get a higher reward, Bai Chenxiang, who had higher potential, was allowed to delay the completion of the assessment under Bo Saixi's personal application.

After all, hard-working geniuses are also a type of genius.

It was also on this day that Ning Rongrong, under Shen Jianxin's continuous words and deeds, achieved the achievement of persisting under the waves for six hours.

However, she still had to make up for the time she owed in the future, which meant that she still had to make continuous progress, and even squeeze her potential all year round, in order to have any hope of completing the assessment.

In seven months, Dugu Yan reached 1095 hours and completed the fifth black level exam. In order to get a higher reward, he chose to delay completing the exam.

In eight months, Xiao Wu reached 1460 hours. In order to get a higher reward, she chose to extend the assessment to complete it.

In nine months, Zhu Zhuqing reached 1460 hours.

In the same month, Ma Hongjun reached 1825 hours.

In ten months, Oscar reached 1825 hours.

In twelve months, Ning Rongrong reached 2190 hours.

In the same month, Shen Jianxin reached 3650 hours, and at this point, everyone completed the assessment.

When everyone returned from the sea and stood in a row on the rocks on the top of the mountain, everyone felt as if they were in another world.

Among them, the one who felt the most deeply was undoubtedly Ning Rongrong, who had endured the most pain.

The face that was slightly baby fat before has lost a lot of weight, and the skin as white as milk has also turned into a healthy wheat color under the sun. The elegant and noble princess-like temperament has also been replaced by a heroic figure.

The overall appearance no longer has the weak feeling of the auxiliary soul masters in the past. Instead, she looks more heroic and brave like a fighting soul master girl, full of fearless aura.

After all, it is the sea that has conquered the wild waves, so it is not surprising that such a change occurs.

In fact, this is also the case. After Shen Jianxin summed up the body refining method and passed the tidal body refining, Ning Rongrong is now able to resist the frontal attack of a four-ring soul sect with only her physical fitness.

Shen Jianxin cried bitterly in his heart.

Because Ning Rongrong is becoming more and more like Qian Renxue. She is as beautiful as she is beautiful, but she has lost the attributes of a cute girl who is fragile and easy to push down.

Rich Loli is lost.

"Congratulations to you, you have gone through all the hardships and finally reaped the rewards."

Bo Saixi's joyful voice interrupted everyone's memories of the past year.

Shen Jianxin turned around and said, "Thank you, High Priest."

Everyone else bowed and saluted: "Senior, thank you for your hard work."

During this year, it was Bo Saixi who took care of them. In addition to rescuing them and providing them with food, Bo Saixi even mended their damaged clothes with his own hands.

Bo Saixi smiled gently: "It's nothing. It is my responsibility to allow you to conduct the assessment wholeheartedly. There is no need to say more words of thanks."

"There is still half a month before the assessment deadline. You ended the trial early today. Do you plan to complete the assessment today?"

Shen Jianxin nodded: "Rong Rong and I have reached the assessment time. If we continue, we will not improve much. It is better to complete the assessment in advance, rest for half a month to adjust the state, and then start the fourth examination."

Bo Saixi said: "Okay, then I will report it to Lord Poseidon today and request an end to your third assessment."

As soon as he finished speaking, Bo Saixi raised his scepter high, and a blue light wave spread out. Poseidon Mountain, which was in the center of Poseidon Island, suddenly erupted into a golden beam of light.


There was an explosion in the void, the marks between everyone's eyebrows were shattered, and the sound of reward settlement also sounded in their minds.

Bai Chenxiang: "Breaking through the limits, using my own efforts to close the gap in qualifications. The assessment period reached 1467 hours, exceeding 737 hours, reaching the limit of the sixth black level examination."

"The reward is to increase the soul power by one level, and the additional reward is to increase the life span of all soul rings by 737 years. The fourth black level examination is promoted to the fifth black level examination."

"The fourth test is lightning fast. The extreme speed makes you qualified to chase the wind and lightning. Go ahead, chase it and surpass it."

"Mission requirement: Crossing the sea of ​​thunderstorms."

Dugu Yan: "Breaking through the limits, using my own efforts to close the gap in qualifications. The assessment period reached 1,732 hours, exceeding 637 hours."

"The reward is to increase the soul power by one level, and the additional reward is to increase the life of all soul rings by 1137 years."

"The fourth test, Plague Master, poison can be a disaster, but it can also be a life-saving medicine."

"Task requirement: Produce poison enough to kill a titled Douluo within a quarter of an hour within one year."

Xiao Wu: "Breakthrough the limit. Reached 2012 hours, exceeded 552 hours, and reached the limit of the top seven exams."

"The reward is to increase the soul power by one level, and the additional reward is to increase the life of all soul rings by 1552 years."

"The fourth test is to have human faces and human hearts. Some people have human faces and animal hearts, and some beasts have animal faces and human hearts."

"Task requirements: Integrate into human beings, and within one year, obtain the recognition of ten Titled Douluo, or the recognition of 30 Contra Douluo."

"There are currently five Titled Douluo and three Soul Douluo, and the completion rate is 60%."

Zhu Zhuqing: "Break through the limit. The reward is to increase the soul power by one level, and the additional reward is to increase the life of all soul rings by 1236 years."

"The fourth test is elusive. As a qualified assassin, you must not only be proficient in assassination, but also proficient in hiding."

"Mission requirements: There are many pirates within a thousand miles of Poseidon Island. Break into them, find out the situation inside, and record the core information."

Ma Hongjun: ".The reward soul power will be increased by two levels, and the life span of all soul rings will be increased by 2225 years."

"The fourth test is to burn the river and boil the sea. Although I am the God of the Sea, I don't mind if someone challenges the sea. On the contrary, I extremely welcome this kind of behavior."

"Because only in this way can I prove my greatness after killing the enemy."

"Task requirement: Within one year, use soul skills to evaporate 1 million cubic meters of sea water."

Oscar: ".The reward soul power will be increased by two levels, and the life span of all soul rings will be increased by 2106."

"The fourth test is a sausage specialty. There are so many types of sausages and the effects are so good. Why not share them with others?"

"Task requirements: Within one year, let 80% of the soul masters on Poseidon Island eat your sausages. Note 1: Eating at least three different sausages is considered a passing indicator. Note 2: It needs to be made in person."

Ning Rongrong: "After the assessment is completed, the reward soul power will be increased by two levels, and the life span of all soul rings will be increased by 3000 years."

"The fourth test is to assist one's life. Fake assistance will only assist and protect teammates, but real assistance will only assist oneself and protect teammates."

"Task requirements: Within one year, defeat 100 war soul masters who are no lower than level ten of your own level alone, regardless of type."

Shen Jianxin: "After the assessment is completed, the reward soul power will be increased by two levels, the life span of all soul rings will be increased by 5000 years, and the life span of all soul bones will be increased by 5000 years."

"The fourth test, combat master, what skills can you plan for yourself? A real hero is to let your teammates fight."

"Task requirement: Within one year, design a self-created soul skill for each teammate and successfully practice it."

"Note: You are so talented, and the assessment allowed you to sum up the body-building method, so there must be no problem in helping your teammates design some self-created soul skills."

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